#14 "Whatever the princess wants."

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After a non eventful afternoon of classes I decided to take a break and go to my room to relax. My room was the one place that I knew I had safety from everything happening around me, not that I needed safety. What I really needed was a bath to soothe my nerves and take a breather.

A nice thing about my room is that it came with a walk-in in bathroom. Honestly this bathroom was similar to the ones that the prefects have. I snuck in there one time and saw that I really wasn't missing out on much. Maybe I'll become a prefect when I'm older just for the authority title, but nothing else.

I got to my room and undressed myself getting ready for my bath. I added some lavender bubble soap since, as much as I wouldn't like to admit, I love bubble baths. Yeah, yeah. I don't wanna hear about how the badass Vanessa Darkthorn loves bubble baths. I can indulge with some things, okay.

When the water was the perfect level and temperature I turned the faucet off and got into the bath, while keeping my foot out of the water thanks to stupid fucking Parkinson. I began to think while I was in there. There has been so much happening at once, it's hard to wrap my head around it. First I am expected to not only compete but somehow win the Tri-Wizard Tournament, no thanks to my parents. Then I find out that I have some kind of magic that almost doesn't exist and have no idea to what extent of it I have. AND TO TOP IT OFF I'm fucking engaged. Honestly the engagement part of all of this almost seems like it can go on the back burner as a 'worry about later' thought.

Speaking about engagement I'm surprised that a certain someone hasn't come into my room yet after I left him in the hall. Probably for the better since I need my alone time. I am a very independent person and just because I love Draco, that doesn't mean that my independence goes away.

As I'm thinking about all of this I realize that it's probably for the better to not overthink and to just live in the moment. I have to compete soon and I will definitely not have my thoughts ruin my chance of winning this so called challenge involving dragons. Potter could have given me a little bit of a better heads up. Fuck Potter. He's just an inconvenience in this whole thing. How did he even get chosen when I was supposed to be the only underage one in it? Then it hit me. The page that was ripped out of the book with the spell to ensure I was chose was on the ground in the hall. Potter must have casted the same spell as me.

...... this didn't make sense to me either since Potter was not nearly as smart as me to think about that.

Someone else definitely put it in there for him. We'll, there's really nothing I can do about that so better off not thinking about it.

After all my thinking I got out of my bath and dried off. I got changed into some new clothes and headed down the the common room. Malfoy was on the couch thinking about Merlin knows what. I came up to him and sat down next to him.

"You better be sitting there thinking about me." I smirked at him.

He didn't even hear me sit down next to him and was startled when I spoke.

"Well it's kinda hard not to think about my gorgeous girlfriend and how sexy she is." He smirked down at me. He pulled me in for a kiss, which I immediately kissed back to. God, I definitely can get used to this.

"Can we go get dinner now? I'm really hungry since I didn't eat the food that I used to give Pugface a makeover with." I asked.

"Whatever the princess wants." He replied.

We walked out of the common room and headed to the Great Hall. To my surprise, Zabini and Parkinson weren't there. I have to be on extra alert due to the previous situations I've been in involving them not being at melas haven't been great.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2023 ⏰

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