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Hey guys! I'm so glad you enjoyed the story!! Rn, I am currently working on a Bokuaka, but I want this to be really good, so it is taking quite a while because I also have school work. ( I'm literally writing this in first period instead of doing my work 😎😎) The Bokuaka will be out very soon, but for now, I have a Kuroken oneshot that you guys can read. I wrote a few months ago and I thought it was really cute, hope you enjoy! Ukiyo signing off!

The Hoodie

(Kuroo x Kenma)

Kuroo walked to his room, turned off his light, and got into his bed. He left the hall light on for Kenma who was still in the kitchen. He began scrolling through tik toks until he could feel his eyelids growing heavy. He put his phone down and checked the clock. "11:03". He turned on his side and dozed off.

He woke up, his room now pitch black with the hall light off. Something had woken him up. He sat still and listened for a sec. He could hear the slightest footsteps. This was the second day in a row he had woken up to something like this. The first night, he thought it was just Kenma coming to his room. Kenma often had trouble sleeping due to his dreams. But if it really was Kenma coming to his room because he was scared, why did he soon walk away. Now, he knew something was going on. As curious as he was, he was too tired to get up and investigate, so he went back to sleep.

The next morning he awoke to his alarm going off. He stopped it and groggily got out of bed. He brushed his teeth and got dressed. He was the first one in the kitchen, so he decided to make him and Kenma breakfast. He had just finished putting the small fruits on top of the nutella-smothered toast when Kenma walked in. He looked up from his game. "You made breakfast?" he asked. "Yeah, you do it all the time, so I decided to do it today" Kuroo said, smiling. "T-thank you, Kuroo," Kenma said worriedly. "Is there something wrong?" Kuroo asked, looking oddly concerned.

Kenma stared at him for a moment before hugging him and saying "Nope, everything is fine." He sat down and began eating the breakfast Kuroo had made. Kuroo stood there, shocked at what had just happened. "Kenma, are you feeling okay, should I take your temperature?" He asked. Kenma laughed, "I'm fine Kuroo, I'm just in a good mood." Kuroo looked stunned. "Who are you and what have you done to Kenma?" Kuroo asked. "Oh shut up" Kenma said glaring. Kuroo laughed, "I'm just joking with you kitten, '' Kuroo said as he sat down and began to eat the breakfast he'd made for himself and his kitten.

It came time for them to head to school, so they got in their car and began to drive. Kuroo blasted "Imageination" on the radio while Kenma played his game. Kuroo looked at the clock. They still had some time before school. "Hey Kenma, wanna go to starbucks?" Kenma looked up at Kuroo with his lips squished together, his eyebrows at a neutral angle, and nodded. Kuroo chuckled and began to drive to starbucks. Kuroo had ordered one dark chocolate mocha for himself and a chocolate milk for Kenma. They payed for their drinks and headed back on their way to school

Their school day went by like every other, none- chaotic school day could. Kuroo sludged through his first five classes, went on, and on about how annoying his teachers were during lunch, enjoyed his last three classes with Kenma, and finally, the day was over. To Kenma's delight, they didn't have practice that day because many of the guys couldn't make it, so they just decided to cancel. "Hey Kenma," Kuroo said. "Hm" answered Kenma. "Can we cuddle when we get home, please?!" Kuroo looked at Kenma with pleading eyes. "Fine," Kenma said, looking up at Kuroo.

He immediately regretted this decision. He never liked direct eye contact, especially with Kuroo because when he looked into Kuroos eyes, he couldn't help but turn away quickly and blush, which was what he did next. Kuroo smirked. He knew exactly what had just happened. "You're so cute when you do that kitten." Kuroo said, placing his arm around Kenma. "Am not" Kenma protested, giving into Kuroos charm and laying his head on Kuroo's shoulder. Kuroo looked down at his tiny kitten, leaning on his shoulder, and smiled.

Thunder storms (Kageyama x Hinata)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora