Time is torture

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They time cures everything, a broken heart, the flu and the fact the boyfriend doesn’t have a fucking clue who I am. It’s been three days and he still hasn’t remember anything, not even his own mother. The doctors say as the tissue glands in his brain are less swollen he'll regain memories, it could take week or month. I don’t want it to take a month, I want him to come home know. I've stayed there for the last two days, eating meatloaf and crying every second of the day. I dress in my sweat pants and Alex's former shirt, I volunteered to pick him up and take him home. Mrs. C is warming up to me, seeing as that her daughter in law, didn’t even call back or come visit him. I park in front of the gates and wait for them to bring him out.

"Can I see some ID Miss" They hand him over and I help him into his car. He looks around and plays with the radio. He flips it to a station with classic rock, just like the kind he has at home.

"You like this kind of music don’t you pretty girl" I nod and smile. I gasp when I realis he's singing along to the song. I want to call the doctor and tell him but I don’t want to risk another car accident, so I wait till we get home.

"This place sure is nice, how is it that we know each other?" He asked while pressing the bottom to his floor.

"How do you know what floor to go to?" I ask, his eyes widen and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I don’t know, I guess I just sort of, do. I remember things but I don’t know if their memories or just dreams. I dream a lot with you. I know, I know you but I can’t really place it." He looks into me and I want to jump into his eyes. I lead him out and stand in the hall three doors away from his.

"Do you know what door is ours" I smile because I've never said 'Our place' out loud. He nods no and my heart sinks. I walk up to doo 306 and open it, using my key.

"Welcome home Alex" he walks in and look around.

"DAMN, this is mine. I have to have some fancy job" I laugh and set his things in the laundry room.

"We share this place?" he smiles and I nod. I watch as he stops in front of a picture and looks at it for a long while. It’s us, making funny faces.

"Are we best friends?"

"Yea, we are in some ways" He walks up to the next picture of him biting my ear. He walks around until he finds the one of us kissing. He turns and looks at me, his face sad and tender.

"Your my girlfriend." he states is. I simple nod and watch as his face comes and goes with emotions.

"I knew what I felt for you was special." I sigh and I can’t help but tear up. He walks up to me and wipes my tears.

"I'm going to try harder pretty girl, I just need time." Sweet sweet time, more like torture.

"I know, I just, and I can’t help it." I move away from him and walk into his room.  He walked around for a bit and turned the TV on. I set a load in the washer and began to make dinner.

Recklessly Softजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें