ハンター試験パート十八 | The Hunter Exam Part 18

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Everyone sits in the orientation room before Gon bursts in, stomping down to Illumi.

"Apologize to Killua," he demands.

Illumi looks up at Gon. "Sorry, but what for?"

"You don't know what you did wrong?"


Gon clenches his fists. "You're not qualified to be his big brother."

"I didn't know I had to qualify."

Gon then grabs onto Illumi's wrist, pulling him up.

"Friends don't have to either. He gets to choose!" Gon shouts, squeezing Illumi's wrist. "Don't even bother apologizing. Just take me to see Killua."

"And what will you do?"

"It's obvious, I'll bring him back!"

"From the sound of it you must think I kidnapped my little brother, but he walked out of here on his own free will."

"He left, but not by free will. You guys were manipulating him. That's the same thing as kidnapping!"

Netero steps up, speaking, "We were just discussing that very subject, Gon. In fact, Kurapika and Leorio have both lodged complaints. The committee has been reviewing the fairness of Killua's disqualification."

"You saw it yourself both during and since his match with the man called Gittarackur. Killua behaved strangely. I believe that there is only one reason that Killua committed murder. He was hypnotized. It's generally considered impossible to use hypnosis to direct someone to do such a thing. However, assassins raised Killua and murder was commonplace, so it's natural that he would lack the proper ethical restraint," Kurapika says, standing up.

Leorio stands up also. "It's worth noting that the attack happened during my match with Bodoro, so it's possible Killua intended to aid my cause, which means, if you're going to disqualify anyone, it should be me."

"Whatever the case, it's obvious that Killua was not in full control of his actions at the time. And thus, he should not have been disqualified." Netero turns around at Kurapika's words.

"That is nothing more than speculation. There's no concrete proof. From what we saw there were no clear indications he was ordered to commit murder. And regarding the hypnotism, I would have to question that claim as well. I will agree that the incident occurred once the battle between Leorio and Bodoro had gotten underway. At that point both fighters were evenly matched, all things considered. While Bodoro certainly had more experience, it was clear that Leorio had the definite edge when it came to raw ability and combat. Given that it was a fair fight there was no reason for Killua to interfere."

"And speaking of weird things happening," Pokkle starts, turning to Kurapika. "Why don't we talk about your fight with Hisoka. Mind telling us what it was he said to you? Neither of you looked tired, but Hisoka whispered something to you. He surrendered, weird right? I'd understand if he whispered something and you surrendered, like Hanzo and me or Bodoro and Hisoka who were under a lot of pressure. Instead the opposite happened, which makes me wonder if the two of you struck some sort of bargain. If you wanna talk about things that don't make sense, then your victory would fit the bill perfectly. You don't have anything to hide, right? So what did he say? Enlighten us."

"I have no such obligation," Kurapika replies.

"Maybe you don't but I think you owe it to us."

"I don't. You may find my victory suspect, but I would say the same of victory by default."

Pokkle grits his teeth at thiat. "What?!" He growls.

"This is pointless," Gon whispers.

"Come on, let's just all get this over with so we can all go home," Hanzo whines.

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