Chapter 51 - Well well, long time no see

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Erin was cheering at the top of her lungs when Oliver managed to block another penalty. They were playing the Wimbourne Wasps and were currently ahead by 60 points. All that was left to do was for Benjy to catch the Snitch.

They had spectacular seats, thanks to Oliver. They sat at the very center of the stadium, being able to view every bit of the field. The rest of their booth was filled with other family members and Ministry employees. None of them were as ecstatic as Erin and her little brother, but they couldn't care less.

"He spotted it!" Benjamin shouted, pointing at the right side of the field. "Benjy has spotted the Snitch!"

Just a second later, the Seeker of the Wimbourne Wasps shot after Benjy, determined to get the Snitch first.

"And Marlo Deverill scores! That brings Puddlemere to a lead of seventy points!" the announcer said. Erin didn't like Marlo, but she wished to be as good as her one day. She really missed quidditch. How was she supposed to get scouted if there weren't any matches at school?

"Nice interception from Wasp Isaac Wallice who's now heading straight for Puddlemere's new Keeper!" The announcer's voice sounded through the arena and Erin leaned forward as much as possible to get a proper view of what was happening.

"Come on, Captain", she mumbled as she saw one of the Wimbourne Wasps's Chasers head for his goal posts.

"And Wood blocks the Quaffle! Impressive move from the young, new addition! Seems like Puddlemere made a good call adding him to the team!" Erin cheered loudly as happy tears clouded her vision.

Oliver's face appeared on the screen in the corner of the stadium. He was wearing his signature smirk, little beads of sweat shimmering on his forehead. He winked in the camera and Erin felt all kinds of things. This was where he belonged and he looked so damn hot out there on the field. The butterflies in her stomach were having a rave.

"He's quite the catch, isn't he?" her mum winked, causing Erin to blush. He really was.

"That's gross", Benjamin said, raising his brows.

"Oh, I bet you wouldn't think it was gross if Hannah Abbott were to wink at you", Erin teased. She had asked him about it multiple times over their break, but he didn't tell her much. But just the blush that quickly stained his cheeks told her all she needed to know.

"Look, he's almost got it!" Benjamin said suddenly. Benjy sped past on his broom, the Snitch just out of his reach. Erin bit the inside of her cheek to not scream and bring him out of his concentration. The Seeker from the Wimbourne Wasps was right on his tails, but the Puddlemere Beaters managed to create sufficient distance.

And then Benjy did it. He managed to catch the Snitch and the stadium broke out in cheers, Erin, Benjamin and her mother included.

"They did it!" Erin cried out as she pulled her little brother into a hug. He didn't protest for once and hugged her back, jumping up and down in excitement. They watched as the Puddlemere United team flew around the stadium, celebrating their win as the Wimbourne Wasps slowly retreated. Erin loved quidditch so much. There was no better adrenaline kick, on or off the field.

"Is Oliver coming home with us?" Benjamin asked, suddenly a lot more excited about Erin's boyfriend. Erin figured it had finally sunk in that he was actually on the team. His sister had a famous boyfriend.

"I think they might celebrate their win for a bit. But they come here first."

"Here? All the players?" Benjamin asked, looking around as if he suddenly felt out of place.

"I told you I'd get you to meet them, right?" Erin winked, receiving a big smile from her little brother.

"Can he stay until they arrive? I promised him he could meet the players", Erin asked her mum.

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