lol jk

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10 years later.

bakugou was disappointed in mineta cuz he couldn't take care of the fucking child. Like for example, on a fingers in his ass Sunday, Mineta masturbated and forgot about feeding the child, leaving the stinky little shit not eating for hours. That was when little miguel was only 2 years old.

yes they named the child miguel

Also the child was taken to a drug dealer to clean his poo poo out of his skin, since the child came out of minetas anus.

now the child is 10 years old, in elementary school, where everybody bullies him for watching James Charles

Miguel the caca child pov:

I came back from school and I made a new friend omg senpai notice me UwU
i arrived at my house knocking the door and when my daddy bakugou opened omg he's so hot UwU daddy OwO?
"Hi" I said trying not to blush o3o
He ignored me and I entered the house and lunch was already severed omg hot.
As I ate the caca I saw mineta doing drugs so I joined him lol uwu

We are a very happy family i love my parents so much OwO

just kidding I hate everything rawr XD

As I finished doing the goods, I went to my room blasting my chemical romance and put some mascara on OWO
my parents are disappointed in me lol
Not like I care tho unu

~grape daddy~ mineta x bakugouWhere stories live. Discover now