What did I just walk in on

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Floatingfree: I just walked in on Todoroki and BAKUGO in Todorokis room I think they talking about something all I know is that Bakugo was crying, probably fake tbh

Deku: how many times did I tell you two to do that in Kachan's room this would not happen there

Shouto: well it was easier to do in my room

Fuckoff: go away and stop judging our methods Deku

Deku: not judging just saying not in a place where people are comfortable just walking in

Floatingfree: what was even going on in there and why was Bakugo fake crying

Isleepforcats: that probably wasn't fake crying Uraraka

Floatingfree: it was Bakugo he's way too mean to ever be sad

Fuckoff: fuck off round face

Shouto: come up here Shinsou

Isleepforcats: gladly

Real writing in a primarily chat fic you bet.

"Hello, what's the topic today" Shinsou asked.

"Scars, now before it was the change or lack there of in our parents" Todoroki responded.

"Cool, I'm with better people now so probably didn't need to be here for that" Shinsou sat down on the bed near Bakugo and Todoroki

"We all know what Shouto's face scar is from so it's anything else" Bakugo

"What's that scar that is sometimes barely visible on your shoulder from Katsuki?" Todoroki asked

"Old Hag..."

The conversation continued and at some point they all started crying again (they are talking about traumatic shit crying happens)

*Next day*


Electric: what was happening in there

Rockhard: bakubro are you alright

Acidfordayz: you good bakuhoe

Fuckoff: fuck off, and stop calling me that

Fuckoff: seriously

Tenya_Iida: it is quite concerning and that was late you should not have in another's room Bakugo, and Uraraka why did you go to Todoroki's room

Tenya_Iida: I appear to have forgotten proper punctuation

Floatingfree: because I wanted to ask him a question

Shouto: what was the question

Floatingfree: would rather ask in person but fine it was about homework I wanted to ask you why rich people dislike poor people

Shouto: easy rich people are often judgemental

Floatingfree: I need an actual reason it's for the paragraph for English

Fuckoff: are you dumb that's not an actual grade for anyone who isn't fucking fluent in English already, and sparkles fucking told you all you don't need to work that hard on it round face

Floatingfree: and how would you know Bakugo

Electric: Present mic told us that (in English) and told us to tell you all

The✨💫✨hero: I already told everyone, did you forget

Floatingfree: well you didn't tell me, and why was Bakugo in Todoroki's room anyway

Fuckoff: none of your business

Shouto: that is something for us to know and you to not know

Floatingfree: seriously Todoroki

Deku: it's none of your business

Floatingfree: do you know come on tell me it can't be that bad

Shouto: it's about shitty parenting Uraraka if you must know

Floatingfree: like Bakugo knows what that is

Fuckoff: I do fuck off.

Floatingfree: as if, you are always so entitled, so was it meant to be like how to help with that when pros because without Bakugo I would definitely join

Shouto: no

Floatingfree: well then what

Deku: Uraraka leave them alone

Floatingfree: fine

Parental Issues

Daddy_issues: she thinks we have healthy home lives Katsuki

Mommy_issues: laughable honestly

Foster-system_issues: seriously she just seems unable to get her head wrapped around the idea that some people are heroes to fix the system not play into it

Daddy_issues: and Endeavour's home

Mommy_issyes: goodbye hopes he keeps up on making you proud

Mommy_issues: ah fuck here comes Old Hag calling me again

Foster-system_issues: she can't smack you through the phone at least

Foster-system_issues: I love the fact that I have been rescued and am now adopted

Foster-system_issues: I don't have to leave conversation randomly when I'm at home because parents came home or for phone calls I just say that I'm busy

*Next day*

The🛡️not cis🛡️chat

Angryftm:I am goin to jump off a building if my mother keeps calling me my shitty dead name and using she/her pronouns

Angryftm: and she only does it when no one else is around

Enbybird: either embrace the darkness or join me in my area of a light dark and watch a horror movie

Angryftm: fine it's a fucking weekend

Musicalmtf: cool I'm bringing snacks

Musicalmtf: I already have popcorn

Enbybird: of course Bakugo bring the blankets to the space

Musicalmtf: what horror movie are we watching

Enbybird: one from my collection

Musicalmtf: eh fair enough

Musicalmtf: I got the snacks and I'm outside your door Tokoyami

Angryftm: I'm coming I got the fucking blankets

Enbybird: come on in the doors unlocked

The Trauma Chat With Class 1-A and Shinsouजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें