Come Back

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Two weeks. that's how long Livs has been in this coma. all the cast are here at the hospital and have been all the time. We've put shows on hold because it would feel right doing them without liv. I'm the only one in the room with her and i know she can hear me so i say "hey livs. Can you please wake up. everyone is missing you soo much. Ami keeps asking where you are and i don't know how much longer i can lie and say that you're on vacation. i don't know how much longer i can go on. i know you can hear me so please listen and wake up. i love you". I have tears streaming down my face. i wipe them alway when pip walks in and says that everyone wants some time alone with livs.

—pips convo—
"Hey sis. i know you can hear me so listen carefully. Please come back. we all miss you like crazy. Ami asks me every day of i know when you're coming home and it breaks my heart to see how much she misses you. And also you better wake up because i found out i'm pregnant and there's no way i can do this without you. i have faith in you to pull through so please do it. okay. i love you soo much"

"yo livs. Now i'm shocked im crying as well. im not the guy who makes speeches or what ever this is but imma do it because you're like my best friend. but don't tell anyone because they all think they're my best friend. Now livs me and you both know that you're a fighter and can get through this. please do because as much as i love Ant, i can't deal with his moodiness. that's your job. Now imma dip because everyone wants to speak to you"

"my fellow cookie monster. i miss you and our cookie eating parties. now don't kill me but i may have turned your daughter into one of us. but don't worry the cookies were sugar free. i know how uptight you are about giving her sugar because she'll turn into Ant. but all jokes aside. Please wake up i miss you."

"hey olivia. i know that me and you aren't the best of friends. but all of the cast miss you like mad. Ant is a wreck without you. he hardly leaves your side. Ami needs her momma back"

"Livs, the girl who could make anyone laugh given the chance. come back. please. everyone needs you back. Ant needs you. he loves you soo much and Ami does too. she's such a funny kid. the other day she had a play date with bri and they've made a special bond. so come back so you and see it ".

That's all they could do now.. wait until Livs wakes up.

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