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〔year 4—chapter 4〕

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year 4—chapter 4

"alastor moody." our new defense against the dark arts teacher stated.

"ex- auror, ministry malcontents and your new defense against the dark arts teacher. i'm here because dumbledore asked me. end of story, goodbye, the end." he said to the class rather coldly.

"who pissed in his pumpkin juice?" i mumbled under my breath and he shot me a glare.

"any questions?" he asked the class, taking his gaze off of me. no one moved.

"when it comes to the dark arts, i believe in a practical approach. but first, which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are?" he asked.

"three sir." hermione spoke up from next to me looking rather uncomfortable.

"and they are so named?" he asked her.

"because they are unforgivable, using any one of them will-" she then got cut off by moody.

"will earn you a one way ticket to azkaban, correct." i gave hermione a look of comfort due to the fact that her voice cracked as she spoke. she shot me a small smile.

"now the ministry says your to young to see what these curses do. i say different!" he shouted the last sentence making me jump a little.

"you need to know what your up against, you need to be prepared! you need to find another place to put your chewing gum besides the underside of your desk mister finnigan!" he shouted at seamus. i raised an eyebrow and looked at seamus, as did the rest of the class, he looked very embarrassed.

"oh no way, the old git can see out the back of his head." he whispered to dean causing moody to throw chalk at seamus making me gasp and duck.

"so, which curse shall we see first?" he asked the class in a cold tone.

"weasley!" he shouted making me jump.

"yes?" me and ron both squeaked out.

"no not you." he said pointing at me then turning his attention to ron.

"stand." he demanded him, he got up quickly and shakily.

"give us a curse." he whispered to him.

"well my dad did tell me about one. the imperious curse." he said shakily.

"oh yeah your father would know all about that one." he told ron, quickly glancing at me, causing me to raise an eyebrow.

but i can't, DISCONTINUED <-Where stories live. Discover now