chapter 5

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I walk out of the library slightly annoyed as I walk into my sister looking at her phone. "Hey Jo, what's your phone buzzing about?" "Landon is texting me. He says Raf turned back into human form and wants to celebrate by going to this party in the woods thrown by some townie, said he thinks she's a wolf. he asked if Landon, you and me wanted to join." "Townies? Is he sure that's good idea?" the town kids absolutely hate us it's awful they've been tormenting me for years. "No but I'm happy Raf's back so I'll pull through for a night. I mean Penelope used to go and she never had any problem with it. Also I heard the sherif's kids will be there and I think dad likes her so we can scoop out her children and see if she's good at raising her kids." Josie jokes.

"But you wanna come along, just to scoop it out?" " I don't know the town kids normally aren't so fond of me." Josie looked at me with sympathetic eyes before saying. "But you could have fun and stick it to their faces." The thought of having fun despite what the town kids thought of her did sound like an intriguing plan. "Okay whatever, I'll come but if I wanna leave, I'll leave!" Josie smiled excitedly. "of course Lizz now let's go have some fun. Let's get ready!!!"

Me and Josie proceeded to curl our hair and do our make up. she picked a dark bleu sweater and black leather skirt with some tights and black heels, I put on a light bleu flowwy dress and put some white pumps under them because of the cold I put some skin colored tights underneath. When we were done we snuck out and drove of in my car on our way to the spot in the woods that Rafael told us the party was at. We were greeted by half drunk teenagers dancing, making out against trees and other usual stuff teenagers do when unsupervised in the woods. I didn't see any of dana's old friends so I was pretty sure I was safe of being the laughingstock of the night.

I was looking around for any familiar faces when I spotted Josie looking at something with a mix of disgust, hurt, confusion and jealousy. I followed her gaze and saw she was looking at no one other than Penelope park. Penelope was Josie's ex girlfriend, I hate her but Josie loved her once. Before the witch broke her heart and stomped on it. Josie was a wreck, I never liked the witch anyway but my disgust towards her only grew after the break up. There was a girl standing next to her, someone who looks like she's probably Penelope's new girl. She had long dark hair and caramel skin, she looked popular not mean though, although you can't see the venom on a snake. beside them there stood a tall brunette guy he was handsome, I think he's on the football team I seem to recognize him. Then my eyes met a bleu grey that felt familiar. The color belonged to the eyes of a girl, a little short, auburn hair, fair skin. She looked familiar even though I couldn't think of where I'd seen her before. Nonetheless she must have been one of the most beautiful people I had ever seen. She looked at me with some fear in her eyes or pain I couldn't place it but it wouldn't leave my mind.


Maya and I finish up getting ready and get in the back of Ethan's car. On the way there Maya talking about Penelope gives me deja vu too when Josie and Penelope we're still together. The way her eyes light up and how she describes the dates Penelope takes her on remind me a lot of when I used to sit on Josies bed on occasion when lizzie wasn't around and she dared to mention Penelope to someone other than mg. It's cute, it also gives you a side of the cold Penelope Park that you normally wouldn't see.

When we arrived at the party Maya is more than excited to have arrived and practically leaps out of the car, Ethan almost doesn't get the change to decently park the car. Maya sprints to the party and we try to keep up. Maya looks around and then spots the raven haired beauty standing in a shadowy corner enjoying a drink. She's laughing at something a girl from her coven said that is seemingly really funny. When she notices Maya running towards her hope watches her eyes turn soft, which she's only seen once before when Penelope and Josie were dating. It's weird to see it towards someone else then the brunette witch related to the infamous love of her young life. They share a passionate kiss that is straight out of a romance movie before getting a drink.

"They've got it good." Ethan says behind me. "Yeah you'd say so from that greeting." Ethan breaths out a laugh. "Yeah they don't hide it very well, but that's how my sister is. You want a drink?" he asks. "Yeah sounds good I'll walk with you." then we make our way over to the bar to both get a beer before finding a good spot to stand. "You like it here?" Ethan eventually asks after a little comfortable silence. "Yeah. I'm happy that I met Maya though she made it a lot easier to adjust to everything." he smiles. "Yeah, she has a way with making people comfortable." the affection with which he speaks about his sister is nothing short of how she speaks about him. "She did the same for me when we were new last year. she didn't have a hard time adjusting but I did. new school, new team, new town, and your mom's the sherif? Didn't make it any easier you know. but Maya has this charm she didn't have a hard time adjusting obviously, I on the other hand do not share her gifts. But she always told me that people were lucky to be friend with someone like me and they were fools to not see it. She never dropped me for her friends or her girlfriend. she always took by me. I'm really grateful for that ya know?" "I can Imagine." flashes of the man she used to cal her brother fill hopes mind but she shakes her head to clear it.

After conversations about a shared love for nature and Ethan admitting to a love for art after which hope told him she would try to teach him how to paint hope is taking in the scene of the party in peace, she's actually grateful she went to the party. She feels so normal, she feels like Ethan and Maya could be really cool friends, at least as far as she can let friendships go and she had some actual fun tonight. it's fun to not always worry about monster hunts and lives at steak. And not worry about interactions with... Elizabeth Saltzman.

Then hope sees her. Lizzie Saltzman at the other side of the open spot in the woods. Her snow blond hair in waves down her shoulders, her beautiful physique draped in a flowy ice bleu dress, an observing look in her bleu grey eyes. She looked so out of element, which was a weird sight because she was normally a bright social light. She was standing on the outside of the party just observing everything that was happening around her. Lizzie wasn't the most fond of townies, Hope was very aware of this, so it surprised her that the blonde even made an appearance at the party.

Hope just stood there, frozen, as she watched the girl that she kept in her mind standing there, with just a party of drunk teenagers standing between them. Only a open spot in the woods with around 100 people standing in it keeping them from each other. She was enjoying every moment she had of observation before I bolted. Before I knew it I was running into the woods. Fear of my feelings and the fact that lizzie saltzman didn't remember me took over as I ran into the woods dropped my clothes and turned into my wolf form so I could actually sprint. I sprinted for half an hour before realizing I just bolted from a party with Maya and Ethan left behind. the guilt of them maybe looking for me is eating me alive so I sprint back to m clothes change back, get dressed and start looking for them.

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