#10~ "I'll take the chocolate though."

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My other classes went by pretty boring. I found that Potions came by soon. I am really starting to wonder why my parents chose me to be married. Like I get that they're all for traditions but they seriously can't be thinking of going this far. Malfoy walked in and sat next to me. "Hey babe. Ready for detention tonight?" He said while smirking. "Ugh. No. but I heard that they're choosing champions tonight." I said changing the subject. "Yeah. I bet Krum will be chosen." He said and scoffed. I rolled my eyes. "Why do you hate Viktor so much?" I asked. "Turn to page 542 in your text books and start working." Snape interrupted. "You are to work silently and independently." He said. "You got away this time Malfoy." I whispered while smirking. He smirked back at me. "You know. You're going to be a Malfoy." He said. I rolled my eyes and started on my Potions. "Hey Potter! Where Granger to help you now?" Malfoy suddenly says to Potter. I rolled my eyes. "Oh really? What about Darkthorn over there who's probably working on your potion right now. Considering you don't have the brains for that." Weasley said back. I looked back at weasel. "Like you're any better?" I scoffed at him. "Detention for Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley for talking." Snape said from his desk. Malfoy and I both smirked back at them and continued on our potion. I knew that Malfoy was pretty smart. Especially when it came to Potions. But I'm clearly better. I finished mine first as always and was dismissed by Snape. I walked out and stood by the window. I watched as the rain drops trailed down, leaving clear water streaks. What am I even supposed to do when I get to Voldemort? I am basically guarantied to be chosen considering the spells I casted. I'm sure Moody would help me on the tasks. Even though I don't need any. I felt arms wrap around my waist. I turned around and found myself looking at Malfoy. I smiled and pulled him into a kiss. We pulled away and I looked up at him. He was actually smiling back at me. "You have a beautiful smile Miss. Darkthorn." Malfoy said. I smirked up at him. "Thanks." I said back. I then replayed what just happened and cringed. "What?" Malfoy asks me. "That was way too mushy gushy." I said. I've never been that soft in my LIFE. "Awe. I must wear down the badass in you." He smirked at me. "Nope. Still as badass as ever." I smirked back. "We better get to the Great Hall." I said. "I like us like this though." He said at me. I rolled my eyes and kissed him. As I kissed him I removed his arm from my waist. I broke the kiss and walked away. "Hey Darkthorn." I heard someone behind me say. "What?" I asked rudely. I wanted to see if I would be chosen for sure. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for what I've done. I realize now that it wasn't fair to you." Zabini said and put his hand out with a piece of chocolate in it. "You seriously expect me to forgive you?" I asked. He put his head down. "I'll take the chocolate though." I said and took it out of his hand. I didn't wait for him to respond and walked off. As I was on my way I ate the chocolate that Zabini gave me. It tasted fine. But I did feel a bit funny after. I then started think about Zabini. He really wasn't that bad of a person. He couldn't help what he was doing. It's not like Malfoy did anything to stop it anyways. "Hey Blaise!" I yelled behind me. He came up next to me. "Yeah?" He asked looking at me intently. "I'm sorry that I didn't accept your apology before. I can see now that you didn't mean to do it." I said. "It's okay Vanessa. Thanks for forgiving me." He smirked at me. I smiled at him. He then took a hold of my waist and pulled me in for a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. We stayed like this in the middle of the hallway. Something didn't feel right when I was kissing him, but I didn't stop. "What the bloody hell is this?!?" I hear Malfoy shout behind us. Zabini smirked and put his arm around me. "Vanessa here has forgiven me." Zabini said to Malfoy. I looked up at Blaise and smiled. Malfoy looked confused. "But she hates you." He said back. "Doesn't look like that now." Blaise said and kissed my nose. I giggled and took his hand. Malfoy looked at me weirdly. "Vanessa. Are you okay?" "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be." I said and giggled. "Because you're giggling. Darkthorn doesn't giggle." He said. I looked at him in his eyes. We stayed there for what seemed like hours. He's right. What am I doing. "Here Vanessa. Have more chocolate." Blaise said and forced the chocolate in my mouth. My mind went funny again and I looked back at Zabini. "C'mon Vanessa. Let's go." Zabini said and grabbed my hand. We walked into the Great Hall together. We walked to the Slytherin table and sat down. Malfoy soon followed and sat across from us. He was looking on my eyes again. Zabini noticed and kissed me. I kissed him back. It was as if I couldn't control what I did. "Attention students!" Dumbledor yelled, "It is time to choose our champions!" Everyone in the hall cheered. Krum came down and sat next to me. "I think you'll get it." I said to him. He just smirked at me. "Our champion from Drumstrang is..... Viktor Krum." Dumbledor said as a piece of paper flew out. Krum smiled at me and went up. Dumbledore soon announced that Fleur Delaquor would be the champion for Beaubox. "Now the campion for Hogwarts." He paused and pulled out another piece of paper. "Cedric Diggory." The whole Hall exploded with applause. I watched the cup and smirked. It started to go in different colors. Everyone looked at each other confused. It puffed out a piece of burnt paper. Dumbledor grabbed it and looked confused as ever. "Vanessa Darkthorn!" He shouted across the Hall. I wanted to look at Zabini but instead I looked at Malfoy for some reason. He looked really concerned. I stood up and walked up. The cup bursted out another piece of burnt paper. I came straight at me. I yelped and ducked so it wouldn't hit me. Instead it went to Dumbledore. "Harry Potter?" He said. Potter didn't come up. "Harry Potter!" Dumbledore shouted. I quickly turned around and gave Potter a confused look. He looked down and walked past me. "Did either of you put your names in the cup." Dumbledore said aggressively towards us. "No, sir." Potter answered. "Wouldn't dream of it." I answered, acting innocent. I walked over to Krum. He looked at me concerned. I shrugged my shoulders and crossed my arms. I stood side by side with the other champions. We were then lead into another room where the other professors came rushing in. Dumbledore continued to question us. I kept denying and he kept believing. He finally gave up. The professor from Drumstrang kept on arguing with Dumbledore by saying that we aren't allowed to compete. They all finally decided that we shall compete with the others. This woman came bustling through the door with a snarky look. I kept my arms crossed and looked at her. "This is Rita Skeeter. She is here to interview you all." Dumbledore said to us. I rolled my eyes. She then pulled me into a "room" claiming that " youngest goes first." "Hello Miss. Darkthorn." She said with perkiness. I hid my left hand with my ring so she wouldn't question me about that. "Hello." I said uninterested as we sat down in chairs across from each other. "So I've heard that you, being only a mere age of twelve," she started. "Fourteen." I interrupted her. "Right. How did you manage to put your name into the Goblet unnoticed." She said looking at me. "How dare you accuse me of such a thing!" I yelled at her. "No dear. I didn't mean to upset you." She trailed on. I got up and headed for the door. She tried to stop me but I kept on walking. I slammed the door behind me. Viktor gave me a worried look.  I went over to him and whispered, "Don't tell her anything." And left. I knew right from the start that Reeta Skeeter was not someone I want to give information to. As I left that room I smirked to myself. I have succeed with my step one of the mission.

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