Chapter 4: 'First Impressions'

Start from the beginning

Luz took a quick look in the mirror, she fixed her hair again and gave herself finger guns as she walked out of her room. She made her way to the kitchen, she plugged in her toaster and pulled out bread from the pantry. Her mom was asleep, so she didn't want to make too much noise. She put on a slice of bread in the toaster and pushed down the lever. She put up the bread and searched for the jar of Nutella in the back. When she found it, she set it down next to the toaster and walked out of the kitchen. She crept down the hall and faced the door to her mom's room. She opens the door slowly, slightly creaking at the movement. Luz tip-toed in, making sure not to make a sound. She walked over to the best to see the sight of her mother sleeping peacefully, Luz let out a soft smile and bent down to give her mom a tiny kiss on her forehead. "Te amo mamá," Luz said quietly before walking out.

When she made her way back into the kitchen, she realized her toast was done. She set down a napkin down on her counter. She tried grabbing the bread but burned her fingers in the process. "Ow!" She exclaimed quietly, rubbing her fingers together. She tried grabbing the bread again, it was still hot but not to bad. She set the bread down on the napkin and smeared the Nutella on it. When she finished, she put the spread back in the pantry and grabbed her toast. There was still about 10 minutes until she had to head to Hexside.

She sat down on the counter and ate her toast, she hadn't noticed her leg had been bouncing with anxiety the entire time. Of course, Luz was excited for today, she finally got to go to the school her friends went to. She could finally talk to them in person and not through the screen. She couldn't help but feel nervous though. She felt like she had to make a good first impression, or else her friends would abandon her just like everyone else did. Luz was pulled out of her thoughts by the sound of a faint alarm. She pulled out her phone and turned it off, it was time to go. Luz stuffed the final piece of toast in her mouth, wiping off the crumbs. She washed her hands before she left and walked out onto her porch. It was chilly, but it still felt nice outside.

The sun was rising fast and it shone on Luz. She had an enthusiastic smile as she walked, she couldn't wait! She speeds up a bit, not wanting to waste any time. She felt her phone vibrate in her back pocket, she took it out to see a notification. 'On your way yet?' Read a text from Amity. Luz's smile got wider as she responded, 'Yeah, almost there!' She sent back. Luz put her phone back in her pocket and continued walking a little faster than before, maybe she did already make a good first impression.

She was so anxious the entire time, Luz didn't even realize she was at the school. It took surprisingly shorter to get there than Glandus. The door of the school stood in front of her, but she didn't go in just yet. They were almost like an iron gate, she could pass through. Her heartbeat raced as she stared at the doors, this was her chance to start over. 'Don't mess this up,' She said in her mind over and over again, one final chance.

She opened the doors and was met by the smell of cinnamon, 'weird' Luz thought. She saw the door that led to the front office and made her way to it. Opening the door, the scent got stronger. She saw 3 women inside of the office, each of them seemed to be laughing at something. They all faced Luz as she walked in, giving her a small smile. Luz returned an awkward smile back and walked toward one of the desks. A lady with a purple yarn sweater sat down, she had a plaque in the front that read the name 'Beatrice Lovedale. The lady looked up at Luz with her icy blue eyes, close to Boscha's. "Hello, sweetheart, what are you here for," She said with a welcoming tone. Luz played with her fingers nervously, "Oh, I just transferred here from Glandus, and was wondering about my schedule," Luz said, looking a the lady. Mrs. Lovedale began typing something down on the computer, Luz was amazed at how fast she did.

"And what's your name sweetie?" She asked nicely, looking up at Luz. "It's Luz Noceda," She said. "Luz...Noceda" Mrs. Lovedale whispered under her breath. "Ah, here you are," She exclaimed, getting up from the desk. She clicked a few more buttons on her computer and then she heard the printer behind her. She got up to get the paper and walked over to hand it to Luz, "Welcome to Hexside Luz, if you ever need anything, just come up here and we'll try our best" She said with a warm smile. Luz returned it back and grabbed her schedule. "Thank you," She said before walking out with a wave.

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