chapter 4

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I walk into the library and I spot Landon Kirby. "mophead, what are you doing?" Landon looks up at me with a confused look in his eyes but they turn into something that I think resembles annoyance when his eyes meet mine. "Lizzie. I'm trying to get Raff back what else would I be doing? You know he's still stuck in wolf form right?" oh yes Raffael had turned and no one knew how to turn him back. "Oh yeah sorry. I hope we get him back." he sighs in what I think is defeat, "That makes two of us. I just wish I could find something, anything to get him back." the helpless look in Kirby's eyes gets me really close to sympathy but I decide against letting myself show anything even resembling emotion. So I give him a sympathetic smile and say, "Well let me know if he turns back. I have more important things to do." I leave a moping Landon behind to go to the bookshelf with supernatural history on it and find the book on the Mikealson family. 

"The Mikealsons, one of the most powerful supernatural families none to date." a familiar voice says. "Sebastian?" I turn around to meet the vampire's ice cold bleu eyes.  "Hello Elizabeth." Sebastian and I met when I was still in therapy, he would randomly show up around the area and we shared some brief moments. he made me feel the most normal I'd feel all day. "What are you doing here?" Sebastian smiles at me and then answers "I wanted to see you obviously. Did you miss me?" I can't lie I did miss the vamp standing in front of me. he wasn't judgmental like the people at Salvatore. he never labelled me as crazy, just Elizabeth. "Do you really have to call me Elizabeth? Everyone calls me lizzie,  do I need to remind you of that?" "I told you Elizabeth I'm not everyone neither do I find lizzie soothing for you. I'd prefer to call you Elizabeth a beautiful name for the beauty that you show me every time I look at you." Sebastian was an old vampire, he was old fashioned. I knew that, I found that part of his charm. "Well I'd still prefer lizzie but whatever, what did you want Sebastian?" he giggled even though I didn't know what the the reason was. "Must I have a reason to speak with you Elizabeth?" "Normally people have their reasons to talk to me. So I expect there must be a reason for you to strike up conversation." "I thought I could help with your research. I was alive before the fall of the original family you know. Well as alive as a vampire can be." "Weren't you desiccated?" "Well yes but Niklaus Mikealson was alive way before I was even turned into a vampire. I'd heard myths of the most ruthless creature to walk the earth, THE original hybrid." "Did you ever meet him?" I asked to hopefully speed up my search process. " No I think with the fact that you just stated that I was desiccated, I never had the pleasure of meeting the great Mikealson. I wish I had, I could've learned a lot from the great evil." I watch as Sebastians expresion slowly turns from and admiring smile to a questioning look. "Why are you so interested in the Mikealson line Elizabeth?" he questions. "No specific reason. just wanted to know where you and my vampire friends descend from." I lie. "Well I'm happy that I interest you enough that you'd do research on the lines that I descend from." he says with a smug smile on his face. Sebastian is a charming man but he isn't the most modest of them all. "Well yeah, happy you're happy. But I'm afraid I must go. thank you for the help Sebastian.  Enjoy the rest of your day. Goodbye." "Farewell Elizabeth, for now." he greets as I make my way out of the library, with almost no significant proces in my search for the Mikealson in my head.


When I finish my day at school I meet with Maya at her locker, she seems as excited as ever for the party tonight. the reason becomes clear pretty fast. "I can't wait for tonight!" "I can tell. Any specific reason you're so excited. You don't seem like the person that wouldn't get invited so I don't assume this is an abnormal occasion for you. so is there anything that's got you so cheery?" Maya smiles as bright as I think I've ever seen someone smile. "You're right, parties aren't necessarily special occasions for me. But my girlfriend is coming tonight and she goes to different school than me. we haven't been official for that long so this is the first party we go to as a couple and everyone is going to know that we're officially dating. it's the first time I've actually had a girlfriend so I'm a little nervous, but mostly very excited." she beams. "Well she must be very special I can tell by the way you speak about her." I say. "She is. She's very magical, not like what I expected when I first met her." the girl tells me. "What did you expect?" Maya laughs softly before saying," I didn't expect her to be so caring. Everyone always talked about how beautiful she was and how bewitching I didn't believe them until I met her. we started hooking up but we both kind of felt a connection, but she's not the best with committing, she doesn't have issues with cheating or being tied down but more with not wanting to hurt people or not being able to help them. So it took her a little before she called me her girlfriend. but I love her very much." "Well she sounds lovely." 

We wait outside of the school for Ethan to finish up football practice and take us to their place. I learn that they're mom is the new sherif (finally they replaced sherif Donovan he wasn't the most easy to deal with if the Salvatore school had trouble with cover ups) I learn that Maya loves talking and Ethan and her have a very loving sibling bond. I learned that Ethan I going to college on a football scholarship that he's worked for since he can remember and that Maya always tried to beat him at football when they were younger, without much succes. I have a great dinner and then its time for Maya and I to get ready for the party. I take a shower which sherif Mac told me was okay and then Maya and I do our hair and make up after which I feel like a new woman and extremely confident we're laughing when someone knocks on the door.Ethan. "Hey when you guys are ready, do you want to ride with me to the party? I can't drink anyways." "Yes thank you Ethan that would be great!" Maya tells her brother. "Okay, 10 minutes enough to finish getting ready before we leave?" "yes thank you very much E." "No problem."

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