Chapter 10

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I step out of the car and give myself a second to get used to my surroundings and stabilize my feet. "Beautiful isn't it?" Sebastian asks as he made his way out of the vehicle. "I spend a decade here before I got desacaded." I take everything in carefully. He is right it is gorgeous here, but I need to focus. "Sebastian? I would love to visit that friend of yours. Rebekah, right?" Sebastian who now made his way around the car smiles and says. "Want to scoop out the competition, Elizabeth?" no I want to get information. "You caught me, I want to know if she isn't more desirable to you than I am. You know I wouldn't want to share you." or have you at all. "Well I'm sure her and Marcel would love a visit. And lucky for you I know exactly where they're hanging out." he takes my hand and shows me around New Orleans. Telling me stories about the entire Mikealson family without me having to do much digging at all, it's all going according to plan. I had foreseen that pretending to be interested in Sebastians cruel past would crack open an entire log of stories about his years in New Orleans and plenty of information about the Mikealson family and hopefully information that would lead me to Hope, the real Hope. 

Then we stop in front of a beautiful house, no mansion. "Welcome to the humble stay of Rebekah Mikealson!" Sebastian barged in like he owned the place. But in his mind I bet he does. "Where is Rebekah?" " Well seeing she's not here she's probably off with her husband enjoying every bit off the world." are you kidding me? all this shit and she's not home. fuck I still have to make him believe that I'm here for him. "Well maybe you could give me a tour of the house. If we're here already anyways."  "Ofcourse m'lady." Sebastian leads me through the house showing me all the treasure but I'm more focused on finding any pictures, documents, maybe a family tree of some kind to find any link to information about Hope. When we are done with the tour Sebastian takes me to a different mansion that he owns. 

"it's beautiful here Sebastian. No that's an understatement, It's absolutely breathtaking." he chuckles. "Glad you like it Elizabeth. This could be yours you know." I turn to face him. "What do you mean?" "I mean it's mine. But it could be ours. You know for forever." "That's silly Sebastian. I'm only seventeen. Besides I'm not immortal, forever doesn't truly exist for me." the only reason I would want immortality anyways was to avoid the merge, or whatever it was exactly. "I would give you forever Elizabeth. We could concur time and escape death." "Sebastian, you are dead. Living dead. But you're not alive." "But I won't disappear. Not like mortal beings would." "No you wouldn't. Sebastian is there a reason for this conversation?" "No particular one." for now is something he only says in the back of his mind.


After class is over me and Maya are going dress shopping for the dance. She's excited out of her mind and I'm trying to enjoy stuff like this. Back at Salvatore people would just make dresses with magic and even if they would go shopping I wasn't really the one that they would invite to come along. As the tribrid I never really had friends. The wolves found me to be to witchy, the witches weren't a fan of my vampire side which wasn't even activated and the vampires didn't 't like me because one I wasn't vampy and two I was a wolf and wolf bites are lethal. Which was kind off ridiculous because I had a lot of control and wasn't going to bite them anyways. But with Maya I never had to worry about abandonment. Sure she had no clue off my supernatural special sauce but she might have been the most loyal friend I've had. She rarely left my side, never betrayed my trust, didn't overstep my boundaries. We were an absolute perfect duo. Her taste in women is slightly questionable, but what do I know I'm in love with a woman that isn't aware of my existence. 

"Get in loser we're going shopping!" Maya yells at me from inside her car. I get in put on my seatbelt and we start driving. "Did you just quote mean girls?" "Yes. I'm cultured ya know!" I get in the passengers seat of the car as I close the door the car races out off the Lott. "Are you trying to kill us?" I almost yell. "No. Just like getting places quickly." Maya answers. Well we succeed at that because not even 5 minutes later we're at the mall. "There's this dress store that sells the most gorgeous dresses, we have to check it out." "Sure. But we're only going for your dress right? No surprise guests?" "Penelope isn't joining us, she has some class at that rich boarding school she goes to.""Okay." we walk into the store and Maya starts piling dresses onto her arm. When she has at least 10 she turns her head around with a look of confusion. "What?" "Why aren't you picking dresses?" "Oh. yeah I don't really have any money to spare on prom dresses right now." "So what are you wearing to the dance?" "I didn't think about that." Maya turns to the rack and hands me a lilac dress. "I'll pay." "No, no its alright you don't have to do that. I'll just wear my normal clothes or borrow a dress from someone." "No, you deserve your own beautiful dress. I'll pay, that's what friends do." "You sure?" "Yes 100%. Now let's go try on these dresses."

We go to the dressing rooms and try on all kinds off dresses. After 3 fine ones I try on a lilac gown that has a corset look at the top and a tule skirt that goes to my ankles. It reminds me of the one that I wore to miss mistic falls, the one that lizzie picked out for me. I walk out off the fitting room and face Maya who's wearing a red dress that hugs her figure perfectly and then flairs at her ankles. She looks absolutely stunning. "You look beautiful." we say in sync. "That color makes your eyes pop." she complements me. "You look like an absolute goddess." I tell her. "Good I like making an impression. Let everyone know who's boss." I can't help but laugh at that and we change back into our normal clothes and Maya pays for our dresses which I think I thanked her for 20 times before we make our way back to their house.


heloooo!! this chapter is a little boring but I want my romance to come round so its a plot device sorry. but off topic I'm so nervous for the election results and I'm not even American but like aaah help! stay safe and healthy everyone. I love you. xoxo Saar <3

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