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I WAS AWOKEN by what I consider; a realistic visualization. Where I was able to touch, feel and listen to. But I somehow can't distinguish if it was real or was just in the middle of an unexpected imagination.

"I think I love you. I love you Amoura."

The same sentence I remembered from my visualization that I was repeating continuously; but unfortunately, not knowing what it meant. Asking myself if it was true or not. I tried to distinguish the sound of its voice. I described that it sounded like a boy, maybe in the same age as mine. Fluently speaking it's soft British accent. It sounded like—

no that can't be.

I felt that moment as real it could be. I don't think it was a sudden imagination that was suddenly engraved it my brain. I figured it was slowly telling me something. Something I should have known all along. But was scared to admit so.

Unable to sleep, I crawled out of my bed and quietly crept to the ballroom; noticing that everyone had left the banquet. Decorations — were scattered on the floor. Leaving all of the hanging lights tangled. I didn't know what I was doing in this moment. I felt the need to know what that visualization was telling me.

It had to be real.

Was it really — Draco?

Did he confessed such feelings? Or was I just dizzy from alcohol and it somehow created an imagination I was seeking for. But that can't be the reason. Someone must have slipped a sober charm in my drink. I acted way more than normal. As if I haven't drank any drink or so.

I was confused with my reality. I've been questioning my sanity as I was walking down the empty hallways. Am I just being insane or am I confused in what to believe to. I was in a state of incredulity. Not knowing if he was the one I actually heard.

I want to search for whoever that guy is. He confessed everything. It seemed like the person I talked to, hated me, but unexpectedly falls for me. And truthfully, I only thought of one person that it could be — Draco.

I could never mistaken his voice with someone else. But a voice in my mind is discouraging me from what I believe. Saying how I don't think he would have certain feelings for me and actually care for me. He was always the rude, selfish kind of type. And I was the opposite.

But whenever he's around, I feel cascade of emotions, brought down upon me. I was uncertain. Lost. I've been trying to tell myself that he's bad news for me. But somehow, I want to feel how it would be like to fall in love with someone like him.

But I remembered how Lucius confronted me...

f l a s h b a c k
after the sudden kiss

Before I headed for a drink after that sudden kiss with Draco, A black figure approached me — holding a walking stick with a snake's head. Just one word to notice it all — Lucius Malfoy.

He shoved me to an empty hallway and I was trembling. I was frightened in seeing him again. I hated him so much. "Stay away from my son"

"Please just let me go!" I whined as he was tightening his grip on my wrist. "He doesn't want you anyways. Now do me a favor and stay away from him." He sends a last flaring glare and finally lets go of my wrist, sighing in relief.

e n d

Standing in front of a death eater is way more scarier than I thought it would be. It's been a long time since I stood in front of Lucius Malfoy. My mother specifically stated to not let him near our family. He's cruel, vile, heartless — And what more can I say? He's a terrible human being who torments kids and anyone who dares to speak with him.

But above all, in those times I've spend with Draco, He felt calm — away from all troubles. I loved being with him. He was broken. He was scared. He used his harsh words and his upsetting behavior to cope with what he felt. Because he grown up being like that. Acting just like his father.

I just want him to realize that he will always have a choice. I want to be the one to help him. In the past, his parents wouldn't let him make the decisions. They were controlling him. Making it seem that whatever they or say is true — or that it could help him.

But it just made it worse.

As I sat beside the window, I jumped—unexpectedly seeing my father approach me. "What are you doing up so late, Amoura?" He asks as he scratches his head.

"Thinking" I replied while glancing at the little stars. "Well, why are you up, father?" I asked. "Alexander barged in our room, drunk. And I let him sleep there" He scoffed as I chuckled upon hearing him talk about Alexander. "Typical Alexander!"

"Does you head still hurt?"

"Well, someone must have slipped a charm in my drink and it made me sober."

"It's possible that its Madelyn." He chuckles.

"Are you thinking about Draco?"

"Well yeah but—"

"You know Amoura, don't let nothing stop your doorway from happiness. When those feeling you are uncertain about is there, its there. It won't stop unless you really won't let him. I see how he looks at you, Amoura. This kind of love — is what I call rare." My father advises as I felt a single tear roll down from my cheeks.

"Thats the thing father, I can't."

"You can't just say you can't. You have to try. If he makes you happy — then do what your heart tells you to do."

He pulls me into a hug and I felt secure in my father's arms, melting in his touch. We barely talked during the year. He gave me better advices than my mother. That I'll admit.

Disregarding what Lucius had threatened me, even though they think i'm not good enough — then I don't give fuck. Because this is my life. His life. And I would never ever let them come in my way. Their opinions wouldn't matter. Even though Astoria was who they actually wanted. It's my decision. Not his.

And never will be. I will make sure of that.

Breathe, Amoura; Draco Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now