He was feeling different type of energy building in him. Only he knew how much he missed them all in past 5 years.

Everyone had grown up beautifully into adults.

First time when he saw them he was amazed.

He didn't confrant  samahir since when he came but when she left the hall brcause of them he followed her.

He followed her with his eyes and scrutinizing gaze.

Other then that he himself refrained from coming in front of her and she did the same.

Feelings were mutual. Both used to become angry getting each other's glimpse.

"I just got a call from my unit and guess what?"
Ali said sitting on dining table.

He placed his phone on table.

" What??"
Tabeer, Hoorain, Ayla and fajar shouted excited.

"I got my transfer here. Now I won't go back."
He said softly.

Hoorain ran and quickly hugged her brother.

"Congrats bhai!!"
Tabeer and Ayla said.

They chatted for some more time and then Ali stood up.

"Alright!! You girls carry on. I will join later."

He left and girls again got busy in chatting.

More than 5 minutes later Samahir joined them.

"So how was your today's exam mahi?"
Fajar asked.

"It was ridiculous!!"
Samahir said making faces.

All of them burst into laughter looking at her expressions.

"I meant to say that was it easy or not?"

"Yeah it was easy offcourse cause I studied hard for it. So I knew all the answers."
Samahir said proudly.

"I must say she is working hard nowadays as she stayed up locked whole day in her room."
Ayla said with meaningful smile.

"No reason behind that is something else."
Tabeer added.

"Not something else but someone else."
Hoorain teased her.

"You guys have lost it!!"
She rolled her eyes and went towards her room picking her phone up from table.

Samahir was walking towards her room lost in her trance when someone jogged passed  her.

She came back to trance when their hand brushed hers and she felt sparks flowing everywhere.

She looked up only to realise that he was none other than Mr. ALI Khan.

He neither turned around nor looked  at her and walked away as if he felt nothing.

"Go to hell!!"
She murmured angrily and went away stomping her feet.

One thing that confused her was that one question, was she wanted him to react? Why she didn't like it when he didn't?

On the other hand Ali was the man who can be dead hideous when it comes to feelings.

He felt a different type of force pulling him towards him but still he didn't react.

"My phone!"
He said softly picking his phone up from table.


Samahir was deep slumber when her phone started ringing.

She declined the incoming call in sleep with out realizing it was not her phone's ringtone.

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