Close Call

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Denki POV
Friday 3:00 pm
I hit the ground and feel like just laying there until I realize they might take me to recovery girl and then they'll know. I quickly push myself up and Kirishima looks at me extremely worried. "Do you want me to bring you to Recovery Girl?" I shake my head and walk over to Aizawa.

Shin jumps out of his scarf onto my shoulder and wraps around my neck. I smile and sit on the ground to wait for training to be over. Shinsou jumps off my shoulder and sits on my lap. He places a paw on my stomach and meows. I flinch and move him off my cut. He comes back and pokes my cut again this time harder. I move him off and try to keep him away but this time he jumps on my stomach.

"OW." I clamp my hand over my mouth and see everyone staring at me. I look down at Shin and he has a smug grin on his face. Aizawa comes up to me worried "Kaminari are you okay?" I quickly nod and smile "Yeah I'm all good." Shin starts meowing and pawing at me. I scoop him up and hold him away from my stomach and try to get him to stop.

I manage to make it through training and after it's over I quickly rush out of school. I don't make it far before turning a corner and collapsing in an alleyway. I need to get home but if I go home I could get even more hurt. I don't know where to go. I just wish I could end it all... I feel tired and let the darkness take over me.

Shinsou POV
Shit shit shit. I watch Denki fall to the ground and he doesnt get back up. Denki please get up. I need you and I can't let you die on my watch. I paw at his side but he still doesn't move. I feel like crying and curling up next to him. Denki I can't live without your bright smile in my life so please get up.

I hear somebody behind me and jump around with my claws out ready to protect him. I see Kirishima and feel myself relaxing a little. He can help Denki! I run up and rub against Kiri to get his attention. He finally stops and looks down at me "Shinsou what are you doing here? I thought you were with Denki." I walk into the alleyway and thankfully he follows me.

"Oh no Denki." He quickly bends down and scoops him up carefully. When he bends down I jump on his shoulder. He quickly starts running towards the school. He runs a lot faster than I thought he would be able to with another person but then again Denki is really light due to the fact he hasn't been eating.

Kirishima POV
I feel something rub against my leg on my way back home. I look down to see Shinsou rubbing on my leg. What where's Denki... He runs down an alley and I quickly follow him. I see something in the alleyway and get a feeling of dread as I see it's Denki. "Oh no Denki." I pick him up and run to the school. Please be okay.

I reach the school and run in ignoring any of the students that were still there. I run into Recovery Girls office and yell for her. She comes out and tells me to lay him down on a bed. I put him down and sit in a chair, watching her look over him. Shinsou jumps in my lap and starts clawing me so I pet him to calm him down.

Mr. Aizawa walks in and looks at the situation. "What happened?" I explain how Shinsou got me to go in the alleyway and how I found Denki. "What do you think happened to him?" Aizawa just looks at him and says "I guess we have to wait for him to wake up."

Denki POV
Sunday 9:26 am
When I wake up I look around and see Aizawa, Kiri and Shin all sleeping in chairs beside me. Where am I? Oh this Recovery Girls office. I see Recovery Girl walk out and my eyes widen in fear. "I see you're awake." I nod and sit up. I see Aizawa and Kiri wake up. Shin jumps in my lap, careful not to touch my stomach.

"Denki where did you get your injuries?" I look at Mr. Aizawa, "Training." Shin meows in protest but I ignore him. "Who were you training with?" I hesitate, "I was doing self training and strengthening my quirk." He looks at me skeptically and then comes over and pulls up my shirt. "Then how do you explain this?" He points at the stained bandages on my stomach. I push his hand away and stay silent. 

"Denki what happened..." I look up at Kiris' worried face. "Nothing happened." I go to stand up but Kiri grabs my arm. "You're still healing." I yank my arm away "I'm fine" I walk out and leave all of them behind.

I'm almost home when I feel something rub on my leg. I look down and see Shin. He walks all this way?!? I scoop him up and put him on my shoulder. "Shin I don't want to go back there, they dont love me." He meows and rubs on my face. I sigh and keep walking ready to face my fate.

Shinsou POV
I know you don't want to go but just hold out one more day and when I turn back I won't let them touch you or hurt you anymore. I rub on his neck and just have to hope nothing really bad happens tonight and that I can help him tomorrow. I prepare for the worst as he opens the door.

(Sorry for how much the POV changes)

(993 words)

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