Chapter 3

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~ Tyler ~

I don't think I looked at the professor once during that whole time.

I was to distracted by Felicity.

I've come to the conclusion that she's a good girl, the whole time she was writing down notes and flicking through her textbooks it made me want to punch myself in the face but still I couldn't look away.

"Okay guys! That's it for today, we'll be having a quiz on this topic next class" whoops, oh well I'll just copy off of some nerd.

I quickly packed up my stuff and walked over to Felicity.

When I reached her she was still packing up her stuff neatly into her bag, I rolled my eyes.

"Hi" I said, giving her my signature smirk, she looked up at me and immediately rolled her eyes when she saw my face.

"What do you want?" She said, still packing away her stuff.

"Well it's nice to meet you too" I said scratching the back of my neck, she sighed and looked up at me for the first time since we had met.

"Listen, I know your type, I'm not going to be one of you're little sluts, okay?" She said raising her eyebrows at the end, my eyes widened in shock.

"Wow I've never been rejected by a girl before" she scoffed standing up.

"Well if it helps, I know you're type too" she stopped and turned around raising her eyebrows, signalling for me to continue.

"You're the good girl, perfect grades, lives by the rules" I said she rolled her eyes, not even bothering to answer me she just walked out of the class room. I smirked knowing that I had got her.

But I'm not finished with her...

~ Felicity ~

I walked away not turning back till I got to my dorm.

I ran the last few metres to my dorm, barging through the door and slamming it behind me.

"Jesus! Calm down, you're going to knock the door of its hinges!" Cassie yelled from her bed. She was still in her pyjamas so I take it she didn't go to class.

"What's wrong with you, huh?" Cassie asked.

"Nothing" I sighed sitting on my bed, Cassie sat up straight looking at me.

"Soo who is he?" She asked getting up to sit on my bed.

"It's no one" I say avoiding eye contact.

"Come on Lis I've known you since we were 4 you can't hide anything from me and you know it" she said making me look at her, I sighed giving in, she was write I couldn't hide anything from her.

"It's nothing, it's just a guy in my class" I said, I heard Cassie gasp.

"Is he cute? What does he look like? Is he cute?" She repeated, I laughed.

"You have no idea, he's gorgeous!" I say throwing my arms up in the air.

"Ooo what does he look like?"

"Well he's tall and muscly, he has dark brown hair and mesmerising dark green eyes" I say sighing.

"God, you're whipped" Cassie said, my head snapped up and I glared at her, she just raised her eyebrow.

"That's the problem, he's a total dickhead, he's a bad boy Cas!" I say frowning.

"Well show him what he's missing!" She said.

"How? I'm not you, I don't have a prefect body or hair... or face" Cassie rolled her eyes.

"You're gorgeous, never forget it, any guy would be lucky to have you. Tomorrow show this guy what he's missing!" She ranted, I smiled.

"Thanks, and his name is Tyler by the way" Cassie nodded.

"Tyler... that's a sexy name." I just rolled my eyes getting to work on my homework. But still Cassie's words were ringing in my head.

Show him what he's missing... But how?


Hmm soo Tyler's taking a fancy to Felicity.

What do you think she's going to do??

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