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The team and I were in the gym, practicing per usual when two boys walk in. One of them has greenish-black hair and the other blond. I stare at them for a moment before laughing and serving the ball.

"Sora!" I hear Daichi yell. I glance over at him. "This is Tsukishima Kei and Yamaguchi Tadashi. They're going to try out for the team. But Hinata, Kageyama, Tanaka and I are going to be playing. You guys can go home now if you'd like."

I smile and nod. "Do you guys wanna go to my house?" I ask Yumi and Ayame. They both say yes, and we begin our walk to my house.

"Bro, I can't wait for a practice game." I sigh and tilt my head back. The girls agree.

"Honestly. I need to play an actual game right now. It's getting too boring." Ayama lets out. Yumi walks alongside us quietly while staring at her phone.

When we finally arrive at my house, it's almost dark. Ayame and Yumi stay for about an hour before they leave.

I walk into the gym in the morning, late. I hadn't got enough sleep the night prior. I smile at everyone as they all stare at me. Tanaka bursts out laughing, turns to Daichi and says, "And I'm the one always late?!"

Daichi tells him it's my first day being late, and I'm usually here on time. He says that practice is over for this morning and to come back after school.

I come to practice after class, then Daichi runs over to me. He has a jacket in his hand, and everyone else was already wearing theirs, so I could only assume it was mine.

He hands it to me and says, "Here, since you weren't at practice yesterday or earlier." He smiles then runs back to the team. I put the jacket on and smile to myself. Ayame then runs to me and whispers, "We have a practice match with Aoba Johsai on Tuesday. Yumi and I found out this morning, and I thought I would let you know."

I look at Ayame before I speak. "About time. I was getting bored playing with the team." Ayame laughs. We walk over to the rest of the team and begin practicing.

Practice drags on for a while but seems to go by quickly. Everyone says goodnight and ride bikes home.

I get home to see my mom, dad, and brother sitting on the couch watching TV. I smile and wave at them before going upstairs. I finish my homework and take a shower.

I check my phone and scroll through TikTok for a few minutes before I get called down to eat dinner with my family."

I walk down the stairs, and my brother tries to rush to me before we sit down, as if he wants to tell me something.

"Have you told mom and dad that you're on the boy's volleyball team yet?" He smirks and nudges my shoulder. I glare at him and say, "No, not yet. How do you even know I'm on their team?"

He smiles and runs away again.

I roll my eyes and walk to the dining room. I sit down in my chair and begin eating.

"Soras on the boys' volleyball team!" He shouts out when we're all at the table.

"Aiko!" I yell. I rest my forehead on my hands and wait for my parents to talk.

"Aiko, she could've told us herself." My mom says. My dad agrees with her. They both turn their heads and look at me. "Why haven't you told us?"

I lift my head from my hand. "I didn't know if you guys would be okay with it. I was on the girls' team but-"

My mom smiles and says that it's okay, and she wishes I would've told her sooner. I smile and finish eating my dinner.

I go back upstairs and go to sleep after dinner.

A few days pass, and finally, it's time for our first practice match against another team. Aoba Johsai was one of the top schools in the prefecture, so I was a little worried. I told my parents about the game today, and they just told me to stay safe and not to get hurt.

When Karasuno finally arrives at Seijoh, I begin to panic. What if our skills aren't good enough? Sure we have Kageyama and Hinatas quick attack, but we don't have nearly the amount of people on our team that they do.

I let my panic flow out of me, finally calming down as I get out of the bus.

"It's going to be okay, Sora. Don't panic!" Yumi tries to comfort me. I smile and say that I'm doing fine now.

Yumi, Ayame, and I stop at the entrance to the gym.

"Are you guys ready?" Yumi asks us. I take a deep breath before saying, "Of course I am! I'm ready to beat their asses!" I raise my fist in the air and giggle as I let it fall back down to my side.

I hear a scoff from behind me, and we all turn around.

"As if. Just wait until our crappy captain gets here." The boy, seemingly from Seijohs team, says. I stare at him, unknowing of what to say.

Tanaka, Suga, and Daichi turn the corner at that moment. Tanaka already seemed to be mad about something, so he would try to put this guy in his place. He begins stomping towards us, and Daichi grabs the collar of his shirt. Suga apologizes for his behavior and escorts him into the gym. Ayame and Yumi went with them into the gym, so I was by myself with this Seijoh guy

"My names Sora," I begin, "And you're going to remember me from Karasuno High and beating your team!" The guy smirks and laughs before saying, "My name is Iwaizumi, and I highly doubt your team can beat mine, especially with your lack of amazing players."

I glare at him once again before he says, "Let me make a proposal. If you win, $20 and my phone number. If we win, $20 and your team manager number."

I sit and think for a minute before accepting the proposal. I run into the gym and begin practicing with my team.

The match goes on for about an hour when someone walks into the gym. He's wearing a Seijoh volleyball uniform with the number 1 on it.'

So he's the captain. Iwaizumi warned me about him, but we're winning so far. I see people in the stands, and they're cheering his name. "Oikawa! Oikawa!"

Kageyama serves once again. I watch the ball fly over the net.

I want to win this game. Not to get Iwaizumis number or the $20 he's offering me. I want to win because I need my volleyball confidence boosted.

I zone out and zone back in after Karasuno has won. I look over at Iwaizumi, and he looks back in defeat. I walk outside of the gym and begin texting the family group chat. I tell them how excited I am that we won the game.

I hear someone clear their throat behind me, so I turn around. Iwaizumi reminds me of the deal we made. I smile as he hands me the $20. He takes my phone and types in his phone number

I walk back into the gym and text him.

thanks for the $20 btw

I look over at Iwaizumi, who's looking at his phone and talking to Oikawa.

you're welcome.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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