The Yule Ball

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You smiled and both of you fixed each other before heading out the door. You put on your flats because you felt more comfortable wearing them. Besides, the dress hid your feet so it wasn't going to be visible anyways. You smiled as you saw her wear her shoes. You were filled with excitement because you both looked absolutely stunning. You headed towards the door and you looked back to make sure Hermione was ready. "Are you ready, Hermione?" You asked. 

She nodded and said, "Yes, I am ready. Do you think we should wait for them or just head straight to the ball?"

You thought about it and said, "I think we should just go. It will be a surprise for them anyways and I want to eat already."

She laughed and the both of you headed outside of the dorm. You felt that she held your hand and you smiled at her. You both proceeded to walk to the Great Hall where the ball was being held. You both walked slowly down the stairs and the both of you laughed when you accidentally stepped on your dress. "This is going great," you said sarcastically. She laughed and she helped you walk down the stairs. You heard mumbling and it sounded like Ron and George. You immediately stopped and whispered, "Hermione, I hear Ron. Go first so that you can have your grand entrance and then you both will go inside. I will go after but not until you get your deserved spotlight." She smiled and she said, "Alright, see you in there, y/n." You smiled and she started to walk to the level where the staircase started. 

She had this smile on her face as she started to walk down the staircase

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She had this smile on her face as she started to walk down the staircase. You could see through a little crack through the pillars in between the walls. You heard the gasps of many people that were at the bottom floor. You smiled as you saw that Hermione was feeling confident and you could see Ron in his hideous dress robes. What in the bloody hell is he wearing? you thought. You wanted to chuckle but decided against it. Ron turned the same color as his hair when he saw that Hermione was walking closer to him. 

"Hermione... y-you look beautiful," Ron stuttered. 

She smiled and said, "Always a tone of surprise. Are you ready to go?" Ron nodded and he extended his arm for Hermione to take. She smiled and she hooked her arm under his and both of them got ready to enter the ball. 

"Sorry, but does anyone know where y/n is?" George asked. 

At the sound of George's voice your heart started to race really fast. You looked at yourself and you saw the dress that you were wearing was really... too much. You started to get embarrassed but you told yourself that nothing was going to ruin this day. You took a deep breath but you didn't want to go yet because you wanted Hermione to have her spotlight still. 

"Yes, she is almost here, George. She looks beautiful," Hermione said. 

"You've seen her?" George asked. 

She nodded and replied, "Yes, of course, she helped me get ready. Now, Ron and I will be going to the ball now. Good luck." Ron and Hermione turned to each other at the same time and blushed. They both entered and many of the students that were with George did the same. You let out a sigh because you were so excited to be with George. You stood yourself upright and made sure you were at least presentable. You started to walk down the stairs and you could see at the corner of your eye George looking the other way. You smiled because you wanted to see his face of surprise. You walked to where Hermione stood but walked a little more to the side. You did a playful cough and George turned to look at you. He opened his mouth and he started to smile. 

Yule Ball || George x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora