Class discussions

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Toney Sark.

Mild chatter floated through the air, plastic blue chairs scraped against the floor, and the smell of cheap instant coffee was in the air. The chairs were organized in a semi-circle with a whiteboard in the centre. 

Some people were gravitating towards the seats. Others in small segregations dotted around the room conversing while a few others were over by the coffee table Overall, there were about 15 people, including myself. 

I saw a fold-up table to the side of the double doors I was standing in. It had clip-on name tags scattered around the centre and a note saying "Find your name." I found my name. Tony. S . I picked it up and placed it on my shirt pocket.  

I carefully made my way over to the coffee table, I felt many pairs of eyes on me. Well, then again, I am Tony Stark, who is known for having a cold shoulder.

The group by the coffee machine parted slightly so I could access the hot water pitcher in silence.
Their conversation had completely stopped and I felt a little awkward.

"...So... Kids huh?" That sounded even more awkward as it left my mouth and into my ears.

There was a slight pause before a man said "yeah, gotta love them." Ir was followed by an awkward laugh and I felt my face heat up slightly. I hate meeting new people when im not in a position of power. 

"Right to-be parents, please come take a seat." An Asian man who was standing in front of a roll down projector board announced. " we will be starting shortly" a woman added. 

slowly I made my way towards the semi-circle of chairs. I sat down next to a middle-aged man with ginger hair. we gave each other a tight awkward smiled as we made eye contact. 

I sighed internally. It feels like I'm 13 years old and back at school. 

I now realised that I severely lack social skills. 

Our attention was drawn to the projector screen as it switched to a PowerPoint. 

It was a plain professional-looking presentation with basic titles and diagrams, with a couple of photos of children and teens scattered around. 

The title was is Arial and displayed in bold. " The ins and outs of specialised fostering" 

I tapped my foot nervously as the presentation began. The two organisers talked about this as an introduction to the 6-week course and that we would meet three times a night then would meet once a week towards the end of the course. We went onto how to cope, such as talking with a social worker, and how to not feel disheartened when things don't always look positive. They also talked about treatment and medication there were people in this course who were looking to foster physically ill patients as well, so we had a section on how to not make them singled out even if by accident. It also went over how to implement routines into everyday life such as when to take any medications and how to enforce meal plans.

Overall the two-hour session was good. Until it got to the ice brakes. 

It seemed that even adults had to do the awkward, self-conscious inducing, hellscape which was ice breakers.

I'm not a social person, I prefer to keep to myself and only myself and now I have to introduce myself.

"We will go around the circle and say our name and a fact about us." What was this? Middle school?   

Lucky for me I had picked a seat a few away from the edge.

"Hi, I'm Sally Jackson and I love the colour blue." She looked like she did. She had a blue overcoat and blue shoes A blue skirt with black tight.

"Uhh my name is Adam Brice and I play in a band," the guy next to me said.

I swallowed hard,

"My names." I cleared my throat nervously "My name is Tony Stark and I... Really I like black coffee." Out of all the things I could have said... I said that...

The line went around and it was time to break up for the evening.

As I collected my things I bumped into the blue lady. We gave each other tight awkward smiles and walked out together. It took about two minutes of walking side by side to realise we were heading to the same subway station.

"So, that was an interesting introduction." She smirks awkwardly.

"Yeah... It was." I fiddled with my sleeve.

" like the colour blue?" I mentally slapped myself around the face.

"Yeah... You like black coffee?" I felt my cheeks flush slightly. What was I a teenager in middle school?

"I didn't know what else to say..." She let out an audibly sigh with a laugh attached.

"Me neither, I just thought I would state the obvious" she chuckled.

"If I would have stated the obvious I would have  sounded obnoxious"

"You are obnoxious." I laughed
"True but I didn't want to seem obnoxious."
When we came to the entrance of the subway. We stopped.

"Which way are you heading? " I asked.
"Downtown," she told me. I nodded.

"Well I'll see you in a few days Sally Jackson who likes the colour blue" she chuckled.

"See you soon Tony Stark who likes black coffee." I smiled and waved goodbye as we parted ways.

Tomorrow I go visit Peter for the day... I hope that it turns out okay, I honestly dont know how he will react to me. I mean he did hug me but he was full of pain meds and must have been high as a kite.

Shoving my hand in my pocket a cold gust of wind hollowed down the subway tunnels, signifying that the train was coming and I began my journey home.

Sitting in a secluded carried I opened my phone, there had been a few missed called and texts but nothing important.

Other than that, it would be a quiet night. I hope tomorrow will be as well.

Pls comment, it boots my ego.

This was a pain and a shit chapter, I lost where I was going with it. :,(

See you later alligator

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