2 ➳ Baby Is Early?

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➳ August 2005

It had been eight months and a half since Skylight had moved in the vile and her tummy was bigger than a frikin' whale.

Tony tried to avoid her at all chances working in his lab in random weapon types and fixing cars.He couldn't wait to have the baby home.He even wondered how he would look like and was hopping to look like him or maybe even as smart as he was.

He was listening to Back in Black Led Zeppelin and just vibing when he heard a scream from the living room.You should have seen how Tony almost broke his neck leaving the lab and entering the living room to find Skylight sitting in a puddle of water.

"BABY'S COMING !"-She yelled in top of her lungs.

Tony panicked and soon called Happy yelling to come and get them.

"It's hurting ME!!Get him out of ME!"-Skylight yelled as Tony helped her inside the car holding a bag his assistant (babysitter to be) had prepared for the baby coming day.It was heavy as hell.

"Happy hospital NOW!"-Tony said moving in the backseat holding Skylights hand as she squeezed it in pain.

"AAAAAH Wasn't he supposed to come later!!!"-She yelled at Tony as it was his fault.

"He came earlier...Let's hope he is alright!"-Tony said as Happy drove them to the hospital as fast as he could.


The drive wasn't long but for Tony it was an eternity.Knowing that in a few he would become a father was the most wonderful thing that could ever happen to him.

Skylight was taken to the birth-room and Tony was just waiting behind the door sitting in one of the chair.He wasn't strong enough emotionally to enter the room and confront Skylight while giving birth.

It had been a while since she entered the room and Tony saw that Rhodey was coming his way.

"Hey Tones!Wasn't the baby supposed to come later?"-Rhod said giving Tony a coffee.

"I know Rhod...But I am waiting for the doctors to say what's wrong and what's okay..."-Tony said drinking all the coffee with a sip.



A doctor came out of the labor room and Tony jumped up.He wasn't hearing the blissful cries of a baby or Skylight yelling.It was just silence.

"Are you the father of the baby?"-The doctor said.

"YES!"-Tony said worried more than nothing in the world.

"The kid was born dead and with low vital signs and really weak knowing he's only eight months and a half...We are doing everything we can to bring him back to life..."-The doctor said.


Rhodey took Tony away from the doctor.-"Sorry he's didn't took the news well!"-And than the doctor left to go inside the room.

Tony was sitting in the floor Rhodey comforting him.-"Maybe he wasn't supposed to live a long life Tony...It's not your fault."

"I just wanted a kid Rhod...just a small healthy mini-me around.Is that too much to ask?"-Tony said sobbing his head in his knees.

Rhod just hugged him and patted his shoulders.Unable to comfort his best friend in any other way.


It had been half an hour since the doctor left.And now the door opened again.

Tony sat up tears dried in his cheeks.He saw a woman peek out of the door.He prepared himself for the worst news possible and just let time work for him.

But the woman was holding a small baby wrapped in a blue blanket came to him.Rhodey took some steps forward ready to catch Tony if he fainted from excitement.

The baby was crying but it was the most peaceful and silent cry Tony had ever listened to.

The nurse/doctor left the kid in Tony's arm.Slowly teaching him how to hold the baby.-"You have 5 minutes to stay with the baby before he is taken to incubators where he is going to stay for a few days until the full analysis are done."-She slowly and really silently said.

Tony didn't care for the moment.He was holding his son in his arms ...a baby boy...The most beautiful creature Tony had ever seen in his life.

The baby looked just like him...brown big doe eyes, thick brown hair, a small nose, and a bubbling small mouth who had stopped his weak crying and was now looking at Tony with his big eyes.

"Hey kid..."-Tony said a tear running down his face.It was a joy tear.-"You scared me there for a second!"-He knew the baby couldn't hear him but it make him feel better.

The baby had his small hand free and he rolled his small fingers around his pointing finger.

"He is enormously small Tony...you sure he will live like this?"-Rhodey asked and Tony just nodded not knowing what to say.-"Have you thought of a name yet?"

"Yeah...My mom had a list full of boy names she made when she was pregnant with me.I found one from there."-Tony said as he kept the small wiggling baby in his hands.He weighted feathers!

"And which one did you choose?"-He said.

"Peter!His name is Peter!"-Tony said slightly kissing the small baby in his forehead.

"He'll live and become a grate man just like his daddy!"-Rhod said as he played with the babies smooth hair.

The same nurse from before came in the place Tony was standing.-"We need to take the baby now...I am sorry Mr.Stark but he needs medical care."

She took the baby even though Tony didn't want to give him.He wanted to keep him always!Hug him and play with his small hands all day long.

Rhodey shook Tony's shoulders.-"Dude come one!He'll be fine...Go take some sleep you look like shit.Don't worry I will stay behind the glass window until you get back!"

"I can't sleep Rhod!"-Tony said and sat in the chair.-"I'll just sleep here outside babies room."

"I'll take care of the paper work than."-Rhod said and left in one of the hallways.

Tony stood there unable to sleep.Always remembering the babies bug doe eyes and rose cheeks.He was finally a father!


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