Far from home and a little Trust

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I watched as Peter sped up almost to a run towards two double doors and barge his way through. 'Is okay?' I thought with a frown. I felt like going after him but refrained myself I could let my cover get blown over a mistake.

"Hey, are you okay?" Nat asked as she joined me in the hallway. I kept my eyes towards the doors while turning my head to her only to look at her in the last second. "I just saw Peter..." I whispered as our guide followed her through. Natasha gave me a wide-eyed looked then looked around the hallway. Wich in spy langue meant "where?" My eyes flickered to the double doors that swang as the last patient went through.

"Where are the kids going? The one's who just went through that door?" I asked looking at the guide. She looked at me with her blue eyes and blond hair that was done up into a messy bun, thick-framed glasses sat gratefully on her nose.

"Oh, they're going to group teambuilding. They have it every week." She replied professionally. "My names Doctor Harly Quinzell by the way." She smiled while holding out a hand. Natasha and I shook it.

"Blain." I said with a smile as Natasha said "Feodora"

"Thank you so much for showing us around, we really appreciate it, doctor Quinzell." Natasha said with a grin.  "Oh please call me Harly." She announced.

I noticed her voice held an accent that didn't belong to the United States of America. "Is that a Gotham accent I hear?" I ask with genuine curiosity.

The doctor laughed as she led us down a hall. "Yes!" She smiled. 'This woman is very smile' I observed: "you're a long way from home." I stated, "yes, feels like home is a whole universe!" She chuckled.

A few minutes past.

"So group teamwork ... Is that like group therapy? " Natasha asked.

"No, group therapy happens every two weeks while team building happens every week. Teambuilding is with everyone in your block whole group therapy happens with cases similar to you this way we can cater the group to primarily fit that persons need and feel comforted with the support of their peers." Harly explained.

"Oh so like all the people with anxiety will have therapy concurrently and all the people who have Eating disorders will be together" (( A/N: please dont come after me this is what my friend said happened at his one all hospitals are different)) 

"Exactly," the doctor said.
"So this is our canteen." She went on to explain.

Peter Parker

"I swear dude if you drop me I'm going to hurt you." One of the boys who was currently being picked up from a bench and being carried while the boy who was holding him balanced on a beam. It was quite a funny sight if you ignore the fact that both boys have a long history of violence stacked against them.

I felt a nudge and turned my attention onto Wade. "Did you see those two visitors?" He whispered. "Yeah, that's the reason why I suddenly sped up." I whispered back. "You know them?" He questioned. I shook my head, lying.

"Peter, Wade I dont see you trusting each other over there!" A nurse called out. I and Wade rolled our eyes. 'Please I wouldn't trust him with a spoon let alone catching me.' I thought. 

I sighed as I turned my back to him. "Ready?" I asked, "Sure am." He replied as he held out my arms.  I closed my eyes and held my bread as I leaned back.

I felt my self tipping

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as something came towards me.


'I swear if this fucking doesn't...'

He caught me.

I let out the breath I was holding as the boy picked me up bridal and span me around while I chuckled.

I giggled with him as he still held me in his arms.

"Ew, you two are so gross!" Another boy yelled from across the room. A pang of pain but was promptly replaced with laughter as Wade shouted.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP YOUR JUST JEALOUS THAT WE HAVE A BETTER RELATIONSHIP THAN YOUR PARENTS COULD EVER DREAM OF!" This coursed the whole room to burst out with laughter as the teen glared at us.

This lasted a few minutes before the nurse shushed us and ordered us to grab some chairs and come sit in a circle.

The room filled with chairs scraping the floor and light chatter.

"Now," the nurse said when everyone was seated. " The biggest thing about trusting people is being able to tell them anything" 'Im pretty sure that's wrong but okay ' "so I want everyone to say the one thing that scares you the most." She stated as if it was a genius idea which was met with the appropriate response of big fat "Fuck off!"'s and sarcasm.

Anyway, we went around the circle, people gave off sarcastic answers and generic awnsers such as the dark and " people" which got a chuckle out of all of us. Even someone said "you" to the nurse. What did she expect? Us to magically open up to each other after only knowing each other for a few weeks? Hahaha yeah right!

"Peter." The nurse let out. I looked at her then turned to the person next to me. "James?" I asked.

"Peter you have to answer the question!" She started. "No, I don't you can't make me" I replied back with a smirk. She sighed. "This will be noted in your report, Peter." She muttered and I rolled my eyes.

The session continued.

-Later That Day-

"So what are you scared of?" I looked up at Wade who was sitting in front of me eating some mashed potato while I pushed around some carrots and gravy.

"Huh?" I asked. A little taken back.

"You heard me!" Wade stated, "what are you scared off?" He asked while taking a bite off his fork. That was one of the things I admired about him. He wasn't afraid to eat in front of me as many of the others were. They seemed scared that food was offending to me. Yeah, I know.

"Come on, I'll tell you mine" The teen in front of me comprised. I knew he wasn't scared of "Big hairy things with too many legs and eyes." Was really his fear.

"You first." I said.

"Okay," he started. "I'm scared my cancer will return... But I'm more scared of the treatment that came with it. I  mean it scared me literary." He held up his scard hands to prove it. "I'm also scared that the voices will go away again... The only time they did that was when....." He coughed to clear his throat. "Was when I was dead for four minutes... I don't remember much other than the fact I didn't hear the 'audience'." He admitted while whipping a tear away. I reached out and rubbed him on the shoulder.

"Now I feel bad about being so tight up about not telling mine..." I confessed.

Wade chuckled and looked at me. "Fear exists for a reason. It's there to keep us alive. People have different fears that have different severity because we haven't had the same life. Your fears trying to keep you alive fighting the biggest monster you've face while I'm fighting my own. We're just on the losing side at the moment." how can this boy be so positive and wise while being one of the stupidest people I know?

I smiled and looked down at my lap.

"So what are you afraid of?" He repeated.

"Well... Well, I guess I'm afraid of....."


YESS. know I promise you the next update won't take so long 😅. Thankyou so much for reading!

See ya later alligator!

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