movie night

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⚠️⚠️TW panic attack (written in as much detail as author can handle without having one themself)(which not much but still worth mentioning

Deku: hey guys I'm thinking we have we have a movie night tonight how does that sound

Electric: awesome bro

Rockhard: I'll come

Acidfordayz: I'll come too someone's gotta watch those two

Tapemeup: oh yeah I'll come

14 people have agreed with Rockhard's comment

Deku: great I was actually thinking we watch a horror movie since Halloween just happened

Tenya_Iida: Great idea Midoriya, that is a wonderful way to celebrate Halloween on a weekend.

Yaomomo: I'll bring snacks everyone can bring their own blankets and pillows and such

Shouto: are you going shopping because I would love an excus to spend a lot of money on Endeavour's credit card

Yaomomo: you can come but you realize that your dad is going find out some day

Shouto: I will keep doing it until the day he does find out.

Yaomomo: of course you will

Floatingfree: what time Deku

Deku: 7 sound good

Tenya_Iida: 6:30 would likely be better more time to start the movie

Deku: good idea

Floatingfree: sounds good I'll be there with blankets for the whole squad ☺️

Deku: thanks Uraraka

Fuckoff: I'm not coming

Deku: yes you are Kit Kat

Fuckoff: no I'm not

Deku: yes you are or I'm bringing you and everyone else who wanted to therapy TOMORROW, and I don't care what you say.

Fuckoff: fine

*Time skip*

*Real writing time baby*

Uraraka pov

Everyone was gathered in the room already as Uraraka entered the area. She slowly found her way to the front directly before the TV. She cleared her throat to get everyone attention, although with how loud everything was it didn't work.

"HEY" she yelled, which effectively got everyone to shut up after a moment. "So I wanted to apologize for how I've been acting, I was going through some stuff and figuring myself out. Bakugo I know you have human emotions and I'm sorry for trying to cut into you and Todoroki-kun's privacy, neither of you deserved that. I don't know anything about your home lives and I shouldn't have assumed you were both very spoiled just because you were richer than me. To everyone that I shit on during when you guys were stating your sexuality I'm so sorry, you didn't deserve that. I was coming to terms with my own. On a different note I am polyamorus and bi, of course I am a girl and I use she/her pronouns." She said all this slowly and it felt like she would never finish, but there she was she had finished her apology.

Momo spoke up from the crowd  almost immediately "It's alright Ochaco-san I was very crabby when I was figuring myself out as well"

Everyone agreed whole heartedly plus a "tch, it's fine," from Bakugo. She felt so relieved to have apologized to them all.

"You mentioned something else Uraraka-san, what was it?" Asked Izuku.

"Oh well, over the past couple of weeks, uuh, my family, um, has been dealing with almost being evicted from our house." She rushed the last part but everyone immediately rushed at her still holding blankets form. immediately starting  a group hug.

As soon as the group hug ended she stated "Wait there's no Minetta. This immediately caused all the girls but especially Tsu, Mina, and Momo to cheer.

No one's pov

As soon as the Cheer ng was over Izuku went over to the table which was piled high with mainly Tokoyami's but a couple of other people's horror movie options. The choosing was quick first one that no one not even Tokoyami had watched, many people suspected that Aizawa-Sensei had brought it, that was thought to be short and a very highly suggested movie from Kirishima, him, Mina, and Kaminari said it was amazing.

They started the first movie, which turned out to be pretty dark. It had painted the villians as being villians soley because of their quirks many of which were similar to Shinsou's. This caused Shinsou to leave at some point during the movie. Midoriya texted him directly after the movie ended because he was gone, he responded immediately saying he was just walking around the dorms. With they decided to start the second movie.

Bakugo pov

This movie was awesome, it kept everyone on the edge of their seat and managed to make the viewer see out of the pov of one of the characters once in a while. This cool feature quickly became an issue as it would often transfer to the pov of someone tied up without a blindfold. You could see the muzzle and bindings whenever you saw from this characters pov. No one noticed an issue with it, simply finding the feature cool, except for Bakugo.

He kept getting flashbacks to being held up as he almost choked to death by the hands of the sludge villian. It's slimy appendages reaching into places he never showed the light of day, beneath all his clothes. At some point he didn't remember he must have turned the TV  off with a remote that was near him. Everyone started yelling only making him think he was truly held captive by the sludge villian once again.

No one's pov

Midoriya noticed what was going on with both Bakugo and Todoroki immediately, seeing both of them start to look like they did not know where they were. He quickly called Shinsou who came down as soon as he knew what was going on. Midoriya calmed Todoroki down while Shinsou took Bakugo. After a while Bakugo was out of his panic attack and started shouting back at everybody. This only served to worsen Todoroki's shaking.

"Shut up, Old Hag," Bakugo yelled at Mina who appeared to be scolding him. Everyone knew that Bakugo called his mother 'the Old Hag' so they immediately stopped yelling. This allowed Todoroki to calm down, within five minutes he was completely fine, well as fine as possible given he immediately rushed toward Bakugo when was now kneeling on the ground.

After a couple hours f minutes passed the noise level that had once been almost nothing went up to the ceiling, as everyone except for Shinsou, Todoroki, Midoriya, Tokoyami, and Jirou started shouting at 20 questions pet breath. Said five were slowly surrounding Bakugo as to not startle him, so they could walk him upstairs.

As soon as they all got to Bakugo's room they checked their phones. Everyone other than them had been spamming the group chat with barely readable sentences. Iida had as well, but his were obviously more thought out, although he did 'forget proper punctuation' as he would put it.

With 'truth or dare' and 'adoption'

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