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〔year 4—chapter 2〕

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year 4—chapter 2

"well kids." dad started causing me to squeal in excitement, making cedric laugh.

"welcome to the quidditch world cup." he finished, making me smile widely.

we all walked through the crowd pointing at random things out of excitement.

"see you at the match." amos told dad whilst shaking his hand while dad said it back.

"bye y/n." cedric said to me while giving me a quick side hug and walking up to dad and amos. fred and george rolled their eyes, they don't like him very much. lol.

cedric and amos walked ahead as we walked to our tent. dad opened the tent a little.

"home sweet home." he said with a small smile. with that being said i pushed past everyone and ran inside the tent smiling widely.

"girls choose a bunk and unpack." dad told ginny, hermione and i as we ran to a bunk. i walked out and went to the kitchen cause i was hungry.

"ron, get out of the kitchen we're all hungry." dad told ron making me laugh.

"yeah get out of the kitchen ron." george and fred said at the same time whilst their feet were on the table causing me to laugh harder.

"feet of the table." dad told the twins as i was catching my breath.

"feet off the table." the repeated while taking their feet off then putting them back on as soon as he couldn't see them. 

"i love magic." harry said with a smile next to me. i wrapped my arm around his shoulder with a smile.

"me too dude." i replied causing him to look at me with a smile.

don't blush now y/n. don't blush now y/n. oh and i blushed.

i looked away quickly and let go.

"well i'm off to the girls." i told him with a smile while going to find ginny and 'mione.


"blimey dad how far up are we?" ron asked dad excitedly.

i, personally, was slightly terrified. heights aren't really my thing.

"look at it this way." a far to familiar voice said from below us causing me to roll my eyes.

"if it rains you'll be the first to know." lucius finished causing draco and snicker and me to scoff.

but i can't, DISCONTINUED <-Where stories live. Discover now