#11~ "Chocolate!"

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When I got back to the common room Malfoy was waiting for me as I walked in. "What is wrong with you today?" He asked me. "I don't know what you're talking about." I said and rolled my eyes. "Oh so you don't see why you're completely fine and kissing me one second, but then making out with Zabini?" He said and looked directly at me. "What are you talking about!?" I yelled at him. I knew that I had kissed Zabini, but it's not like I was into it. "I'm talking about how you spent the whole time in the Great Hall snogging him!" Malfoy yelled back. I looked confused. "What, would you rather have me snogging you?!" I yelled back without thinking. "Well... duh." He rolled his eyes at me and kissed me. I pulled him closer as he pulled my waist towards him. He pushed me against the wall and continued to kiss me. "What are you doing!?" Zabini yelled in front if us. I smiled at him. "Something you won't ever get from me." I said and laughed. "See you at detention Malfoy." I winked and walked to my room. Right before I got to my room, Zabini stepped in front of me. I rolled my eyes. "What?" I said annoyed. "I thought that we were a thing." Zabini said to me. I looked at him like he was crazy. "Why would I ever agree to that." I said and rolled my eyes. "Because you want to." He smirked at me. "Please. Move now before I have to move you myself." I replied and rolled my eyes. He didn't move. "I'm really getting mad now, Zabini." I said. He didn't respond. "UGH!!" I shouted and swiped my hand left. He fell in the same direction. My eyes widen as I realized what just happened. I looked back at Malfoy to see if he saw it too. "Woah. What the hell?" He said under his breath. Zabini stood up and ran away. "WHAT EVEN IS HAPPENING?!" I shouted. "It's okay." Malfoy said and took my hands. "First I repel spells, now I can move people? How is that even possible?" I said at him. "I have no clue princess. But what I do know is that we have to do some research later." I said. I nodded. "Well I'm going to get ready for detention." I said and walked away. "Okay Miss. Darkthorn. Don't get that pretty little ass of yours in trouble." He said at me. "No promises!" I shouted back and smirked as I went to my room. I looked in the mirror and changed my hair into a messy bun. I kept the same outfit on that I had worn that day. I rolled my eyes in the mirror as I thought about Zabini. What was he even taking about. I would never voluntarily even consider going out with him. I walked out and walked to Moody's classroom. I passed Potter and Weasley who seemed to be in an argument. I rolled my eyes as I walked by them. I continued until I reached the class. I turned the corner and walked in. "Hello Professor. Moody." I said as I sat down. "Hello Miss. Darkthorn. I expect Mr. Malfoy to be here soon." Moody said to me. I nodded at him. "What are we doing for detention?" I questioned. "You and Malfoy are going to organize my cabinets for me." He responded. "I'm here." Malfoy said as he walked in. "You two. Organize the cabinets and don't stop until they're all done." Moody said to us. Moody quickly left out of the door and locked us in. "That idiot does realize that we can use our wands to get out." I said and rolled my eyes. I looked at my desk where I put it. "What the hell? Where is it?" I said once I realized it wasn't there. I looked over at Malfoy who was checking his pockets. "I can't find mine either." He said. I walked over tot he door and tried to turn the knob. "Damn." I said. I looked out of the window in the door and glanced down. "That old hag put our wands right outside the door." I said and walked back over to Malfoy. "Whatever." He said and kissed me. I smirked and kissed him back. "We should start the cabinets." I said to him. "But I don't want to." He pouted at me. "Awe. Too bad, so sad." I pouted back and walked over to the cabinet. "This crap is a pain." I said as I looked at the completely trashed cabinets. I got a chair, put it under the cabinet, and stood up on it. I reached in and started to looked for anything useful. "What are you doing, Darkthorn?" Malfoy questioned behind me. "Looking for anything I can take." I said with my arm still inside. I reached both my hands in and started to spread the dusty books apart. "Why don't you help me!" I yelled at him. "I don't know, I like this view." He smirked at me, while looking at my butt. I rolled my eyes at him. "Either you help me, or I'm not going to kiss you for a week." I smirked, knowing I had him there. I've never seen a guy run so fast. I laughed as he stood next to me and started to look through. "How can anyone stand this. All there is, is layers of dust." Malfoy said as he pulled out an incredibly dusty tube. "I know! It's like he hasn't cleaned them out since he got here." I stated. "What did Zabini do to you earlier?" Malfoy questioned me. I looked at him before recalling what happened. "I have no idea. It's like I couldn't do anything to stop what I was doing. I can't remember why." I said, confused. Malfoy was silent for a few moments. "Chocolate!" He shouted at me, and grabbed my shoulders. I looked at him like he was crazy. "What?!" I shouted. "That... that chocolate. Remember the one Zabini was giving you!" He shouted back. My eyes widened in realization. "Where the hell would Zabini get something that would be that powerful, to put me under a spell that forced me to only think good about him?!" I questioned. "I have no clue. But I really want to kiss you right now." Malfoy said looking down at me. "Same." I said and pulled his face to mine. He put his hands on my waist as I held his face. I felt something poke my ankle. "Ah!" I shouted. I looked down and found my ankle dropping in blood. "What the bloody hell?" Malfoy questioned. I kept looking at my ankle. "How did that get there?" I said to myself. Malfoy stood there staring at my ankle. My ankle couldn't hold me up anymore so I fell into Malfoy's arms. Once Malfoy got over he shock and picked me up bridal style. "It's okay, Princess." Malfoy said to me. I looked up at him and nodded. I took his face in my hands and looked at him. "Love you Malfoy." I said and smirked as I passed out in his arms.

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