Chapter 9

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~ Felicity ~

It's been a week and a half since I moved into Tyler's dorm and not once have we brought up what happened in the car.

Sometimes I feel like we should talk about it but another apart of me is glad we didn't.

My feelings for Tyler have seemingly grown over this week and a half and I'm not happy about it.

I know he'll never like me back and that's the reason I decided to drop the act.

But I still dress in Cassie's clothes sometimes, I mean she has some pretty nice stuff.

Speaking of Cassie... I haven't spoken to her at all. Not one call, not even a text.

I haven't seen her around the halls at college, which isn't really a surprise but I just feel abandoned.

I've made no friends in my classes because Tyler scares everyone and anyone away. Especially guys!

So I'm stuck with the bad boy on campus.

To be honest I'm totally fine with it though, Tyler isn't all that bad once you get to know him.

The saying 'Don't judge a book by its cover' definitely applied to the life of Tyler Jacobs.

He might have the whole bad boy look going on with the low slung jeans, leather jacket, and tousled hair but underneath all that he's actually a pretty decent guy.

Anyways that's enough about Tyler. It's 12am and I'm trying to finish my biology essay. I've been sitting here for the last half hour thinking about Tyler, which wasn't any help.

I begin to pack my stuff away when I hear the floorboards creak.

I freeze, my eyes widening in fear.

Someone's coming to kill me! This is it! I'm going to die.

When your watching a scary film do you ever yell at the main character for going towards the sound? And vow that if something like that ever happened to you you'll hide under your duvet?

Well... I told myself the same thing, now look at me.

I tip toe out of my room and towards the small hallway. I see a dark figure standing near the door; I stay silent until I hear a familiar voice.

"Dang it!" He mumbles, whilst trying to unlock the door.

"Tyler?" I ask dubiously. Tyler's head snaps up and his eyes widen.

"Uh-I" He cleared his throat straightening up to look at me.

"Ugh, I'm too tired to ask questions" I say walking back to my bedroom and crawling under the covers.


Ahh the glory of the weekend.

I hop out of bed and skip to the kitchen, the smell of bacon immediately filling my senses.

"Morning!" I chirp, Hunter turns around giving me a suspicious look.

"Your awfully chirpy, with it being morning and all" He says chuckling.

"Eh what can I say, that's what a sleep in does to you," I say with a shrug.

"So... Tyler, what were you doing last night?" Tyler noticeably stiffened at my question, which only made me more suspicious.

"Uhm, nothing. It was nothing," He says placing a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me.

"Eat up!" He says a bit too enthusiastic, I narrowed my eyes and he gave me a small smile before grabbing his own plate. I decided to let the subject go and enjoy my breakfast.

But I will find out what he was doing last night, I'll make sure of it.


I feel my eyes start to droop as sleep slowly takes over me. It's now 3 am and I've been sitting in bed for about 4 hours staring up at the ceiling.


I'm trying to catch Tyler.

I know it's stupid, but I'm a very curious person...

And as they say 'Curiosity killed that cat'...

My eyes shoot open when I hear footsteps from outside my bedroom.

I quickly kick off my blankets and tiptoe out towards the kitchen.

I watch as Tyler goes through the kitchen draws looking for something.

I watch quietly until I get bored.

"Tyler!" I whisper yell, he snaps up and a thin strip of light flashes across his face.

I freeze.

That's not Tyler.

My first reaction was to scream so that's what I did. As soon as I did I hear Tyler yell my name.

I watch as the guy in front of me smirks and steps closer giving me a better look of his face. I noticed he has a long scar running from his eye and down his cheekbone, making him look even more dangerous.

"Hello, Tyler" The man all but growled.

"Cole" I hear Tyler growl from behind me. I force my head to look back and I catch Tyler's eye, he jolts his head to the side indicating for me to go to my room.

I swallow the lump in my throat before awkwardly walking past Tyler.

As soon as I get to my room I shut the door, locking it. I press my ear against the door and strain to hear what's going on just outside.

~ Tyler ~

"What are you doing here?" I growl, Cole just smirks and rolls his eyes.

"You know exactly why I'm here, Tyler. Now... where is the ring," He snarls.


Wow. Okay. This is really short.

Sorry guys, I promise the next chapter will be longer. But...

What do you think Cole is talking about?? 

Dangerous MindsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora