Chapter 10

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~ Tyler ~

"I don't know what you're talking about" I lie.

Most gang leaders don't tell their members a lot of detail, this might sound weird but it's a protection thing.

If a member is caught, the leader doesn't want to risk the lives of other members.

Cole's eyes darken, a snarl escaping his lips.

"No need to pout, Cole." I say with a smirk.

Before I could even react, Cole had me against the wall with his hand tightly wrapped around my throat.

"Don't test me, Tyler. I could kill you and not think twice about it." He growls, I decide against making a snarky remark, knowing that his threat is anything but shallow.

I've known other members that have been a victim to Cole and I don't want to be another name on the list.

"I have no idea what ring you are talking about!" I yell, Cole's eyes narrow before he releases the death grip on my throat.

I resist the urge to rub my throat; I don't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he hurt me.

"If I found out that you were lying to me, Tyler there will be hell to pay..." He said before leaving the dorm.

I run my hand through my hair letting out a sigh, what am I going to do with Felicity?

I know Felicity well enough to know that she won't just let this go.

After a good five minutes debating whether to tell her or not I decide it's for the best to tell her.

She could be in more danger being in the dark about this.

I softly knock on the door waiting anxiously for her to open the door.

God, the rooms at that big what's taking her so bloody lon-

"Tell me everything." My eyes snap down to meet hers; her arms are crossed over her chest eyes narrowed and hip jutted out.

A small smirk plays on my lips before she clears her throat, waiting for me to speak.

"Do you think this is funny, Tyler? I could've died tonight! And you're smirking!" She yells, her voice getting louder with each sentence.

As if on queue everything that happened tonight finally sunk in for the both of us.

"I could've died." She says, letting out a shaky breathe.

"I'm so sorry, Felicity" I rush. I grab her small body into my arms, my face pressed against her hair. I can feel her heart rate start to slow as her arms slowly encircle me.

Oh god... I'm falling for this girl... hard.

~ Felicity ~

I pull back from Tyler tilting my head to meet his gaze.

"Tyler, please. I need to know what happened tonight," I whisper, a small tear escaping my eye.

Tyler lets out a sigh before giving me small nod and walking over to me bed.

"Okay, you have to promise me you won't freak out, look at me differently and most importantly... I have to swear you to secrecy." I let out a small giggle and receive a stone cold glare from Tyler, I clear my throat before saying anything.

"What do you mean sworn to secrecy? What? Are you in a gang or something?" I say with a laugh.

Tyler looks away; kind of ashamed you could say. Then it hits me.

"Tyler... are you in a gang?" I whisper, the small nod I receive from Tyler makes me gasp.

"How? When? For how long?" All these questions start bubbling out before I could even think them through.

How can he be in a gang? Is he pulling my leg?!

Tyler hasn't said a work, which is making my anxious...

"Tyler, please say something..." I say. Tyler looks up at me his eyes locking with mine.

"Felicity... I'm in a gang and I need you to promise me that you'll keep yourself safe... I can't have you getting hurt because of me." He says, his eyes beginning to tear up.

"I can't believe it, Tyler. Who was that guy? What was he looking for??" I ask, terrified to know the answer.

"The guys name was Cole, he is a member of a rival gang and he's looking for this ring... apparently its some family air loom that belongs to the leader of the gang." I look away processing this newfound information.

"But why would he come here? Why would he think you have it?" I ask, confused. Tyler lets out a sigh before looking away.

"Because I stole it..." he whispers.

"Tyler! Why would you do that?" I ask, bewildered.

"I knew that the ring was special to Klaus and I thought if I could get my hands on it then we could figure out why Klaus found it so special and we could find his weakness and take him down." He said, small smile playing on his lips.

"That is the most stupidest thing I have ever heard!" I yell throwing my arms in the air. Tyler's face fell and a small frown took over his smile.

"What do you mean?" he asks confused.

"I mean that is a stupid plan. Why would you steal something off someone so dangerous?" I ask.

"Well it really isn't that dangerous, the only reason Cole came to look for it here was because someone tipped him off and told him that I had it, we don't know who but it has to be someone close to the gang! Plus not many people know what Klaus even looks like, it's said that only a handful of his members have ever seen him, and no one has seen the ring, except for the guards that were standing in front of Klaus' door... but they're dead now" He says with a smirk.

I stare at Tyler. My eyes are wide and my jaw is practically hitting the ground.

"Close you're mouth, Honey you'll attract flies." I glare at Tyler, while he smirks.

Yep, still the same old Tyler.

Stupid cocky, annoying, good-looking... gang member.


Well then...

Haven't updated in a while but School Holidays are here so I should be able to update more often :) 

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