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CATCHING UP WITH unfinished tasks were tiring as hell. Professor Snape gave me a charm that I can use whenever I'm experiencing my so-called symptoms. Well, I'll thank him for that.

The Great Hall looked splendid as always. Glowing magically. Golden plates and goblets gleamed by the light of hundreds and hundreds of candle, floating over the tables while in mid-air.


Dumbledore began to address to the house table from the top of the Hall, while all the other professors look on.

Mr. Filch unexpectedly glowers from the rear doors and other students began silently chuckling.

As Mr. Flich left, Dumbledore continued, "Mr. Filch. our beloved caretaker, has informed me with the list of objects forbidden within the castle. All 437 items may be viewed in Mr. Filch's office."

"Now, there is a apparently a rumor going around that Quidditch will not be played this year, Well, I'm here to tell you that it is absolutely true."

Indignation filled the hall and Elliot and his fellow members groaned while saying, "We practiced for nothing?" Well that was truly sad for them.

Dumbledore goes on, "Well you see, Hogwarts will play host this year to a legendary event. An event that has not been taken for over a hundred years."

We all gasped in suprise.

"The Triwizard Tournament" Excitement filled the hall as Dumbledore announced. Silence has finally hanged in the air while I was still in state of shock.

"Tomorrow, delegates from the Beauxbatons Academy of Magical Arts and the Durmstang School of Wizardry will journey to Hogwarts. This year, Our home will be their home. I ask only that you endeavor to make it a happy one."

As Dumbledore mentioned about Beauxbatons, I was surprised. Having to see them again is just truly unfortunate. I've been trying to avoid the reason of why I left in the first place. But It doesn't seem to work.

I'm still embarrassed by that fact and I hardly want people to know why.

~ the next day ~

Madelyn & I headed out to see crowds of students at the edge of the school grounds, watching in amazement as flying carriages with a herd of twelve elephantine palomino Abraxan winged horses, soared through the air. Only to notice that it was Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. Having to see Madame Maxine and especially Aurélie was quite unlucky. I thought I would finally have peace in here and forget about them, but seeing them here, at my school, is just unfortunate.

Breathe, Amoura; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now