146 6 2

Judge: CyntheaCarlston


1st Place:


Cover: 10/10

Title: 10/10

Blurb: 10/10

Character Development: 15/15

Page Layout: 15/15

Grammar: 15/15

Originality: 15/15

Overall: 10/10

TOTAL: 100/100

Review: Lovely cover, it's crisp and dark, and really sets the mood for the story. The title is really insightful while keeping the story itself a mystery. The blurb too was perfect, not too long, and establish the stakes exceedingly well, enough for a reader to be reeled in. The character development throughout the chapters was written well and clearly depicted. The page layout was clear and neat, making the reading itself very smooth and easy. There were no grammatical errors whatsoever and the sentence structures and length were just perfect. This story was completely original, it's concept and plot are utterly gripping and new to me. Overall, I would rate this book 10 per 10 since every aspect of it was perfect, and I was completely immersed in it enough to get hooked and attached to the storyline.


2nd Place:


Cover: 9/10

Title: 9/10

Blurb: 10/10

Character Development: 15/15

Page Layout: 14/15

Grammar: 13/15

Originality: 14/15

Overall: 9/10

TOTAL: 93/100

Review: Excellent cover, just needs the title to be a bit more clearer and obvious. The title too is pretty interesting though it is pretty vague. The blurb was perfectly written. Character development as well is just perfect. The page layout was good and made for an easy read, and there weren't too many grammar mistakes. The story is completely original except for a few common elements, but they do add a charm to the story.


3rd Place:


Cover: 7/10

Title: 9/10

Blurb: 9/10

Character Development: 14/15

Page Layout: 13/15

Grammar: 14/15

Originality: 13/15

Overall: 9/10

Total: 88/100

Review: The cover is catchy but cold me much more attractive. Interesting title for sure and a near-perfect blurb. Character development just needs a little touchup, and the same goes for page layout and grammar, which have minor errors that a little editing will fix in a jiffy. Very interesting concept, just a few aspects that were generic but made for a good read.


Cover: 9/10

Title: 7/10

Blurb: 6/10

Character Development: 15/15

Page Layout: 15/15

Grammar: 14/15

Originality: 13/15

Overall: 9/10

TOTAL: 88/100

Review: The cover is wonderful and really gives a potential reader a solid possibility regarding the content, though I would advise towards the removal of the subtitle. The title itself fits well but is a little too generic, so maybe swapping that out for something not as common will attract more attention. The blurb was a bit too short and doesn't exactly have points to help reel a reader in, so I would advise adding more stakes and such to create more of a hook. Character development was portrayed nicely and clearly throughout the chapters. The page layout was perfect and made for legible reading, which in turn was assisted by near - perfect grammar. The story concept is a bit common but had enough twists to make it different.

Congratulations to all the winners!
The top three winners need to pm for their prizes ..
( Mention the genre, your username and book name in the pm)

Other participants can pm me for their scorecard.

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