Episode 6: Help

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*Intro Plays*

Team CL were sitting around the cake at steak place. All of them knew that things were gonna be different as of late. You know, ever since, that. It's been 2 weeks since the event, and Teardrop has been almost non stop crying. No one knew if it would ever stop. It has been quite a sad 2 weeks. Even if you aren't Teardrop, the whole vibe of the show had shifted to a somber tone, unless of course you are Leafy.

Leafy: So...now that Woody's dead, its time to focus on my next goal...breaking up the remaining couples.

Then she started to laugh like an insane person. This was not the same lemon leaf that entered this show, hell this is not even the same lemon leaf from 11 years ago. This was a new psychotic leaf that was hellbent on winning the competition even if it meant killing everyone and ruining their lives.



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Teardrop: Hey guys....It's time for cake at stake.

Gelatin: Teardrop, are you okay?

Teardrop: Yeah...I-I'm fine...Anyway, we got 5 votes. First off, TB and GB with 0 votes. And Gelatin is also safe with 1 vote.

Spongey: Wait, does that mean?

Teardrop: Yes...we do have a tie, between you and Bubble.

TB: Hang on, Does anyone even know were Bubble is?

Team CL remembered how they couldn't find her, even after searching. However just as they were realizing they heard cries coming from the woods.

Gelatin: Uh...Guys? W-What was that?

GB: I think we should check it out.

So they all went to go check it out. The forest gave off an eerie vibe which was fitting for what they were about to see. As they got closer, they saw little puddles of dried up liquid that smelled strongly of bubble soap. Everyone was creeped out, and they knew that something bad had happened. As they got closer, they saw little chopped up pieces of limbs that at this point, has started to rot and smell awful, and then, they saw the horrific sight. Bubble was all bruised up with no more limbs. She was in Pain, it was horrible. Team CL were all horrified at the sight, they were not sure if she was even alive, until they heard her cry in pain. 

Gelatin: Omg Bubble! W-What happened to you...?

Bubble couldn't answer. She was in too much pain to even open her mouth. No one knew what they could do so they decided to put poor bubble out of her suffering. 

After they had to do that...they went back to the cake at steak arena.

Teardrop: So, what did you guys see over there...?

No one answered, which was probably for the best.

Teardrop: It doesn't really matter anyway. Bubble is eliminated anyway.

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