天空闘技場パート一 | Heavens Arena Part 1

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"Woah! Look, it's huge!" Gon exclaims as the three friends sit on the airship.

"Yep. That's Heavens Arena. It's 251 stories and 991 meters tall, making it the world's fourth tallest building," Killua explains.

"So this is where we'll be training..." Gon trails off.

The airship finally lands, the three gathering their things.

"Well, the tickets we bought us to get here left us completely broke. We've gotta make more while we're here. We'll start fresh when we disembark," says Killua.

"Right! I got it."

(Y/N) nods.

"All right. Well? Let's go!"



The three then head over to Heavens Arena with their goal: to get stronger.

"Gon," Killua calls to the boy who lags behind them in line.

"This is a really long line. Is everyone going to Heavens Arena?" Gon asks.

"There aren't any rules to worry about. Not like there were for the hunter exam. You just gotta knock your opponent out," Killua replies. "The higher you go, the more prize money you make. If you want to earn a living with your fists, this is as good as it gets."

The three finally make it to the front of the line, the receptionist handing them forms. "Welcome to Heavens Arena. Now, if you wouldn't mind filling out this form..."

The three write their information down, the receptionist typing away at her computer.

"Killua Zoldyck, you're number 2054. Gon Freecss, you're 2055. And (Y/N) (L/N), you are 2056. On the first arena floor, they'll be calling you by your number, so try not to forget it. Please, go on ahead."

The three walk into the stadium, finding seats.

"It's been a while, but this place hasn't changed."

(Y/N) and Gon look to Killua, confused. "Wait, you mean you've been here before?" He wonders.

"Yeah, when I was about six. My dad left me here flat broke. Told me to reach the 200th floor. Took me two whole years. There are guys of Hisoka's caliber, but only farther up so don't waste time, you got it?"

The two nod.

"Numbers 1973 and 2055 to ring E," comes the voice of the announcer.

"2055! That's me!" Gon exclaims. "Aw man, I'm getting pretty nervous right about now."

"Gon, you made it through the Testing Gate, right?" Killua asks. "So relax. Go out there and push hard!"

Gon walks up to the stage where he faces a big man. Killua and (Y/N) smirk as people shout things about how Gon is just a kid. They know he'll win for sure. The fight begins, and the big man sends a punch Gon's way, who dodges easily. With a single push, Gon sends the man flying back into the wall, breaking part of it. Killua's match is next, and he knocks his opponent out with a single chop to the back of the neck. After that is (Y/N)'s match. She's up against a big bodybuilder.

'What can I do...Gon used a push, Killua used a hit, so what if I...kick!' (Y/N) thinks, kicking her opponent so hard he goes crashing through the wall (she held back so she wouldn't kill the man, however).

"Head to the 50th floor," says the referee, handing (Y/N) a ticket. (Y/N) nods, rushing off to her two friends.

"The first 200 floors of Heavens Arena are divided into classes, ten floors each. Which means that a fighter who wins on the 50th floor advances to the 60th. Lose and they automatically drop down to the 40th floor," a woman exclaims as the three (and another child) wait inside the elevator.

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