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(If you are enjoying this story I recommend looking at @shinkami_lover because they are posting another Shinkami story)

Denki POV
Friday 4:00 a.m.
I wake up stiff and tired. I crack my eyes open and weakly look around. I move my arms and see the cuffs aren't fastened anymore. I move slightly and feel Shin move off my neck. He sits on my lap and meows at me. I move slightly and feel all the pain come racing back. At least my brain is cleared.

I take out my phone and see it's around 4 in the morning. I slowly lift myself up from the chair. I stumble and almost fall to the floor but manage to catch myself and grab the wall. I lean heavily on the wall. I slowly limp up the two sets of stairs to reach my room. Shin stays beside me the whole time, watching me.

Eventually I made it to my room and went to my bathroom. When I reach the bathroom I slump to the floor. Shin meows and paws at me worried. I don't think I can move anymore. I keep my eyes closed when I feel arms wrap around me. I feel soft hair rub against the side of my face. The hug is warm and I lean into it. The person pulls away. I open my eyes and see a flash of purple eyes before they're gone. I look around and don't see anyone except Shin. Was that Shinsou?

I slowly push off the ground with the strength I have left now motivated by Shin. I grab the med kit. I wrap the large gash on my stomach first and then continue to wrap my arms and anywhere else with a cut.

I see dark lines running along my veins and realize that was probably from my own quirk. I shiver at the thought and crawl to my bed. I lay down and quickly fall asleep.

Shinsou POV
I see Denki fall to the floor and he closes his eyes and seems defeated. I concentrate and try to use everything I've learned about my quirk and the mind. I open my eyes and see my hands and Denki on the ground. But I'm not actually there, I'm just there in spirit. I grab Denki and wrap him in a hug. He can't hear me but I whisper in his ear "Do it for me." He opens his eyes but I hit my limit and go back into my physical body.

He looks confused but then gets up and treats his injuries before going to his bed and collapsing. I check his pulse again and still feel it. Satisfied I curl up with him and go to sleep.

~the same morning~

I look around and stand up stretching. I turn and see Denki still fast asleep. I rub against his face until he wakes up. He looks at me with half closed eyes and then slowly sits up. Cringing as he goes. He's probably still in so much pain. I try to comfort him by nudging his hand but he just stands.

Denki POV
I wake up to Shin in my face. I lift myself realizing I need to go to school. I try to go slow but I still flinch at the pain. I slowly get changed and get ready for school. I place Shin in my bag and decide to sneak out downstairs because the ladder is too dangerous with my injuries.

I walk downstairs and quickly walk through the kitchen trying to reach the door. Before I go out the door I catch a glance at the calendar. It's Friday?!? I was out for all of yesterday. Aizawa is going to be so mad.

I hurry out the door and go to the school. I walk faster than normal because of what happened with Shigaraki. Luckily I arrive at school with no complications. I slow down and try to ignore the pain from my body. Luckily I was smart enough to cover the faint mark of my black eye and the dark lines on my hands from my quirk.

My friends run up to me "Hey bro are you feeling better?" I looked confused but then figured my family told the school I was sick. "Better." I give a bright smile but he looks at me weird. "You okay bro?" God I hate those words. Where did I go wrong? I thought I was acting fine. I flash a bright smile "Yeah I'm just still not 100%." He nods and I sigh inwardly in relief.

School is okay for the day until the end. At the end of the day we have training. I've been dreading it all day. I remind myself I just need to make it through today because I don't have school tomorrow.

I sigh and get into my gym outfit making sure nobody sees me. I give Shin to Mr. Aizawa like last time and get ready for the assignment. "Today you will be facing off against the same opponent but whoever lost last time needs to work to find a way to beat the other." Kiri grins at me and I can tell he already has a plan.

I get prepared to take him on and he still has a mischievous grin on his face. That isn't good. The fight starts and he quickly charges at me. I duck under his blow but then he spins around and lands a kick to my stomach. I go flying across the fight zone thanks to his quirk. I hold my stomach because of the additional pain.

I spit out blood and he looks at me worried but before he can react I run at him. He hesitates but then comes towards me to meet my attack head on. Okay you can do this. Right before I meet him I launch myself into the air. I flip over his head and brush my hand against his hair sending a shock through my hand. I land the flip and cringe at the pain that shoots through me.

I turn and see him turning around with fierce eyes. How is he conscious? I must still be weak from Wednesday. He runs at me and I try to jump to the side but he grabs me by the leg and throws me to the ground. I cough more blood and try to twist away from his grasp. He uses his quirk to strengthen himself and swings me over his head and into the ground again.

I send electricity through my leg in a desperate attempt to get him off. He lets go of me but not because of my shock. Aizawa ended the match. I sigh and he offers me a hand. I take it and stand up. I wipe the last bits of blood from my mouth. "Did I go too hard?" I shake my head and stagger forward. "Woah dude you okay?" I nod but fall to the ground too weak to stand.

(1159 words)

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