Episode 1B: Helping Teardrop to talk

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Let's continue shall we? Also this font will be used when Teardrop is using sign language.

  Woody was walking over to Teardrop after he got her text. Woody was kinda nervous, he wanted to know what was up with her. When he got to Teardrop, it looked like she had been crying

Woody: "TD whats wrong?"

Teardrop: Woody I don't know if i can do this. I want to be your co-host but what if let everyone down? 

she then started to cry silently. Woody then tried to comfort her

Woody: "TD don't cry. I know your sad but I can make you feel better."

Woody the kissed her which made her feel a lot better. She stopped crying and started to hug him.

Teardrop: Thank you woody you made me feel a lot better

Woody: "Anything for you TD".

*Intro Music Plays*

Meanwhile back with the contestants

  Leafy was having a tough time choosing. it was starting to get on the nerves of everyone. They were all so bored just waiting for Woody and Teardrop to come back or for leafy to hurry up and choose already. Flower and Ruby started to get really impatient

Ruby: "OMG Leafy hurry up already! we've been waiting for almost an hour"

Flower: "Yeah Leafy HURRY THE F**K UP!"

Everyone gasped. They had never heard any of them swear before

Bubble: "Oh My goish Flower Was Thoit really noicessary?"  

Gelatin: "Yeah Flower you need to cool down."

Gelatin the proceeded to throw freeze juice at her, freezing her instantly 

Pencil: "Even though Flower overreacted, Leafy you should still hurry up."

Leafy: "OMT guys just wait. Hmm i think ill go with-

But before she could finish, Woody and Teardrop came back.

Woody: "So did you choose your teams yet? Also why is flower frozen on the floor?

Match: "Well like she went crazy and said a swear word on this christian wattpad story. so gelatin like froze her with freeze juice. And we didn't get to choose the teams because like Leafy was taking too long.

Leafy: "gee guys i'm sorry i took so long"

Woody: "Ok since you guys took so long I will just randomly select teams"

Team one consist of: Leafy, Firey, Pin, Coiny, Needy *SLAP* I mean Needle, Flower, and Ruby

Team Two consist of: Pencil, Match, Bubble, Gelatin, TB, GB, and Spongy

Woody: Ok before we begin with the first challenge, you guys need to choose team names you guys have 5 minutes to decide GO!

Spongy: "Hey guy what should we name this team?"

Match: "Omg Spongy shut up we are trying to think of like a name and your stupid voice is like distracting us

Pencil: "Match can I talk to you for a second?"

Match: "What is it Pence-Pence?"

Pencil: "Match i thing your being to mean to spongy. I mean all he asked is what we should name ourselves and you had to be so rude and say that to him.

Match got really pissed and started to yell at Pencil


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