Introductions and reality checks

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I was getting used to waking up next to Alex. He took me with him everywhere, I was never alone anymore; literally. I let him be, I get he was just trying to make oath to his promise but I tried to convince myself that he really just wanted to be around me. I met his brother today, he looked just like him except his eyes weren't as light as Alex's. He was super nice and he said he was happy he finally settle down for a normal chick. It seems Alex dated a total bitch before me, I'm happy I came off as normal. I hope his parents see me the same as Trevor did.

"So what'd you think of T? He's crazy huh?" He ask as we step out of the elevator. I smile up at him and he bend down to kiss me.

"I thought he was great. He seemed to like me, I hope your mom and dad do too." I snatch the keys from him and unlock the door. I knew Trevor had said I should come to Christmas dinner but I was super nervous, I had nothing to wear. Alex said I could walk in with a trash bag and they'd love me but I was still freaking out.

"They will baby. Don't you worry about a thing?" He stepped into the shower, and I walked around the house. I wanted to get him a present but he already had everything. I didn't know what to get him, then it hit me. He had no pictures of anyone around here, not one. He had a bunch of picture frames and they just had the picture they come with. I went into his office and grabbed his camera, picture time. I snapped a picture as he walked out of the room in a towel.

"Hey. No paparazzi" I snapped him in compel profile while scratching his head. I kept taking pictures as me moved around the room. Once he was dressed, he ran up to me and stole the camera. He began to take pictures of me. I smiled and made funny faces, I pulled him and we took pictures together. Making faces. Kissing and just straight up goofy, I loved all the pictures. Even the once he took as I undressed for him. I needed to escape today to get my dress and print the pictures. I took notes of some of the picture frames sizes around the house and had everything ready.

"Hey!" I said as I stood at the door of his office.

"What's up Sweet heart?" He smiled up at me from his papers. I knew he worked for his dad but I didn't know what his father did. All I knew was he owned some sort of company.

"I need to go out really quick. I'll only be a few hours." I said skipping to his desk.

"Take the truck, I don't want you walking around. It isn't safe." He stood up and handed me his keys. I knew how to drive like a pro, I showed him just the other day how to parallel park. I kissed him and was off. The mall was just twenty minutes away. I left the pictures to print and set off to find the perfect dress. I walked into a store that didn't look to expensive and searched but had no luck. I didn't know what to wear, they didn't seem to fit my taste's and Alex's parents. It was either one or the other.

"Can I help you?" asked the lady and I took a chance and told her just what I was looking for.

"I have just the thing. This way" she smiled and led me to the back. She handed me a red wine dress with long sleeves and it was perfect. I jumped into her and thanked her, she gave me tips on the makeup and hair style. I tried it on and feel in love with it. It pooled at my feet and it had a low back line, she said gold would look perfect and super classy. I picked out a pair of high heels that didn't scream elegance but where in my price range, besides I liked them, they were simple and cute. Thanks to Crystle I can spend a little more, know that I don't have to buy a laptop. Alex texted I and I miss you and I hurried up to pay for my things. I ran to the picture place and picked up my things. On my way home I caught myself singing, I laughed at myself because I never sing. I had to hide my dress and present behind the TV in the guest room.

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