The Day Started Bad, But It Ended On A Wonderful Surprise.

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Harry peaked out of the covers to see if the morning sun was awake. Today was the day he had been waiting for, he was finally ten years old. Harry has always wanted a dirt bike, but his parents insisted on him waiting til he was older. His parents want him to be more responsible. After months of begging his parents and doing extra chores around the farm, they finally given in to the idea. Grinning from ear to ear, he jumped out of bed and raced downstairs.
"Mom! Dad! Harry called out. "Mom! Dad! It's my birthday! Today's my birthday!" As he reached the bottom of the stairs he noticed the kitchen wasn't filled with the smell of bacon and pancakes. The grin from his face disappeared. He begin to search the house inside and out to find his parents wasn't even home. A note was left out the refrigerator.

"Harrison, your father and I had to run into town for a bit. I made you a list of chores to have done before we get back. Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson is home if you need anything. There is cereal in the kitchen. P.S Happy Birthday."

Harry slumped in the chair and crumpled up the piece of paper. "But it's my birthday." He mumbled. The smile that was once showing all twenty of Harry's teeth was replaced by a frown. Grabbing a bowl from the cabinet, Harry poured his favorite cereal into the bowl. "This is turning into a bad day." He mumbled. Harry ate all of his cereal and started on his chores. Starting inside the house he made his bed, then continued til all inside chores were done. He walked outside to the hot sun beaming on him on his face. Harry walked out to the hen house gathering what eggs were laid. "Now you be nice Henny Penny. Yesterday you was feisty to me." Harry quickly grabbed the eggs and placed them into a basket full of hay.

Harry walked up to the porch and took a seat in the rocking chair, declaring his break time. A red truck was rolling up the drive way making dust fly up. "Ole Mr. Jefferson." Harry mumbled under his breath and he stood up from the rocking chair giving Mr. Jefferson a wave. Mr. Jefferson hopped out of his truck. "Hello there Harry."
"Hey Mr. Jefferson."
"Mrs. Rose told me to come check on you. Did you get your chores done?"
"I have to tend to the pigs and goats still."
Harry and Mr. Jefferson sat in the rocking chairs. They chatted about for a while before Mr. Jefferson left. "Goodbye Harry. Call me if you need me. Oh Harry, happy birthday." Mr. Jefferson said as he climbed into his truck.

Harry went back to tending to the animals. The goats crowded the gate blocking Harry from entering. "Little Joe, Frankie, and Brownie get back!" He yelled. The goats refused to move away. Harry climbed the fence jumping into the goat pen. Frankie the fat black and white goat ran and headed butted Harry in his butt. "Stop Frankie!" Harry yelled. Little Joe the smaller brown goat started nibbling Harry's pants leg. He quickly climbed over the fence, ripping part of his jeans. "Just great! As if my day couldn't get any better." Harry went to the barn to find the goats some feed. Big Sal the pet turkey bounded around the corner of the barn and charged Harry. "No Sal!" Harry screamed and ran towards the house.

Running into the house and slamming the door, Harry watched where Big Sal would wander off too. The big turkey stood by the steps for a little while then walked off into the woods. Harry came back outside and finished feeding the animals. By the time he was done his parents returned home from town.

"Hey Harry did you finish your chores?" Harry's dad asked. "I'm all done." They walked inside and begin putting away the groceries. "It's my tenth birthday today. Do you think I could get that bike now?" Harry asked. "We will see hun, but right now we need to get the house ready for the guest coming this afternoon." Izzie, Harry's mom responded. "Okay.." Harry sulked the rest of the morning.

In his room Harry slayed the zombies coming across his tv screen. "Take that zombies!" He pressed the buttons quickly slaying each zombie that came his way. Finally after mastering the ending level Harry turned off the game and headed back downstairs. He jumped on the couch and turned on his favorite cartoon. Harry's mom's voice called from the kitchen, "Harry you have a visitor!"
Harry clicked off the tv and walked outside. "Hey Charlie!" Harry grinned and waved as he ran towards the car. "What are you doing here?" Harry asked. "My mom said I could come visit. I practically begged her to bring me." Charlie said.

Charlie was Harry's best friend from school. They did everything together. Charlie also had a dirt bike, which is where Harry got the idea of wanting one. When Harry would go to Charlie's house they would ride it around for hours. Charlie taught Harry everything he needed to know about riding dirt bikes, and ever since then a dirt bike is all Harry wanted.

The two boys played outside while the parents was preparing for Harry's secret birthday party. They tossed a football around, climbed some old trees, and then picked blueberries from a bush.
"My mom said you're supposed to wash them before eating them, but I like to eat them right off the bush." Charlie said popping a blueberry into his mouth. "Same here." Harry giggled as he tossed one in the air and caught it.
After picking blueberries the boys walked back to the house. They grabbed a drink from the fridge and headed upstairs.

The time had finally come for birthday party. Everyone knew about the party except for Harry. In fact Harry didn't think he was getting anything for his birthday. "Harry let's play a game." Charlie said. "What kind of game?" Harry questioned. Charlie handed him a blindfold, "put this on." Harry was hesitant at first but did it anyways.
"What's this game called." Harry asked.
"Umm it's called 'Surpise.'"

Carefully Charlie helped Harry down the stairs and out the house. As they took each step Harry grew anxious. "Come on Charlie. Tell me where we are going."
"We are almost there but you have to keep that blindfold on or you lose the game." Charlie explained. Harry trusted Charlie and kept going.
Charlie stopped Harry and turned him facing his birthday present. "In three take off the blindfold." Charlie said. "Are you sure?" Harry asked. "Trust me."
Harry took off the blind fold, blinked his eyes a couple of times, and screamed. "It's a dirt bike! I got what I wanted!" Everyone cheered and laughed.
" You don't know how hard it was to keep this a secret." Charlie said.

Everyone enjoyed the party. Harry wrote his bike until his parents forced him off of it. What started as a bad day for Harry turned out to be the best wonderful surprise.

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