Start from the beginning

'Well! Well!' The man wished; his eyebrows pulled up with cheekbones raised up as he smiled. The features remained similar to the other blue-eyed man that stood beside him, but not as dominated as his. His expressions were totally impassive, hard to read yet at the same time filled with certain compassion.

'Jacob and Leah!' He offered a handshake. 'Nice meeting you guy's!'

I shook my hand gently. 'Good to see you too.'

He pursed his lips. 'Something you both would like to have?'

I shook my head while Leah inhaled and held her breath to speak. 'So I think it's time, we should talk about-' She paused. '_for what we are here.'

His eyes narrowed at her. 'You're a little curious one. Aren't you?' He scoffed. 'Well, being a professor I'm oddly habituated to resolve curiosities, but before this_' He paused and came to sit in front of us. '_there's a condition that needs to be fulfilled.'

I breathed. 'Anything.'

He flashed a slight grin, as his lips twitched being pleased. 'A moment comes rarely but still it comes; when an age ends and we step out from old to the new and that's the time we step forward to live for whatever we have been provided with. Some of those pains from the past continues even now, but the past is over and it's the future that beckons to us.' He blinked.

'Future to keep moving ahead so that we may fulfill what's decided for us and the one's we need to decide today.' He said. 'And I had already moved past all those tears and suffering whose trails are centuries back. So after I tell you everything about me and my past I don't want our paths to be crossed again.'

He gazed at me, waiting for my response. I nodded gently.

He smiled. 'That's great!' He paused. 'So from where should I start? Um...' He tapped his feet.

I thought for a pause of second while he stopped. Why would such an ambitious man like him would recognize the past as an injustice to him? But something deep inside me kept hitting my mind. Where is the women- uh! Ashley? Why isn't she present here?

'Okay, I should probably start from where you've been missing out! The Blessing!' He smirked. 'Am I right?'

'How did you...?' Leah asked, surprised. I was dazed by this coincident too.

'Because no one knew what actually happened after that.' He blinked and sighed.

'That day I was roaming in the forest sensing the beauty of the creation. Hmph! But when it comes to creation, we were considered The Protectors...from bad, worse or even worst. And I crashed over a vampire.' He broke off, his eyes burned in certain agression. 'Dominating it's powers on a women. Being a helping hornbill I kill the vampire.' His voice lowered.

'And to my surprise the woman was a witch who certainly was mesmerized by my powers and the purpose I used it for. She never wanted any-kind-of-us to ever stop existing and for this she spellbound us, channeling the power of the immortality of the moon. Being the day when moon phased crescent and there we are called THE ANIWAYA CRESCENT WOLF CLAN, invulnerable to any weapon that ever exists in this world.'

'Too many people know the price of everything but the value of nothing. I did never know the value of what I had.....the choice of my life and death which were in my hands but now I had none of it.' He blinked. 'It was like a painkiller to me. It gave an instant relief for being one of an indestructible immortal being on this earth but it had its side effects forever because the pain kept returning. It was never cured, just suppressed for the time being. After few years of living a peaceful and normal life like before, it was the time we were attacked the second time. I and my other two brothers_'

ECHOES OF THE WIND : Jacob & RenesmeeWhere stories live. Discover now