Exploiting Passions

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Eileen had been given a small black onyx stone that would burn as a signal for when a meeting of the "Dark Order" was. It worked because it had a Protean charm. She could hardly wait for the first one, as she considered her initiation ceremony to not have been a real meeting to her. After all, she was not allowed to partcipate in the proceedings before the ritual to have her inducted. But now, she would get her chance.

She had also been informed that the next meeting would take place at a secret passageway on the fourth floor. She did not know, but Riddle liked to change the location of the meetings and the times, so that it would be harder for anyone to discover it. Even if they did, it was not illegal to hold a student organization at Hogwarts, and they would not be detected in open wrongdoing as some of the followers served as lookouts for every meeting.

A few days after Eileen's birthday (which was February ninth, by the way) she felt a jolt of happiness when the little stone started burning. It was a Wednesday evening just after eight o'clock. She could hardly wait to get to talk to Tom Riddle. He had almost completely ignored her ever since the incident with Rubeus Hagrid. Eileen never found out if he was angry that she had got Professor Dumbledore or not.

She left her dormitory and crept out of the tunnel. Once outside the common room, she made sure to act nonchalant as she went up to the fourth floor, despite the fact that her heart was bursting with excitement.

Alongside the wall was a large mirror that Eileen observed from a distance people were muttering an incantation and disappearing behind it.

There were a few other boys who were standing like sentinels at locations all along the corridor, to report any warnings of outsiders.

Once she was standing in front of the mirror, a guard (who turned out to be Rosier) whispered harshly, "A Disillusionment charm gets you behind the barrier."

Eileen did some quick thinking and recalled the charm, that she had only just learned to do this year. She whispered the incantation, tapping her wand against the mirror and then she slipped forward.

Once inside, she saw that there was a labyrinth of empty passageways bathed in a misty blue light. She could not figure out it's source. The scores of passageways seemed all to lead to one destination in one direction, as the detours were only short hallways.

Within a few minutes, she unexpectedly came in front of a very large room where all the followers were congregated, with Riddle in front of the semi-circle of them.

Eileen, feeling dreadfully shy stepped within the circle as subtily as she could. But it did not matter, Riddle easily noticed her as he was in front of them all, but at least nobody else seemed to care. Eileen was relieved to see several seconds later a few more followers arrived. At least she was not late.

Evidently, Riddle had just paused in his speech for the followers present were applauding him with a racket that was certainly not polite to outsiders.

Although Tom Riddle had told only two that he was the Heir of Slytherin and had of course, admitted to none that he opened the Chamber of Secrets he said, "All I ask is to continue targeting imbeciles like Rubeus Hagrid. In apprehending that great oaf, it was easy to convince Dippit. Why? Because he too holds our beliefs against giants and half-breeds. So I worked the values to my advantage."

More applause ensued. It seemed like everyone was treating Riddle like a hero. "Now...for the attacks that have happened at Hogwarts..." Riddle said loudly, and Eileen could of sworn she saw him wink at her.

Instantly, there was a hush over the semi-circle as some suspected that Tom may be involved in the attacks. But of course, the followers attitude was approving, to a level that made them ardent supporters. Tom, meanwhile was feeling a wonderful sense of release. If he couldn't admit to it, he could at least speak safely of it, devoid of risk amongst the future Death Eaters.

"You are all to feel glad...satisfcation, " he said fiercly, beginning to instill fear. "The school is being purged of the filthiest blood. Of course, our adversaries, our enemies. Many of them reside in Gryffindor, living under the fool, Albus Dumbledore and they may single you out," it was not true that Riddle considered Dumbledore a fool.

"Besides myself, as there is little chance I'll be accused of the attacks being what is it? The Golden boy of Hogwarts," Riddle laughed delightedly and smirked at the same time. Then he became serious once more, "If ever...I hear your accused...be confident that I, the master of this organization will seek you protection. I'll arrange a set-up to make sure your cleared of being accused of the source of the attacks on mudbloods. Of course...you'll loyalty will never waver and you will repay when the time comes. For I assure that when I am known as the Dark Lord over the entire wizarding world... we shall coerce, torture, kill the filth to the highest degree!" Riddle had just spoken like it was a political speech and he was certainly rallying his convention.

There were shouts and screams in response. Tom had manipulated their pure-blood supremicist mentality to fit his own agenda for himself.

"But I am going further with both experimentation and our target of victims. You...Lestrange are partially responsible for...discretely getting my influence into the Ministry of Magic, and even the international Wizengamot."

Lestrange bowed and spoke in a humble voice, "Yes, My Lord. Only to serve you," he added, afraid Riddle might suddenly accuse him of something like a libelous sedition against Riddle.

"Prove to me tonight that you can operate the so-called Unforgiveables...or surprise me. Show me something else practical of the Dark Arts. You have a half-hour. All of you know the drill. Start." Riddle's role of activator changed. It was now like his authority was a teacher or as Riddle liked to think training his future army, that would deliberate one day under stealth.

People dispersed across the large room, that was ideal for making space to practice magic in. Eileen looked around frantically, scanning every face. Finally, she decided the one member she was least afraid of because he helped her that night after her initiation. It was Avery. She only hoped she had not under-estimated him.

"Partner up with me, Avery," she said in an unusually bold voice.

He made no objections, but took his wand out and looked around the room. "Sometimes snakes are used...but Riddle wants us to go against each other," he stated in a dry, ambiguous tone.

It was true. Everyone seemed to be dueling each other, each trying to overpower their partner.

Eileen with her wand out, and raised said, "It's like we're dueling, right?"

"Yes!," he yelled impatiently. Riddle was quickly making his way around, giving each pair specialized attention and Avery did not want to get caught doing nothing.

Facing each other, Avery and Prince turned abruptly on the spot and walked away, taking the rule of three steps. They spun around and Eileen could not believe her luck.

Avery and Eileen each spent several seconds desperately trying to work either the Imperius or Cruciatus on each other. Thinking of the way Riddle loved to control her, she channeled it into herself pretending she was as powerful as Tom. Saying "Imperio!" for the fifth time, it finally worked.

It was obvious from the look on Avery's face. He now looked blank as a souless, empty shell. Eileen knew Riddle would be at her group, (if he wasn't watching from a distance already) and she had to tell him to do something deviant.

"Fall on your knees," she first tried, as a simple test to be sure he was under it. Then she said in a loud whisper, "Stop breathing!"

Astounded, Eileen watched as Avery's face became red from the shock his body was undergoing.

She raised her wand to lift the spell and realized she did not know how to lift the spell off. She yelled "Imperio," but it did not work. She then finally realized what simple spell it was to detach the incantation of the curse.

Eileen herself had almost stopped breathing. She could not believe how she had almost been responsible for someone dieing. From the shock, she was caught off guard. Seconds later, Avery retaliated.

She did not know what he had hit her with. Avery had muttered, "Sanguia." Eileen felt like she was being sucked down into a black hole and she was becoming subdued. She could feel her organs and blood mesh together, and she was on the ground seeing stars. She felt like she had lost all her wits. It was just her blood and guts.

Riddle had finally strolled over to them. She vaguely heard Riddle say as if his voice was an echo " Magic used to manipulate corpses to do one's bidding, Avery. I would have never guessed it to be knowledge that you could possess."

Avery smiled, his eyes dazzled with light. Although an underhanded compliment, to Avery it was a complete compliment. "Thank-you Master," he said.

Riddle then briefly looked up at the whole group, taking in everyone. For it was like he was omniscient or everywhere at once as he watched his followers. He had heard, Eileen moments before desperately trying to take the Imperius curse off him. Riddle had not cared to intervene.

Avery, his brown curly bangs, covering his eyes looked down at Eileen and then decided it was time to take the curse off her and lifted it.

It took Eileen several seconds to come back totally. She was very dizzy. Riddle picked her up (not roughly) by the fore-arm, and she swayed. Eileen interpreted it as affection or pity, but it really was not.

"Apparently your not as strong as I hoped, Eileen," he said sarcastically, but Eileen did not realize that. He looked down at her with disdain, "You don't do much on the Dark Arts? Resigned to just reading about it, are you?"

He was belittling her and he knew just what to say to incense her.

"No!...My Lord, please. I did the Imperius and...Avery couldn't resist it," she said in a small, constrained tone, terrified she would insult him.

"Let the experts, like me handle it. The only who would protect you, Eileen is me. Make sure to remember that," he lied about wanting to protect her, making her feel guilty and he was almost mocking the idea of protecting her as he finished his encounter with them, "You must make progress."

After a few more minutes of practice, in which Eileen did not do as badly as Riddle had purposefully made her feel she did, the meeting was over. Riddle reminded the group at the end that they finish with a mundane spell with their wand. The reason was, that if an outsider like an authority confiscated their wand, they would not see dark magic as the last spell performed.

Eileen thinking she was free to leave felt like she was returning to Hogwarts. For that hour, it had been as if she had been transported outside the school because the Headmaster and professors were not whom she answered to. Tom Riddle was the boss and absolute authority during meetings. She was also reminded of what Tom had first told her about magic in the library just before Christmas. She recalled a quote from the book she been tested on, "Infamous for their ability to torture the body, possess the mind and sap the spirit of it's powers." She was still fascinated by the Dark Arts and vowed within herself to impress Tom next time.

She was at the back of the crowd of over a dozen individuals (still all boys except herself) when Riddle who was lingering with Rookwood off to the side said, "Stay behind, Eileen."

Stopping in her steps, her heart also seemed to stop from trepedition. And then her head began to swim with all the worst-case scenarios her imagination could come up with. Yet she had no idea what Tom Riddle's rage could be like. Perhaps one day she will see it.

Rookwood was standing beside Riddle. Rookwood looked mutinous, his sallow face clearly showing it. "Shall I present it, My Lord?" he asked plaintively.

"Yes, show her what you've been creating for her for the last three weeks," Riddle responded cooly, toying his wand with his fingers delicately.

Rookwood withdrew a corked flask from his robes in one sweeping second.

Eileen smiled, her eyes sparkling with happiness because Tom had finally kept a promise. He had not lied. Little did she know, that the potion she was about to be given was something with a dark side to it and Tom Riddle knew all about it's dark side. It was lethal, but not dark magic.

Riddle darted forward and took the flask from Augustus most possessively.

Then he turned to Eileen, looking at it her calculatingly.

Eileen nervously grimaced at him, and then inched closer to Tom, eyeing the potion.

Tom flicked his wrist with the arm holding his wand. A ruby-red goblet was conjured, floating. Tom pocketed his wand, then opened the flask. Once the potion was opened, all three of them heard a crinkling sound. It seemed like the potion emanated power.

He then grasped the goblet and poured a small amount of the contents of the flask in. Now the ruby-red goblet was gleaming from the iridescenent light of the potion. Eileen looked into the goblet and remarked, "It's a beautiful potion, Tom," and she looked him in the eyes.

Riddle answered calmly after a second, "A beautiful potion, for a beautiful girl."

The potion really was beautiful. It was white, with tiny sparks of the rainbow of every possible color. It seemed to have a light of it's own. But in reality it was a decieving appearance.

"Will she hurry up and drink it?," Rookwood said, directing all his rudeness towards Eileen not Riddle.

Eileen immediately reacted, and took the goblet from Riddle and pressed it to her lips. Opening her lips to sip, she suddenly stopped and lowered the goblet away from her, like it was revolting.

"I spent three weeks. Three weeks of constant toiling making that," Rookwood said bitterly. "And now she won't have it!"

Tom glared at him, quickly loosing his wish for his follower to be present. "Leave us, Rookwood!"

Rookwood stayed rooted to the spot and Riddle spoke again, "I'll remind her just how lucky she is once more and then she will consume."

Rookwood raced away still in a flurry of resentment at being confined to this task. With the knowledge he would have to brew it again in at least five weeks time before the drinker runs out.

The room was once again silent. Eileen broke it and said, "I c-can't take that. I don't trust it," Eileen felt her brown eyes fill with tears. Why was she putting herself through all this misery?, she thought.

"Why ever not, Eileen?" Tom questioned in an innocent tone, as if truly concerned at her apprehensions.

"Because I'm afraid it will hurt me," she mumbled. Her hands holding the goblet started to shake, as she was losing control.

Tom took the goblet from her gently. He looked her straight in the eyes with a determined expression. There was no way he was going to permit her to post-pone taking the Elixir of Youth.

"Sit down, Eileen. Make yourself comfortable."

Eileen sat. Her back against the wall.

Tom knelt beside her, as if proposing marriage.

"Tom your being ...understanding. I'm so glad....," she said in a wavery voice.

He put his hand lightly on her shoulder, "Your confused, Eileen. Afterall, your senses have been meddled with tonight. Don't you recall being under the Imperius curse?"

"Of course, but...this potion scares me."

Riddle laughed. "It scares you?! How could it? Does this look, like dark magic to you? An answer, if you please. Does this look like dark magic?"

"No, not at all."

"Exactly. Because it isn't. You have been reading too much on that subject. It has influenced you and confused your perceptions of magic. Remember, I said the Elixirs result is that you'll get your deepest desire," he rationalized with her.

"Oh, right. You've been telling me that all along." She now felt so stupid. He was giving her such excellent reasons.

"Only because it's the wonderful truth. Think of it as a belated birthday gift from your master. Drink it and you'll feel like a goddess and henceforth, you'll be mine," he finished his dark blue-grey eyes glittering with a seductive hunger.

Eileen smiled, her mouth wide open, "And I'll want you even more?"

Riddle frowned, somewhat surprised she had stated that. He changed his appearance to looking pensive. "I suppose that could occur, Eileen....Just drink it up," he added.

He pressed the goblet to her lips holding it for her. She drank the ounce, in one desperate gulp.

The confuion she had been feeling a moment before was disappearing. Replacing it was an acute awareness evident by her eyes, drinking in her surroundings and resting on Riddle. Her cheeks seemed to flush, and she began to breath like she was panting. She began to rock back and forth, as it was a way to let off the torrent of mania she was feeling in her heart.

"In a few days you'll look different, better," spoke Riddle. Eileen certainly heard his words, but it was the sight of him that was electrifying her with a passion she could not understand. "But I must say you don't look yourself," he added lightly, mocking how silly the state she was in was to him.

"Tom. Your...the object of my affection! I never told you, but can now. I feel Great! Like never in my life. This is heaven!-" she was talking excessively. "Your eyes are so nice. You're the brightest student and I-I"

"Stop it, Eileen!," he snapped. "Quiet," he added in his most dangerous voice.

He did not like how strongly she was reacting to the effects, which was similar to an extreme overdose of Felix Felicis for the first several minutes, until it settles in the stomach. He could not stand hearing such illogical bantering, even if it was now extremely obvious that the girl worshipped him.

"But Tom! I LOVE YOU!...I love you, sweetheart," she said manically.


"I love you always and forever will and I'll do anything you say..." She had a boundless enthusiasm and Eileen's voice seemed to ring with emotion.

Riddle grinded his teeth, suddenly electrified with his own passion. He rasied his wand and slashed at the air, so that Eileen felt a stinging sensation, as if he had slapped her.

"Wake-Up! Stop this nonsense!"

Eileen cried and laughed at the same time and continued to talk with a zealous passion for him. Riddle decided he was not going to endure these initial affects that similar to Felix any longer.

He used "Petrificus totalus" nonverbally as a restraint to stop her from moving and talking. Eileen's slim frame fell as stiff as a board on her back against the hard floor.

Riddle then waited several minutes, until he knew he could be sure the affects would have run their course. He paced around, fuming. He could not believe he had not seen this coming. The girl believed she was in love with him! It was disgusting, he thought.

A draft was in the room, as Eileen lay there frozen and cold. Her emotions welled up inside her and she was still distinctly aware of them. But being under the spell Tom had put in that restrained her, she felt pain. Pain because she could not express her passion for him. She came to terms with it though, and accepted it. She kind of liked him controlling her anyway.

Riddle finally lifted the spell off of her. Eileen rose slowly, still actutely aware, but no longer the way she had been ten minutes ago. He remained quiet, keenly observing her.

"I'm so sorry, I acted like that Tom. I beg your forgiveness. But I do love you so!," she pleaded.

He did not speak immediately. But continued to stare at her. Slowly Riddle's eyes scanned up from the floor until he looked her square in the eyes, as a method of intimidation. Eileen shuddered as she felt the atmosphere in the room change. She had a sinking feeling inside her that Tom was most displeased with her confession of her love for him.

"I'm flattered," he said with heavy sarcasm. "Your delusion of grandeur. LOVE," he spat the word love with hatred. "Do you want to know what's real, Eileen?," he burst out aggressively.

She nodded and whispered, "You don't have to admit you love me too, Tom. I've already known."

"You think so?," he said doubtfully. "I'll tell you something. I confide only to the most devoted. I'll even tell a gullible, lustful brat like you, because you're here to serve me."

"Tell me what? Is this one of your secrets?," she said hoping to learn more of him.

"It's my best kept secret...you tell a soul and you'll wish you've never existed," he paused wanting to instill in her that this threat was absolutely viable.

"Let me show you, whom your dealing with. My true identity isn't the name Tom Riddle." He was beginning to speak like he had done other times, as if entranced and enlightened.

"That means nothing but the name of a common muggle who left my mother before I was born. Was I to keep that wretched name? No. Not as the heir of the greatest ancient wizard, Salazar Slytherin. Not I, who whose future marks the most powerful sorcerer of all time!"

Eileen's eyes glazed with insipiration. She agreed whole-heartedly.

Pulling his wand back out, he began to trace it through the air, forming three shimmering words.


Then he waved the wand once, so that the letters scambled into:


The words burned and blazed with an intensity for a full ten seconds, as Eileen absorbed the image of them tranfixed. She felt terror and fascination simulatanelously.

Once they burned away, Riddle stepped closer to her. He looked uncharacteristically ugly, even to Eileen. There was a red glean evident in his eyes. She felt frightened.

"I want you to use this title when adressing me privately. Can you do me that at least? Despite the fact that your a follower whose done nothing for your master, LORD VOLDEMORT!"

"Yes...oh please. Don't do anything! I'm still afraid you'll kill me!"

"I tell you this... most beautiful revelation and your worried about yourself? You coward! I expected more from you, Eileen...Say it. I'll allow you to say it passionately. Yet, it' not for you to feel that ridiculous delusion, it is about power!...Speak my true title!"

"I-I. It's not about love. If that's what you mean by delusion. I fear your true name."

Riddle laughed high and cold. A laugh that did not conicide with his attractive appearance.

Still Eileen felt magnetically drawn to the power and his grip over her emotions.

"Excellent," he spoke with satisfaction. "That's the point, isn't it? One day, the world will know the name, Lord Voldemort. They shall fear it too. Perhaps they'll substitute with you-know-who...or he-who-must-not-be-named," he thought, smiling awfully. "But you-" he said fiercely. "Will call me Lord Voldemort always when alone. Were alone now and I say to start proclaiming it unless you wish for some punishment?"

"No....okay. Lord Voldemort, have mercy on me,"

"Thank-you," he said of course devoid of true gratitude. "But you dared ask for mercy? Lord Voldemort is never merciful, Eileen. You'll have to pay for that moronic misconception. Bow down to me."

Eileen did so, guility. Eileen shuddered and was shaking, hyper-ventilating. She loved this man and she could seek no love in return. But even if he did not love her, she could not burn out the fire inside her even as the cruciatus curse raked her core again, into her very bones.

Once it was over, in which he only used the curse once Voldemort said, "Expressing gratitude is always done by followers after."

"Thank-you, Master....I mean Lord Voldemort!"

"Good...," said the Riddle who so proudly holds his mask-like title.

His features seemed to lift as he said, "Get up and get to bed, Eileen. I don't need to hear the elixir made you ill when there is so much you can be doing for your master in the near future."

Eileen was too shocked by the night's events to answer him.

Later she layed in bed, with the strange elixir coursing through her blood-stream changing her appearance. She would still be the same physically, just more attractive once it was set. She reflected on how this had been one of the most memorable time ever. Indelible images formed of Tom, Tom Riddle...or Lord Voldemort. His handsome features she loved turning into the red gleam and no longer handsome Tom Riddle. She still loved him and had hope. She had to try. She was not giving up on him. As she went to bed she dreamed of him, the name "Lord Voldemort" running through her mind like a mysterious song.

Tom Riddle and the Pure-Blood PrinceWhere stories live. Discover now