Comforting Me ✨💕

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The night before the Dehli promotions, it's one of those uncomfortable, rare nights which only occur once in a while. A day when she feels miserable.

Today is that day!

1:00 am

Sara wakes up with a very bad headache in the middle of the night, she decided to wake up and go to the bathroom, as she felt absolutely sick, with great difficulty she dragged herself out of bed throwing the sheets away.

Rubbing her eyes, she shakes her head trying to find strength to walk. These days she feels like a robot, with the hectic schedule of the promotions, ramp walk preparations and brand shoots in between. The constant travelling and lack of sleep isn't helping with her condition at all, she hasn't slept properly for days and especially the last 3 days have been the the absolute worst, not because she was busy but because her better half wasn't with her to calm her down, kiss her or cuddle with her, he has been so busy that even today he left for a brand shoot directly from the airport.

She wants nothing but to cuddle and sleep with Kartik, as today she feels dead from inside and with a heavy heart she goes back into the bedroom, and wraps herself in the blanket, to get some warmth which she was clearly missing at this point in her life.

6:00 am

As some of the Sun's rays peeped in from the window, Sara moves slowly out of her slumber as her entire body hurts and feels heavy, her joints feel cramped and she whimpers as her headache starts to come back, and she quickly rushes to the bathroom as she felt the sudden urge to puke.

After a long and tiring day night Kartik finally finishes his brand shoot. The poor guy was so tired that he fell asleep in his vanity only. He managed to wake up at 5:00 am as he knows that promotions will start again at 10:00, thus he wants to spend time with his princess Sara.

He called her but got no reply, thus he quickly made his way to the hotel. As he enter Sara's hotel room, the sight in front of him shakes him to his core. The room fully thrown apart, pillows thrown here and there and the sheets and blankets thrown on the other side of the room, but he couldn't see Sara anywhere.

Suddenly he heard sobs from the bathroom and quickly rushed in that direction. He opened the door and saw his princess crying into what looked like his hoodie. Her pink flushed cheeks, coated with dry tears all curled up in the corner, resting her head on the side of the bathtub.

He slowly walks towards her, and slides down next to her and places her shaking body on his lap and rubs her back trying to calm her down, as she continues to cry with her face now tucked into his shoulder.

"Sshhhh.... princess I'm here now" He whispers while pressing kisses on the side of her head as she continues to sob. His presence has already started to calm her down, as it has taken away all her frustration, her achy body pains and her overall restlessness.

Kartik whispers while wiping her tears, "C'mon princess let's make you comfortable." He picks her up like a little baby and places her gently in the middle of the bed, before picking up all the thrown pillows and adjusting them behind her.

Then Kartik goes and slides down next to her and passes her a glass of water and makes her drink it. He then tells her that he'll quickly go and grab some snacks for her and starts to move away, Sara whimpers and quickly grabs a hold on his hand not wanting him to leave. His presence alone makes her feel safe.

Kartik pushes her hair out of her face, rubs her cheeks and whispers " C'mon princess pls let me atleast grab something for u to eat." Tears begin to fall down her cheeks, as she sobs softly, "I don't want anything". Kartik quickly engulfs her in a tight hug, rubbing her back up and down to calm her down and smiles softly at her as she mumbles "I just want u".

"I am here princess" Kartik whispers again and again until she quiets down. Sara curled around him as much as she could, meanwhile Kartik drops quick kisses on top of her head. She sleepily smiles finally relaxing, his warmth calming her restless body and racing heart, as she whispers lazily pressing her lips on his chest "Just hold me Kartik".

"I am always here princess, just sleep". Kartik says while rubbing her back, and in a matter of a few minutes Sara's in a deep slumber, Kartik kisses her forehead and smiles at her, and joins her by cuddling into her curls and closing his eyes.........




Next update coming out Tuesday!!

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