ハンター試験パート十 | The Hunter Exam Part 10

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"Now then, as you've all probably noticed, I'm not terribly strong. I don't enjoy fighting or running, jumping, anything physical really," says the scrawny prisoner.

"I like that stuff a lot more than thinking! I guess I've never been all that great at using my head," Gon admits.

"Thought so. So, I came up with a game. One I think we'll both enjoy."

"A game?"

"Yes, a simple game that doesn't rely on mental or physical activity."

"What is it?"

The prisoner pulls out two candles. One long, and one short.

"We each light a candle at the same time and whoever's candle goes out first is the looser, alright?"

"Yup, makes sense to me. I'm in, let's do it!"

"Okay, in that case," the prisoner starts, holding up the two candles. "So which candle do you want to use? It's your choice. Press o for the long candle, or press x if you would rather have the short one. Choose by majority rule."

"So we have to choose one? This is a damn trap! Normally you'd wanna go for the long one, which means that low-life must've done something to sabotage it!" Leorio thinks aloud.

"Yes, that would be the safest option, however it could be a trick and he's actually tampered with the short one," Kurapika inputs.

"Hey you're right. So when you put it that way..."

"Correct, there is no end."

"Sounds like you've got yourselves a real dilemma," Tonpa mocks.

"You keep your big mouth shut!" Leorio shouts.

"Yeah yeah."

"Something happens when you're presented with an obviously biased choice. Suspicion mounts and the decision making process eases up. Yes, this truly is a dilemma. Moreover, the psychological impact of making the wrong choice is much greater than if the option was between two evenly matched options," Kurapika voices.

The prisoner sits down on the floor. "Alright then. Please, take all the time you need. It's a majority decision, but feel free to talk about it first. No rush, we have plenty of time, believe me."

"Hey, what should I pick?" Gon asks, turning around.

Kurapika grits his teeth before deciding, "Gon! The choice is up to you! Pick whichever candle you think is the best option! That's how we'll all vote!"

"Are you sure about this? It's just that, he doesn't think things through," Killua comments.

"Instead of fretting over the choice, let's just put our faith in Gon's instincts," Kurapika replies.

"Trust his instincts, huh..."

"Oh, I get to choose? In that case, I'll go with the long candle, okay?"

"You want the long one, are you sure about that?" The prisoner asks, chuckling.

"Of course! The longer the candle, the longer it burns! it's kind of a no-brainer!"

"Well that's one way to look at it..."

"I told you he wasn't gonna think it through."

"Well, that settles it," Kurapika says, pressing the button on his wrist timer.

"Yeah, it's not like we'd be able to figure out which one's the trap anyway..."

Everyone presses their buttons, the results showing up on the screen. 

Longing Through The Silence [Hunter x Hunter x KNY! Reader]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant