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"Damien, would you please call everyone down to dinner?" Elena looks at her eldest son appreciatively.

He nods, popping a piece of pepperoni in his mouth before pushing himself up from his seat at the counter. He walks through the rest of the kitchen, moving along through the dining room and up the stairs. He knocks once on all his siblings doors, before going into his own room. His girlfriend Francesca lays on their bed on her stomach, texting her twin sister feverishly.

"Hey, baby," he takes a seat on the bed next to her, "is everything okay?"His hand rests on the small of her back. She doesn't answer. "Frankie, baby, is everything okay?" He says a bit louder.

She rolls over and sits up with her legs crossed. "Yeah, Rosalina is just telling me about Keenan. She said he's been using a lot lately and if he's not using, he's screaming at her," she frowns at the screen as another message pops up. "She's really upset."

Damien smiles sadly, placing his hand in Francesca's lap. She takes his hand and sighs. "She'll be okay," he says reassuringly. "Do you want to go see her after dinner?" She's quick to nod, making him chuckle. He kisses her forehead, "alright. Well, let's get down there and eat then we can go."

The family is gathered around the dining table. Rocco sits at the head of the table with his wife next to him. His eldest son sits on the other side of him with Francesca. Beside her sits Antonio, the second oldest. Luca sits beside his mother, a space between him and his sister Alessandra. Catrina sits across from Alessandra with the third sister, Beatrice, on her right.

"Luca, honey?" Elena turns to her left, "would you please lead us in prayer?"

The Paccioretti family is a religious one, embracing their catholic heritage brought from the homeland with Rocco's father before he passed. After they say grace, led by Luca, the family starts to dig in to the meal prepared by Elena and her daughters. Pasta, chicken, and steaks are passed around the table.

They family enjoys their meal, exchanging lighthearted conversation between bites.

Rocco sits back in his chair, nodding to his wife. She stands up, takes his plate, and tells the girls they may be excused to leave the men to chat.

"My boys," Rocco starts as soon as everyone is out of the dining room. "I love you all my children equally as you are all so special and unique in your own way. But when it comes down to it, there is only one who needs to be in charge when I step down."

Luca and his brothers exchange looks. "Father," Antonio speaks first, "we know it will be Damien. As the oldest, he has earned the position and we've agreed upon it."

Luca and Damien nod in agreement. Rocco chuckles lightly, "I've actually talked to my men to great lengths about it and I don't think Damien is fit to be leader." He sets his hand on his son's shoulder. "You have a big heart, Damien, you could never make the decisions or do the things I need to be done in my absence."

Damien breathes out heavily, "I think you are correct." There's a slight pause. "I would much rather set these things up, Father. But if not me, who will take over?"

"Well," Antonio interupts, "that would be me."

Luca observes his older brother's cockiness. "No," Rocco says, "no. Antonio, you are head over heels for that Clairese of yours. She doesn't know what we do, nor would she ever be okay with it."

There's silence.

"Luca," he snaps to attention, "my boy. If you would accept, I would like to start preparing you to take over my position as head in a couple of years."

In response, Luca rises from his seat. He moves over and sits next to his father. "Are you sure about this? Antonio is older and more mature—"

"No, Luca, he's right. I want to give Clairese the world and I cannot do that if I am to stick my neck out as mob boss," Antonio cuts off his brother.

With a smile, Luca nods. His father rises from his seat and extends his hand. Luca does the same and shakes his father's hand firmly. Rocco chuckles and hugs his kids before bidding them a goodnight and retiring to his study.

Damien wraps his arm around his youngest brother's shoulder, congratulating him optimistically. "You'll do great, kid," he smiles. Antonio slips out of the room during his brother's exchange. "You should probably go talk to him about when you want to start—"

"Damien!" There's a cry as Francesca bursts back into the room. "Damien, we have to go!" She yells.

The brothers look at her confusedly before Damien pulls away and rushes to her. "Baby, what's happening? What's wrong?" He cups Frankie's face.

"It's Rosie," she bawls, "she was hit by a car on her way home."

"Oh, Honey," he pulls his girlfriend into his arms.

Luca, quietly observing the situation, steps closer to his brother. "I can drive you guys," he offers.

Francesca looks up and at Damien. Damien nods, "sure, man. That would be great."


"Tessa?"  The blonde calls out.

A girl with brown curly hair makes her way up to the counter. "Thank you!" She exclaims as she takes her drink.

Rosalina smiles as she places one dollar bill in the tip jar. "Rose, you can go," her coworker, Allie, says as she pulls on an apron.

Rosie nods, taking her gloves off and tossing them into the nearest garbage. She makes her way into the break room to clock out. On her way out, she grabs a smoothie. With a quick wave to Allie, she exits the small shop. She looks both ways to ensure she won't run into anyone before heading down the street.

Rosalina walks quickly as the temperature had dropped while she was working. "I can't wait to get home and curl up with Keenan," she smiles at the thought. The two had been drifting apart ever since he'd lost his job. He would be asleep on the couch whenever she got home from work and stayed there throughout the night as he was too drugged up to move, leaving Rosalina in the queen size bed by herself.

She glances up, making sure the signal is telling her it's okay to cross. She still looks both ways, not seeing a car coming from either side. Once she gets about half way, Rosalina drops her phone. She bends down to pick it up, mumbling a quiet, "are you fucking kidding me?" When she sees the newest crack on the screen.

A large black van comes hurdling down the road, the noise from the tires making her snap to attention. Before she could even react, the van had hurdled its way through her.

The driver stops on the account of a shattered windshield. He opens the door and looks behind the vehicle, bringing his hands up to his mouth.

"Rosie?" Keenan gasps. He's quick to get back in the car and speed off, making sure nobody had seen the catastrophe, leaving her to bleed and gasp for air on the concrete. 

To the Moon and Beyond the starsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin