14 ➳Enemies?

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➳One week later.

So the days would pass by and everything seemed normal.Peter would wake up with the evacuation alarm from Clint, eat some breakfast, go to school, train all day with Steve or Nat or even alone, eat dinner take shower and sometimes when Tony would let him, go to patrols. Funny how things turned out to be awesome until...Well there is always an until!

It was weekend Peter didn't had school and was just punching and kicking  a bag to death in the gym room when the avengers where called in an urgent meeting. He also had to go but knowing his age they would still keep away the important information away just in case...

Fury was sitting in his usual spot at the conference room in the tower.Holding a file obviously and looking tired for some reason.

Avengers where filling the room and soon everyone had filled a spot around the table.

Tony was acting cocky as always.Steve was just listening.Nat wasn't even looking.Clint had his mind elsewhere.Bruce was calming his nerves and Thor...Well...he is just Thor.

As for the others.None of them wished to be here in such a grate night.

"So the reason why you are here is this..."-He said showing a picture from the file.-"Ulysses Klaue or else known as The Dealer."

(So guys Ulysses Klaue is the vibranium seller from Black Panther and Age of Ultron I didn't name him or create him!)

"What about him?"-Tony asked without looking at the photo.

"Wait we fought this guy before did we?The vibranium seller.The twins fought him too right?"-Steve asked showing Tony the picture.

"Klaue?Isn't this son of a...biscuit dead?"-Tony said changing his words after a sharp look from Steve.

"I thought Ultron killed him!"-Clint added.

Wanda moved forward looking at the pictures.-"No but he lost an arm that day.Right Pietro?"

"Yeah but...He has two now?"-He said.

Fury fake coughed to get attention.-"This guy...has just broken inside our facilities stealing tons of valuable information and materials and with what the survived guards described he has a some kind of cyborg hand that shoots powerful blue beams that can even melt down a car."

"Oh.Looks like someone got pissed of by some robber with a wired arm. "-Tony said making Fury a little to much angry.

"Look Stark I know that for you this is all some sort-a game and fun.But I lost 30 men last night because of this wired arm robber!"-Fury said taking his leave.It was understandable that he was having a bad time because of Klaue's robbery.

"We will discuss this later for now everyone saturate but don't get lost and stay ready.We might strike anytime."-Steve said and when everyone got up he took Tony in one side.-"Tony what was all that about!Cant you just quit being such a jerk for one minute straight!"

Tony just sighted.-"I didn't do anything wrong capsicle!"-Tony said and left.

Peter just stood there for a while looking at the file.Maybe who knows they would take him in this mission if he had luck...Not Peter's luck eventually!

➳That evening.

They where all sitting around the table making small chatter about random stuff that had happened these days when Steve took everyone's attention.

Steve cleared his throat and started.-"I have news..."

"Can it wait...the pizza will run cold."-Bucky asked.

Steve facepalmed internally.- "No it can't and It wont...So there are news on the Klaue mission.We believe he is going to sell the new stolen parts in a certainly secured location to some grate buyers and we need to stop it before happening just in case the information and materials don't fall into the wrong hands."

Tony just shifted on his chair.-"Just another easy mission."-He said returning all his attention to the hot pepperoni pizza.

Peter took his chance.-"So I can be part of it than."-he said really enthusiastic.

"No."-Tony said firmly.

"But you said..."-Peter started.

"No.It is easy for us not for you.You still need training.No time for discussion.Eat up..."-Tony said taking a bite of his pizza.

Peter didn't see the importance of this.-"But Mr.Stark..."

"I said NO!"-Tony said raising his voice a little.Enough for everyone in the room to gasp or shut up.

Soon the only sound was the door closing and Peter running to his room.

"...Tony."-Nat whispered disappointed by his behavior.

Tony sat up to go after Peter but Steve stopped him.-"Leave him alone for sometime.I don't think he needs to see you right now..."-He said his voice above the whisper.-"I'll go..."

Steve left the kitchen and made his way to Peter's room.It wasn't looked but he knocked in the door anyway just to not vandalize his privacy.-"Peter do you wanna talk?"-Steve said with a calm soft voice.

No answer.

"Peter I know you are in there..."-He said again trying to earn an answer.

But still nothing.

He slowly rolled the doorknob and got in.He almost had a heart attack when he saw the empty room.-"Friday!Where is Peter!"

"Peter left for his usual patrol Mr.America!"-Friday said with her natural Irish accent.

"Crap..."-He left the room knowing there was no point staying there.

The kitchen was once again blowing with chatter until he walked in.All of a sudden all the attention got to him.

"How is the kid?"-Nat asked with her monotone but rather worried voice.

Steve struggled a little but than decided to stay silent.

"Rogers how is the kid?"-Tony asked the same question.

Steve gulped.-"He left for patrol..."

"WHAT!!!"-Tony almost yelled.

"Why so angry Tony! What did you expect the kid to do! Stay here and listen to your mommy advices!"-Bruce said angrily.-"Of course I would do the same."

"I thing you wound tare him apart with you Hulk side ."-Thor said swallowing a piece of pizza.

"Also you said yourself that he can go patrolling on weekends."-Wanda added.

"So I am the bad guy now!"-Tony said angrily.-"I just don't want him to get hurt while trying to be like us.Plus he still needs training and he is just a kid!"

"A kid with powers!Who can burst through a wall with his bare hands!-Pietro added in defense.

"He isn't still ready!"-Tony resisted.

"That won't change the facts though."-Sam added also on Peter's defense.

"Good. Now everyone judges me as the bad one. Bravo to all of you. Go one kill the kid with your stupid decisions but don't forget I am responsible for him so I choose of he stays or leaves."

Tony said and left the kitchens to go and close himself inside his lab and drink some shit while stay up doing nothing all night.


As for Peter...He found the promised danger he was looking forward for.For the moment he was chasing some guys with a big van full of some strange weapons and stuff.Everything was going just fine until the phone ringed catching all the possible attention.

One word could describe the situation:Screwed!


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