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Real talk time.

How the ever loving fuck are some of my comments on my book that is literally about a depressed DEMON offensive, but the book it's self isn't? Now I'm not saying to report it, but, and I can't stress this enough, GROW THE HECK UP AND STOP REPORTING SHIT FOR SWEARING!!!!!!!! Now, I asked nicely in the book, and the first comment on that chapter was reported for being offensive, as stated in the chapter, I want to read EVERY comment and decide for myself if it is offensive or destructive or whatever. It is literally a journal of a depressed, sometimes suicidal, DEMON, if you don't like it or the comments, whether they are filled with swears or not, then LEAVE!! There are plenty of other books on this website/app. Go read one of them, or I even have other books, most of which aren't even read, but have the same basic layout. Go read one of those. Now I love every one of you who are kind enough to read the absolute crap that is Baxter's Journal, but again, HE IS A DEPRESSED AND SOMETIMES SUICIDAL DEMON, some of the comments that are being reported are telling about that persons own experiences, and ways that have helped them, so how about we read the comment before going "Oh, they said 'fuck' Imma do a heckin report, and if it was important, oh well." Like seriously, I put a lot of my self into my Baxter, and some of the things that he goes through are relevant to me, and I am actually trying some of the tips that are given to him, and would absolutely love it if people could grow the heck up and realise that not everything in other people's lives is perfect. And some times it helps being able to help someone else who is going through something similar. So, please, for the love of Lucifer, think and actually read, before reporting, or better yet, let the author make that judgement call.

Sorry about the rant, it's just frustrating that people in 2020 can't get their heads far enough out of their asses to know the difference between a joke, being helpful, and giving actual advice, and just being a dick. Any way, love y'all. If you guys ever need to talk, just message me, I'll get back with you asap, I don't always have the best internet, but I will try to be there for you. Just please, please, please, stop reporting comments on my books without true cause. And just because a mature joke/comment hurt your feelings isn't a real reason.

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