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Here are the winners:

1st Place goes to........

Bad girl's nerd by _angry_human_

Judge: Hihi-isha

Character Development-15
Page layout-15
Originality -13
Review: I just want to say that this book is hilarious on different levels. I love the way the characters interact. I love the main characters point of views. I am glad that this book gave me a good laugh. The blurb is really cute. It's just made go, 'awww'. The title just tells you about the main characters but I liked the fact the 'nerd' was also called a bad boy. I couldn't find any spelling errors . The grammar was okay, as far as I could see. The characters were hilarious. This book is just really great. The author did a very good job.

2nd Place goes to......

The Happiest girl in the world by winnie_loves_honey

Judge: Hihi-isha

Character Development-15
Page layout-15
Originality -13
Review: The blurb gives an insight of the book. The cover is really cute. The title is tells you that the The main character is the happiest girl in the world and it's kinda the opposite. I love that. The page layout was okay. I could not find spelling errors. I could not find grammatical errors or typographical errors. I loved the way author revealed some of the characters secrets from the beginning but didn't go in too deep to create some suspense. The author did a good job.

3rd Place goes to........

Fractured by MiniMoxx

Judge: Ariane_dushime

Cover: 9/10
Title: 9/10
Blurb: 10/10
Character development: 15/15
Page Layout: 14/15
Grammar: 14/15
Originality: 15/15
Overall: 9/10
Total: 95/100
Review:Amazing is what I can say. Even without reading the first book, there was an easy connectionto the book. The characters well developed and relatable. Almost no grammatical errors, therewere a few that would need polishing. The story was quite unique nothing I had read before.Well detailed. Loved the book.

Congratulations to all the winners!
The top three winners need to pm for their prizes ..
( Mention the genre, your username and book name in the pm)

Other participants can pm me for their scorecard.

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