The Initiation Ceremony

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For the next few days Tom Riddle did not speak to Eileen at all. To her it seemed like he was purposefully ignoring her. But then she thought that could not be true, and that maybe he just wanted to distance himself because the Initiation was coming. Eileen did not understand that Tom Riddle felt no attachment to her at all. But because she did love him, she logcially assumed he would eventually as well.

As eleven o'clock drew nearer on Friday night, Eileen was feeling a strong sense of excitement mixed with nerves. It was very similar to when she had first had a full conversation with Tom Riddle and she had felt a mixture of fear and awe. Eileen had no true understanding of how tonight she was going to meet a whole other side of him.

Tom Riddle emerged from the boys' dormitories and walked very quickly towards Eileen. There were only a few other people in the Slytherin common room, who did not see them in the shadows, as they were busy talking amongst themselves. Eileen smiled at the sight of him, walking such purpose and pride. But her smile faltered when Tom Riddle waved his wand.

She became invisible and felt the strange feeling of seperation and compression like she had the night he had got the sample of her blood. Tom repeated the process for himself. and they slipped out of the Slytherin quarters and in less than ten minutes were out on the grounds.

It was a clear night and all seemed placid. There was no indication that it would snow or rain. Yet it was still January, and the wind was howling.

The trees of the Forbidden Forrest swayed in the wind as they reached the foot of it. Eileen did not feel brave enough to go in there at all, and only did it out of loyalty to Riddle. He had absolutely no fear about going in and already had several plans if he came across a dangerous creature. A minute ago, he had pulled the invisibility spell off of her and himself.

For about fifteen minutes, they made their way thorough all the trees. The further they got in, the closer the trees grew to each other and the more brambles there were on the ground.

Eileen was following him, as he walked, erect through the forrest. He was alert, but he still stepped over all the bushes almost airily. Eileen, meanwhile, was hunched over struggling to free herself from the tangled vines, and thorn bushes that her robes got caught on quite a few times. Each time they got caught, Tom would just blast the twigs stuck in Eileen's robes off with his wand.

Finally, they came to a fairly large clearing of a hill in the forrest. It took them a minute to climb. Eileen was feeling more terrified as they ascended it wondering what was there.

She saw about ten shadowy figures in the distance at the summit. She was eager to finally find out who the followers were.

"Put your hood on. I want to be sure they won't recognize you and don't say anything," he whispered in a screech, sounding harsh.

Eileen did so immediately, and then said "What about the mask, Tom?"

Tom sighed with exasperation then said, "There are no masks. I was just teasing you," he said callously. Eileen frowned, and wondered why he wanted to lie about that.

Then Eileen felt even more fear, wondering what else he had lied to her about, and she realized there must be things Tom was not telling her, maybe even about this ceremony.

What she didn't realize is that Tom was keeping quite a few things from her, as well as planning elaborate stratagems. Her heart filled with horrible suspense at what would commence in about five minutes.

She waited about ten yards away from all the others for about five minutes. Tom had conjured several things in the meantime and the followers were also presenting things. But Eileen could not see well in the distance, as it was such a dark night. So she just stood in her robes and coat, in the crisp wintry weather, occasionally glancing up at the sky.

Finally, Tom said histrionically, "The initiation will begin. The new candidiate for followship in our circle will approach."

Eileen took a deep breath and ran forward. She hesitated, as Tom had conjured a black ring of fire, around the circle of followers, in which he stood in the middle of. She wasn't sure if she could safely pass through it. She waited several seconds to see if he would extinguish it magically. He did not, so she went through, and felt hot for a few seconds, as the ring passed through her middle.

There was some mild clapping, mixed with hisses. Eileen's jaw dropped in shock.
She saw three snakes slythering around the inner-most circle. Then she looked to her side to get a look at the followers and she recognized Mulciber (a sixth year) and Macnair (a third year).

But after a few seconds, before she could examine everyone else Tom said, "Pass through the serpents. If you are treacherous they will attack, but if not, it is a sign you are worthy of my trust," he spoke with an ominous chill that was mainly to entertain the others.

Eileen had already done something like this passing that snake in the library a couple of weeks ago, and was once again filled with the desire for Tom's approval and had no problem picking the right moment to pass through the snakes, rotating in the inner circle.

As she crossed the threshold, she had eyes only for Tom Riddle, and she did not see the cauldron on a stump of wood with blood boiling inside it. Before, every member had used the blood-tester briefly to get a few drops of their blood, including Riddle under their left-forearm.

Tom Riddle was standing behind her and he pulled her hood down, that was obstructing her face and said, "Welcome our newest member, Eileen Prince."

There was more applause, mixed with hisses and muttering. Eileen distinctly heard several whispers of shock about her being a witch.

Eileen so far was not feeling so afraid, she was used to snakes. He thrust the skull he was holding into Eileen's hands from behind her. Tom said, lacking in affect, and unfeelingly, "Pluck the snake from the skull's mouth."

Eileen bravely put her hand inside and pulled with her fingers a baby snake.

"Turn around and put it in the cauldron," he said in a whisper, that actually could keep everyone's utmost attention.

She did so, and finally noticed the cauldron propped up. The snake plopped onto the surface of the concoction in it, and immediately started biting it's tail.

Tom meanwhile, had taken out the blood-sample he had gotten from Eileen and he poured the entire contents into the cauldron, a look of glee on his face, that was very disturbing to Eileen.

"The snake biting it's tail symbolizes eternal service to me until her death, as long as I ask for it. Now..." he paused and took the skull from Eileen's hand. He raised it a little and took out a shimmering opal from the socket of the skull's eyes.

"She will see everything from the vantage point of the orders I give." He dropped the opal into the cauldron with his right hand and it burst into powder and then he put the other opal in doing the same thing.

Tom had a satisfied expresion on his face, as some of the followers continued to talk and jeer. Then he put the skull into the potion, and it began to crack and crumble. "The new servant will drink this potion and we shall see the reaction drawn forth."

Eileen did not really want to drink the potion. Her mouth screwed up in disgust and she was beginning to feel nauseous. Tom had his wand withdrawn from his robes and he conjured a silver goblet and dipped it into the potion.

"Take it!," he hissed angrily at her. Shaking Eileen took the goblet and pressed it to her lips and took a small sip.

Tom said implacably, "Hurry up, Prince. I'm not pouring it down for you."

She nodded and took a large swig and it went down her throat. It tasted like flesh and it was very warm and frothy. As it went down, it tingled her spine. Then it hit the wall of her stomach, like a tube and spread all throughout her veins.

Once she downed the whole thing, there immediately came upon her brown eyes a hazyness and her train of thought was no longer clear, as she felt like her memory was fuzzy.

After she drank the second goblet, her thoughts could only dwell on her devotion to Tom Riddle.

By the middle of the third she seemed to be babbling as she spoke, "Tom! Tom Riddle. I prostrate myself before you." She was gasping for air, and it was obvious that she had desire for him. She looked totally enamored.

Avery and Rookwood, were looking at each other confused, as this type of potion normally did not cause these exact effects.

Eileen fell to her knees in front of Tom's black robes as if it was the most wonderful thing. Tom could see that she was becoming completely subdued, willing to submit to him completely, as long as the effect lasted.

"Call me by title....Lord or Master," he said with vile disdain.

"Yes my Lord! Yes Master! You alone are all the power I need," she was speaking, again with rabid eagerness. It seemed she had no control over her emotions.

"Yes, I'm the greatest wizard and the most feared. You shall submit to my orders henceforth, understanding they are absolute," he spoke with calm conviction.

"Yes my Lord," Eileen said with passion and kissed the hem of his robes.

Eileen then burst forward and grabbed Tom hugging him around the waist, from her kneeling position. Riddle took a step away from her, feeling vexed from her affection and pushed her back in the chest.

Realizing she was going too far, Riddle decided to end this power display of how he could so cleverly manipulate this girl. "Who will consent to make the vow with her?," Tom asked the crowd, whom some of them were laughing hysterically at Eileen's rantings for him. None of the others had acted like that, when they were under the potion, yet they weren't in love with him.

A couple of the followers, eagerly signaled that they would like to do the honors. Perhaps so impressed by her loyalty towards him, they felt she would not break it.
Tom did not pick one of the willing ones though. He yelled, "Lestrange! Come here."

Rabastan Lestrange slowly came forward and approached them after passing through the snakes. "I don't want to make an Unbreakable with her. This would be my second," he whined.

Tom said vehemently, "I am the bonder. You swore loyalty to my countenance. You will therefore make this vow. If you disobey a direct order I issue you'll die from breaking it," he said the last simply.

"Yes Master, I shall make it," Rabastan answered weakly and lowered himself on the ground with Eileen and grasped her right hand. Eileen stared around confused, only concerned about herself in relation to Tom Riddle. Willing to do anything he said, but even more so than she would usually be, because of the potion.

Tom took a step closer and put his wand over their hands. Avery did not start until Riddle prompted, "Well Lestrange? You know the vows to deliver."

He nodded and spoke, "Will you, Eileen Prince remain loyal to Tom Marvolo Riddle and his followers of the future Dark Order as long as they are here at Hogwarts?"

"I will," said Eileen.

A flame materiaized out of the wand and coiled itself around their wrists'.

"And will you perform to your highest potential when performing on orders and services for the future Dark Order under Tom Marvolo Riddle?"

"I will," said Eileen.

Another flame coiled around the first, forming a chain.

"Will you never divulge any of the secrets that may be revealed to you within the future dark order under Tom Marvolo Riddle?'

"I will, said Eileen.

Everybody, watched, astounded in the blazing light of the fiery vow forming. Then Tom said, "Rise Prince. Lestrange take your place back in the circle."

Rabastan did as he was told.

Tom flicked his wand and the snakes were gone. Suddenly Eileen felt a definite change in the air, as the potion's effects were coming off of her gradually. It was as if all the followers were waiting for something else to happen.

Then he spoke with energy as he asked almost with a sweet temper, "What to do with this young witch now? You may all make suggestions," he really did not want to do much more with her tonight, but he wanted to see the ideas brewing in his folower's imaginations.

He walked over to Macnair and stood very close to him and Macnair said, "Levitate her overhead!"

Tom just said, "Perhaps another night.... Any others?"

"The Cruciatus Curse!" Mulciber suggested ardently. Several others, including Rosier and Wilkes agreed. They seemed terribly excited to see it occur.

Eileen felt sure Tom was going to torture her with the curse, or allow another to.
But instead he said, "How many times must I repeat? I don't administer that curse like it is an entertainment spectacle. The curse is soley used for punishment, as you all know and have received," he said chillingly.
A silence filled the vicinity only broken by Riddle once again, "We are not doing anything else to her, just yet. I have already given her an order..." he paused laughing wickedly, "We will see if she can follow through with things....this ends the initiation and our meeting."

Although he had refused to use the torture curse on her, and even the levitating that Macnair suggested, it was not because he was showing mercy. But some of the followers, were already suspecting, that Tom had a discrete relationship of romance with her, which is of course not true.

Rather he was biding his time for several reasons. He thought as he disappeared down the hill, "They will all want to hurt her themselves. They will bully her, patronize and damage her first opportunity they get. They will all be in trouble as it will happen without Lord Voldemort's permission. She is mine to toy with and I will be the first to use Unforgiveables on her alone for my pleasure."

Everybody was treking back through the forrest, and the black fire was dispersed. Rookwood in possession of the skull and cauldron he had brought. Some of the wizards were eyeing Eileen hopefully, sizing her up. Eileen could tell some of them had some kind of crush on her. Nervously she sped-up, going down the hill, to walk with Tom, who had been leading the way.
Eileen remained resolutely at Tom's side, who had a lantern conveniently with him. Until they were once again deep in the midst of the Forbidden Forrest. It became so dark she could hardly see.

Her robes got caught on the bushes again. She tried for a few seconds to rip them free herself until she finally yelled, "Please help me!" He was now several feet ahead of her.

Reluctantly, he turned around and waved his wand as he said, "Are you a witch or not? Do it yourself!" It felt like he had splashed a wave, of icy cold water in her face, as she was stunned by his coldness of tone.

But he was right in a way. So Eileen took her wand out and performed a spell with the incantation, "diffindo" to split the branches apart. It worked but rather slower than the way Tom had done it before.

She watched as Tom continued walking further away from her, and one of the followers passed her. As soon as she was free, she broke into nearly a run, trying to catch up with Tom.

She failed, and to make matters worse, got the heel of her foot caught in a smal hole. She struggled to get out of it as she saw Avery, passing her. "Wait! Could you help me? Please?" She was really hoping against hope.

But to her surprise, he came forward and pulled her by the arm, helping her to break free from the trap. Before she could offer a word of thanks, Avery had within a split second gasped and looked around afraid. He then started jogging away, making loud crashing sounds over the foliage of the forrest floor.

She continued, this time going at a very slow pace, groping around in the dark until she remembered her wand again and said the incantation to light it.

In the small of her back, she felt an impatient desire to speed-up. But now she was alone and nobody could help her if she got caught in something again. Or worse, came across real danger.

She continued for less than a minute in the eerie silence of the wind whistling through the trees. She frowned, and clenched her teeth, blaming herself inside her head, How could I have let this happen!

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a light behind her. She thought it must be another of Riddle's followers who was still lagging even more than she was. Then she saw two more lights. She did not want to talk to them, as she didn't trust them but at least she wasn't totally isolated.

Next thing she heard a cry like a werewolf. Eileen was frightened, but only for a second, because she shrewdly realized that they were just being stupid fools. Instead, she smirked at their stupidity, and continued on her way out.

But then she noticed the lights, each with a shadowy figure in it's wake coming closer. She heard the pounding on the ground, of the figures running and then they suddenly stopped. Within seconds, Eileen instinctively knew she was being watched.

The lights continued to twinkle, but she ignored them. They followed her, even when she took a slight detour.

Suddenly out of the corner behind her (probably they had been hiding behind a tree or bush) they emerged all at once from different directions and darted forward. They leapt towards Eileen surrounding her like they had captured her.

Eileen asked in a steely voice, atempting calmness "What do you want with me?"

One of them lunged at her playfully brandishing their wand...Eileen jumped backwards. She regretted it instantly, because it revealed that she was harboring fear. The thought ran through her head on how she wished she was brave like Tom, who knew how to take control of any threat, whether real or empty.

She didn't think they could get any closer but they did. Eileen could now see all three of the boy's faces, illuminated next to their raised wands. Eileen stared at them, as she took in their identitys wondering if they were really that threatening, or maybe they were just playing a childish game?

It was Macnair (only thirteen and shorter than Eileen), Mulciber (seventeen, only a little taller than Eileen but heavy and strong) and Wilkes (sixteen-years-old and a sixth year who was tall with a very thin frame). The looks on their faces, was becoming increasingly, unpleasant to Eileen.

Macnair said in a mocking voice, "Prince! What are you tryin' to be Riddle's pampered princess?"

Eileen scowled sullenly and started to defend herself, when Wilkes cut in and said to Eileen, "Your not interested in power or glory. Your just his mistress. Let's go...she's worth nothing."

Mulciber had grasped his hands forward, as if he couldn't restrain himself from excitement. In his right hand he had his wand aimed at her throat. The other, large hand wrapped itself lightly around the nape of Eileen's neck. Eileen couldn't help but shriek from being put in such a vulnerable position, with little warning.

Mulciber reacted to her shriek, showing all his teeth and knashing them, viciously. "The Avada Kedavra ought to shut you up. Yes and nobody will-"

Eileen pleaded emotionally, "Tom Riddle!" Trying to keep her mind clear she reasoned, "He ordered you not to use Unforgiveables on me. I'm sure you want to be in his favor...Don't you?!"

Mulciber released his grip over Eileen, and then played with her hair, "Yes, but still..."

Wilkes interjected, "We can't do anything with her tonight. Come-"

"I want to levitate her!" Macnair shouted gleefully, and sounding immature.

"Quiet!," Wilkes hissed and then said, "I suppose we could." Wilkes automatically raised his wand, but Eileen was too quick for him.

"Expelliarmus!" She muttered and he was disarmed. She then turned to disarm Mulciber, but he had already said, "Stupefy!" Eileen saw a jet of red light hit her, and she fell to the ground still alert, but unable to move.

Then the three future Death Eaters working together, raised her high over the ground and spinned and twirled her body. This only lasted for a minute, but it was enough to render Eileen unconscious. Then they let her fall to the ground, hard as they had let go of the charm holding her up.

Laughing cruelly, Macnair stepped on top of her, as the others proceeded out of the forrest. Wilkes said, "I'm not sure we should have done that. If Riddle finds out... He treats her different, he really likes her!," he complained sounding paranoid.

Several hours later, Eileen awakened. It was still pitch-black in the forrest. As soon as she awakened she was completely aware of her surroundings. She decided to wait, an hour until a slate-grey color appeared in the sky.

Then she ventured back up, leaving the forrest, feeling worse than she had ever in her life. She was lucky to make it out alive, she thought bitterly as she came out of the forrest, and went across the school grounds, with the sun rising.

She planned on going to bed as soon as she got to her dormitory, as she did not want to deal with her feelings yet. Later she would tell Riddle. She wondered desperately if he could show, even a shred of sympathy.

But what she didn't know is that Avery had seen what had occurred from a distance. He was going to tell Tom what he witnessed before the Hogsmeade trip today.

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