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Hey. Not anything bad today.... So far anyway. I guess the caffeine headache I have can be considered bad, but its whatever. I'll get some water in a bit..... Or later, whichever. I work today, but I have enough caffeine to make a sloth hyper. Which is good, Pencious is being a pain. He wants me to do so much, with only a little time, hence the caffeine. He  doesn't seeem to get that I need time. I'll be back later with an edit, I gotta do the work and my keyboard is dying.

Edit time: 6:43 pm original entry 3:15 pm
Hey, I'm back for a bit. Got some free time, not much but some. Getting some food in my system, and editing this. I don't really know what I can tell you about what I am working on for Pencious, but I can tell you that it's not more eggs.

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