But he's so hard it's painful now, and he's too impatient. He picks himself up on his knees, nibbling with his teeth as he clasps the back of her knees and raises her legs until they're almost over his shoulders.

Nina groans. "Oh, yes, please," she lets out, rolling back her head as he raises himself away from her chest. "Don't need a condom, just -- oh, please."

Mockingly he furrows his eyebrows. "I'm confused," he says, leaning over her for half a second before he drops to his stomach on the bed, hands on the backs of her thighs to pin back her legs, face dangerously close to her centre. "You want my cock already? Are you that desperate?"

Her head pokes up, visibly surprised, wide eyes meeting his. Speechless.

Grinning, he plants a wet kiss on her left thigh, then sucks gently, waiting until she yelps. Then he moves closer, repeats -- then her right thigh, until her legs are tightening around his head and her hips are lifting off the bed. He knows she can feel his breath against her, and knows it's probably driving her mad -- and it's a thought that drives him wild too.

He has no choice but to bury his face against her, and she pulls in a sharp breath with a high-pitched whimper from the shock of it. Then she sighs out the loudest groan of the night, mixed with a half-laugh ... a sound of relief.

At some point his eyes close, concentrating, but he can feel her fingers scratching at his scalp, both hands. He grips her thighs so tightly he could be bruising with his fingertips and nails, but she doesn't care; she lets him hold them up and almost against her chest, opening her up to him. She tastes of a pleasant half-sweetness, and God, she's --

"You're so fucking wet," he groans, without thinking.

"I was in your clothes, in your apartment, in your bed every night," she echoes his own words back at him. "And I've wanted you from the beginning. Every second. What do you expect?"

He hums a laugh, and the vibrations make her jerk and fall back from her elbows to her back with a soft bounce of the bed. Softly, he thinks he hears her beg him to do it again, but her thighs are almost trapping his ears. Not that he cares. He cares about nothing else in the world right now -- only this girl.

"Do you wanna come in my mouth, or on my cock?" he pulls back to ask, returning momentarily to his work of ruining her before he adds, "Ideally both."

"Mouth," she whispers, begs. "Mouth, oh, please. I'm not even -- I'm -- I'm close. Don't stop."

He couldn't imagine it.

When she comes, her mouth opens, she hand tightens in his hair, and her entire body stiffens and goes tense -- aside from her thighs, which tremble in the tight grip of his large hands and try to clench around his head. Her hips jerk as she comes down, trying to push him away and seek him out at the same time, as he slowly lets up the pace of his tongue on her clit.

Kissing her thighs as he lets them drop to lie flat on the bed, then her hips, then her breasts, then finally her lips, he grins as he makes his way up, watching her shake all the while.

"We're not done," he says. "You can take another, right?"

Eyes closed, she nods, slowly at first but then more eagerly.

He grips her thighs, jerking her up slightly so her hips are propped up on his knees, before he pulls himself free of his pants. Practically throbbing at this point, he starts to position himself and runs the head against the opening of her, soaking wet and warm. Fuck. But he can't, not yet--

nina cried power [SPENCER REID]Where stories live. Discover now