I froze.

This kid. He... I...

He saw me as a... This... I.. Couldn't be. I mean there were better... FUCK.

The silence returned, thicker this time.

As more time passed the more I mulled over this information.

Hours seem to pass with the both of us in an untouched silence.

Until the door burst open.

A dishevelled Aunt May fell through the door.

Her hair was a mess and mascara was smudged under her eyes which were red, sore and puffy.

"I-I'm sorry i-'ve been taken ex-exstra shifts an-and m-my p-p-" she was quickly consoled by the other man in a hug.

"Shhh, its okay Miss Parker" He whispered.

"I-I didn't know, Michael " She chocked out as she clung to the man's shirt.

Michael... Michael Johnson. I had F.R.I.D.A.Y look him up.

He was in the special forces for 5 years as a medic. Only spent 2 years in the Amry before he was handpicked to be in the SF. He fought a lot, had numerous deployments before his last more than 5 years ago. The deployment reason was unclear as every record was scrapped.

He then spent the last 3 years as a psychiatric nurse.

His parents died a couple of years ago of separate courses.
One sister who he doesn't talk to
He's divorced
He had one son who died when he was 12 due to suicide.

Yes, this information was gathered illegally.

I looked at the two. Aunt May seemed to be a mess sitting next to her nephew. She clutched his hand and seemed to be muttering to him.

"I'll let you be..." I announced quietly and walked towards the door.

Closing it behind me I let out a breath. I didn't want the new set of tears to fall down my face.

Slowly I followed the signs to the cafeteria. We all need coffee or something slightly stronger.

The cafeteria was noisy when I arrived. The sound of the coffee machine slightly overpowered the talking and clattering of peoples cutlery.

I joined the line that was slowly moving.

"Hello, Sir what can I get you today?" An oddly cheery voice sang. It kicked me out of whatever thoughts I had.

"Uhh Three Coffees, please. Two black one white. But can I have milk shots with that?" I ordered with a scratchy voice.

"Of course sir! Would you like sugar with that as well?" She asked cheerfully.

"Yes, please," I murmured. I pulled out my card to pay and waited for 3 coffees to be handed to me.

When I got back to the room it was even quieter.

They both didn't regiester the door opening until I opened mouth. "I got some coffee..."

They both flicked their eyes towards me and gave tired smiles.

I handed the white coffee to Aunt she replied with a quiet "thank you" as I gave her some sugar packets and I gave a black one to Michael along with the milk shots and the rest of the sugar packets.

He gave a thankful smile before unscrewing the lid and adding his condiments.

More time passes.

It had been about two hours now and visiting time was almost over.

I tapped my fingers against the cold coffee mug. Noone had said a word since I came back.

It was a slight change at first. Then it happened quickly.

Beb beb boob.

Peter stiffened and then started shaking.

Michael let out a curse before ordering May to get help.

He then rushed to Peters side.

He pulled him into the recovery position.

Peter was seizing.

A flurry of nurses and doctors rushed into the room.

Pushing the two of us into the hallway with May.

Another alarm went off

and I caught glimpse of peter.

He was still again.

"I need a crash team in here!"

Crash team.

He went into cardiac arrest again...


Sooooo... Will Peter die? 😈

Thank you for reading 😇.

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