9 months of cock

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As you may know, gwape boi uwu dadyyef gngb~!. And Bakugou was the father. It was a long journey of cock and ass.and balls




9 months later...

uwu-senpai's pov

It was an early morning for both lovers. Bakugou jerking off while Mineta toojk a shit..It was quite a peaceful morning for both. They were at mommyids house.

Mineta moaned as he took a shit. Bakugou finally finished doing his business..Minetas stomach was bigger than Nicki Minaj's ass.

Mineta was leaving the bathroom, didn't even bother to clean it. He was about to lay down with his lover until he felt something strange. Oh shiiiiiii

His cum broke


''Uhhhh I think my cum broke'' Said the living trash bag. ''Um chile you sure?'' Resonded Bakugou. ''yes ass-hat, take me to the hospital dade'' He stopped talking due to the pain. ''Well fuck'' Bakugou said while carrying Mineta.

They were in the car, making their way down-town. They finally arrived making a whole scene in the hospital. ''mmy kiteten is gonna give birth'' yelled Bakugou. ''ok bring the twink in'' Said a nurse , takingmineta away.

It's only been a few minutes since they took Mineta away, budeadu was really worried, so he went to the closest Mcdonald's for a big Mac. He returned to the hospital while eating the big mac. It wasn't even half-eaten when they called Bakugou to the trash bags room in the hospital. Everybody was rushing n shit so like idk.

''PUSH YOIU FUCKING TWINK OMG'' said the nurse politely.

''NAW DAWG FUCK OYIU, DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO WHORE.'' said mineta. UWU bajugou blusyhed

''push my little kitten'' said bdade ''FUCK" was minetas words when the baby came out of his anus.

the baby came out of his ass crying and shit, the baby was black because it came from the asshole

Smelling like absolute shit

"AWW so cwute UWU" said bakguou dad

"his name is miguel aberto sanchez lopez petronilo carlos perez" gwape been said

"aww" uwu

~grape daddy~ mineta x bakugouWhere stories live. Discover now