Chap 3: Dinner

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"You can go put your bags down in my room, it's the first door to your left." "Okay, uh Kageyama." "Hm?" "T-thanks for letting me stay here." Hinata let his face fall sad, quickly remembering that Kageyama was looking at him, and smiling once more. "Your welcome Boke." Hinata remained smiling till Kageyama turned around to go talk to his mom. Once Kageyama wasn't looking, he turned and went upstairs, dropping his smile. He was happy that Kageyama had cared enough about him to let him stay in his house, but the more he thought about it, the more he realized that it was most likely out of pity, or just the right thing to do. He put his bag in Kageyama's room, letting a few small tears fall down his face.

"Hey mom" "Hey Kags, why didn't you tell me you were having a friend over?" "Cause we hadn't planned it, I'll explain later, but can Hinata stay with us for a while, he is having issues with his family, and I just want to make sure he is in a good environment." Mrs. Mio looked at her son. She was so proud of him, but couldn't help let out a small chuckle with how red Kageyama's face had turned, and how hard he was trying to keep his stern look. "Of course he can stay! He can stay for as long as he'd like." Kageyama nodded his head "Thanks mom." he said, giving her a small hug before going upstairs to his room. She let out a breath of air "I love my sweet, little gay son." she murmured to herself.

Kageyama walked upstairs and opened the door to his bedroom. He found Hinata up against his bed, small tears streaming down his face. He saw Kageyama at the doorway and quickly wiped away the tears. "Hey Kageyama-kun!" he said beaming, as though nothing was wrong. "Are you okay?" Hinata tilted his head down towards the ground a little bit. Kageyama hugged the small boy, Hinata returning the favour. ""Yeah, I'm fine." Hinata pulled away from the hug. "Hah, yeah, I'm fine." Hinata whispered to himself. Hinata quickly changed the subject. "Kageyama, your room is so nice." Kageyama's room was a gray/white color with a blue stripe across one wall. He had many volleyball posters, and his desk was crowded with rubix cubes, papers, and other things. There were clothes all over his floor and he had a few shelves with plants and tiny trophies on them. "Oh thanks, don't mind the mess." Hinata let out a small chuckle. Hinata and Kageyama both turned their heads toward the doorway when they heard Mrs. Mio called them for dinner. They both looked at each other, then the door, then back to each other. Almost in sync, they both sprinted for the stairs.

They ran down the steps, pushing each other to see who could get down quickest. Hinata had tripped over the third to last step, causing both boys to tumble down the few remaining steps. "Oh lord you two." Mrs. Mio said, shaking her head. Kageyama's sister Miwa just looked at the two, one eyebrow raised and a smile on her face. "I made it first," Kageyama said, getting up. "No I did, you fell." "Yeah, because I tripped over you." "Nuh uh" "Yeah huh" both of them bickered back and forth walking to the table and taking their seats. "Enough you too." Kageyama's sister said, rolling her eyes.

Both boys looked at her. Kageyama stuck his tongue out at her, squinting his eyes. "Kageyama-kun, you have a sister?" Hinata asked. "Yeah, this is Miwa." The girl waved. She looked exactly like Kageyama, but, of course, as a girl. She had nice, clear skin with short, sleek, jet-black hair and eyes as blue as the sky, just like Kageyama's. Hinata smiled and waved back. Miwa studied his face for a second, then turned to Kageyama. "Hey, Kageyama, is this the boy you're always talking about on your team." she said, smirking and sticking her tongue out.

Both boys blushed. "Shut up Miwa '' Kageyama said, leaning to hit her. She yelped and dogged, Kageyama tried again, but missed once more. "Alright, that's enough you two." Mrs. Mio said, bringing the food to the table. Miwa laughed whilst Kageyama just stuck out his tongue at her. Seeing the two siblings childishly fight back and forth made Hinata lightly chuckle. He wished he had something like that. The four ate their meals, having whole-hearted conversations along the way. Hinata and Kageyama would have races to see who could finish first, Mrs. Mio rolling her eyes and Miwa just watching in disgust. "So, Hinata, do you have any siblings?"

At that moment, Hinata's heart shattered. He didn't really like to talk about himself that much, especially his family. Still trying to keep his beaming smile, he answered "Oh, yes! I have a sister." "Oh that's nice." Mrs. Mio was about to ask another question about Hinata's family, but, to Hinata's relief, the phone began to ring in the other room. "Oop, let me go take that, I'll be right back." she said smiling warmly while standing up and rushing to the other room.

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